My ship girl, my world

Chapter 460 New Formation

"What is your current training level?" Qin Ge asked Bismarck and Tiancheng.

Bismarck replied, "My current level of practice is about eighty-seven."

Amagi smiled and said, "Your Majesty, I am a little less than Bismarck, about eighty-five."

Qin Ge nodded, then looked at Veneto, "What about Veneto?"

"My training level is around ninety-five," Veneto replied.

"It seems that the difference is not too big. Then there are five books left. Bismarck and Tiancheng each have two books. Let's see how much your training can be improved." Qin Ge said.


Bismarck and Tiancheng stood up at the same time and came to Qin Ge. Qin Ge handed them two books of ship drill data respectively.

The two of them used it immediately. After a burst of light, the two of them opened their eyes again, and all the light spots were sucked into their bodies.

"My training level has now reached level ninety-seven." Bismarck said.

"I'm a little worse, but I've also reached the ninety-sixth level of training." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "So now that your level of training has reached above ninety-five, I suddenly feel that this last ship drill data is not suitable for anyone."

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other and laughed.

Indeed, the four of them are now at around ninety-five levels of training. Whoever gets the last book of ship drill data can break through to the full level of training. This also makes Qin Ge temporarily unaware of giving this book of ship drill data to Who is better.

At this moment, Peter Strasser on the side smiled and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, my current training level is still relatively low. I currently have fifty-six training levels. Why don't you give me this ship drill data?" Like? With it, I should be able to reach a full breakthrough level.

This improves efficiency and saves a lot of time. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Okay, then you can use this ship drill data."

Peter Strasser quickly took over the ship drill data and used it without hesitation. She had been standing by the side before, and she was already a little jealous when she saw other people improving their levels.

After all, she is a person who pays great attention to time and efficiency, so she likes things like this that can improve her efficiency.

As for others, they have no objection to Qin Ge giving the ship drill data to Peter Strasser, because these are for digestion within his own fleet to improve the overall strength of the fleet.

Soon, the light around Peter Strasser disappeared, "It really feels a bit magical. In such a short period of time, my training level has reached seventy..."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Okay, now that the ship exercise data has been distributed, let's talk about the remaining mental units."

"Is it the one who can awaken the ship girl?" Veneto asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "The nine major camps have also mass-produced this, but like the ship drill data, it is also very small. But considering that the glory was awakened independently before, I do not consider using the mental unit now. .

We must know that the strength of autonomous awakening is much higher than that of awakening using mental units, so my opinion is to save these things first, in case we encounter a more dangerous situation in the future, we will use them as a last resort.

The main thing now is to wait until you reach the full level of training and then start to awaken independently. "

Everyone nodded and agreed with Qin Ge's judgment. For their fleet, the existence of the mental unit only serves as an insurance policy. I believe that no one is willing to sacrifice their future strength limit to assist in awakening, unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Then the next step is about the reallocation of the fleet." Qin Ge pressed the table and said, "Our fleet now has a total of sixty-three ship girls, including six submarines, nine destroyers, and ten light cruisers. Two, seven for the heavy cruiser, ten for the battle line and battle cruiser, and nineteen for the main and light cruisers.

Among these, there are three awakened ship girls, there are now two fully trained ship girls, and there are more than ten ship girls with a level of about ninety.

If classified according to the factions, there are currently thirteen ship girls in Royal, thirteen ship girls in Iron Blood, fourteen ship girls in Sakura, sixteen ship girls in White Eagle, and two ship girls in Free Iris. The Sardinian Empire has two ship girls, Donghuang has two ship girls, and the Northern Alliance has only one ship girl.

This is the basic situation of our current fleet. Considering that there are still many ship girls who have just joined the fleet and do not have much training, so for the safety of the ship girls, except for the iron-blooded main fleet, all previous fleet formations have been destroyed. chaos. "

Several ship girls nodded. Although the company among them didn't know why they wanted to retain the iron-blooded main fleet, but since Qin Ge said so and got the consent of others, there must be a reason to retain the iron-blooded main fleet.

Qin Ge looked at everyone, "So the fleet led by Bismarck is divided into Bismarck, Tirpitz, Zeppelin, Peter Strasser, Weser, Prince Eugen, Z23, Aurora, Heinrich Prince, and zeal.

The fleets led by the Sovereign were divided into the Sovereign, Glorious, Rodney, Formidable, Unicorn, Exeter, Belfast, Javelin, Zhaohe, and Karlsruhe.

The fleet led by Amagi is divided into Amagi, Akagi, Kaga, Luan, Nachi, Ayanami, Nagaha, I-25, I-13, and Nautilus.

The fleet led by Veneto is divided into Veneto, Hiei, Lexington, Casablanca, Centaur, Zara, Naka, Tashkent, Santiago, Portland, and Helena.

The fleet led by Richelieu was divided into Richelieu, Glory, Washington, Hornet, Bunker Hill, Joan of Arc, Spence, Osborne, Nodai, and Hermione.

The fleet led by Enterprise is divided into Enterprise, Ticonderoga, Independence, Jinkai, Shinano, Leipzig, Cleveland, Atago, Lafite, U81, U96, and U556.

This is my temporary plan now. After all, the training levels of our fleets are uneven, so basically every fleet has a mode of old and new, and only two fleets have submarine formations.

One is a formation composed of two awakened ship girls, and the other is a formation composed of pure aircraft carriers.

If we are summoning ship girls next, we will replace them again, or replenish the original fleet. So if you have any objections, you can speak out. "

The monarch shook his head, "Commander, please rest assured, no matter how difficult the battle is, I will bring this fleet back intact!"

Several other ship girls also nodded, indicating that they had no objection to this formation.

Qin Ge nodded, "Then we will each find our own fleet mates and explain to them the situation of this meeting. After that, I will contact the Maritime Safety Administration to ask them to arrange for two more command ships to come over.

As for the days in between, everyone should take more rest and promote relationships with their peers. "


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