My ship girl, my world

Chapter 462 Difference

"Commander, what do you think is the biggest difference between us and the royal family?"

The command ship was sailing on the sea, and Qin Ge, who was sitting in the command ship to rest, was suddenly asked this question by Prince Eugen.

Qin Ge thought for a while, looked at Tirpitz sitting on the sofa next to him, Zeppelin and Bismarck sailing the ship, and then replied to Prince Eugen.

"It's about the atmosphere."

"Oh?" Peter Strasser, who was sitting on the other side, smiled, "Atmosphere, what would the commander say?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "The royal family generally gives people a more relaxed feeling. For example, when there is nothing wrong on the sea, most people will sit together and drink afternoon tea, so even if there is a fierce battle, the tense nerves will not It will calm down quickly.

But as long as I've been here in Iron Blood for the past few days, I feel like you're not like this. Your behavior makes me feel very much like when I was in the army. Although you often joke, you are still quite serious overall. "

Prince Eugen couldn't help but smile when he heard this, "So this is why the commander arranged two royal ship girls in our fleet?"

Qin Ge looked at Prince Eugen's half-smiling expression and couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Zhuan itself has the special skill of fire interference, which can reduce the firing rate and damage of the opponent's elite target. It is a very useful skill.

Chongqing has the special ability to attack lightly armored enemies, which can greatly improve the killing efficiency of our entire fleet against lightly armored enemies.

And even if I want to experience a more leisurely atmosphere, then I can just arrange Belfast to our fleet. My head maid is very capable. "

After Qin Ge said these words, even Prince Eugen could not help but nodded in agreement, "Indeed, if the port area wants to find a ship girl who can best take care of people, then it must be Belfast. ”

"But having said that, what the commander said is actually not entirely correct." Peter Strasser said, "Just like Heinrich, that child is more lively."

Qin Ge glanced at the long-haired girl on the deck not far away, Z23 and Zenzhen, and Aurora couldn't help but smile, "Her nature is relatively innocent, or very reckless, like a child.

But her performance alone cannot represent the whole Iron-Blooded team. In contrast, your performance is very rigorous, your usual style is more resolute, and on the battlefield, you are also very... well, neat.

Even the Z23 has a strong iron-blooded style. "

"Haha, does the commander like this style? Or do you prefer the royal style?" Prince Eugen asked with a smile, and this question also attracted the attention of several ship girls around him.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I think it's a very good thing that each camp has its own characteristics. And for me, a more rigorous style like Iron Blood is what I'm most accustomed to. Bar."

"Oh?" Weser, who was leaning against the window, turned around with a cup of coffee, "Why did the commander say that?"

Qin Ge smiled and said with some nostalgia, "When I was in another world, I was in the army of our country. No, it cannot be said to be the army, but to enter the army's outpost, the command college.

Our country's army is a very strictly disciplined army with many rules. It is a very tempering place. Even when we were in school, we were doing things according to the army's guidelines.

So it is precisely because of this experience that compared to when I stayed with people from several of your major camps, only you Iron Blood can let me relive the scene at that time. "

Before Weser asked further questions, Prince Eugen smiled and said, "Commander has changed a lot recently, no, it should be said that he has changed a lot since he came back from Chongying last year.

I still remember that when you introduced the previous world to us, it was my world, but now it has become the previous world. "

Qin Ge was stunned when he heard this, and then his smile slowly faded, "Maybe, maybe it's because I really can't go back, maybe, I'm used to the rhythm of this world.

People always have to grow, and the price of growth is to learn how to let go, so I gradually let go. "

"Well, that's good." Weser nodded, "Just like I am no longer the fourth Admiral Siper-class ship Seydlitz, but the auxiliary aircraft carrier Weser.

No matter what environment we are in, no matter what we have become, as long as we do not forget our original intention, we should choose how to live, rather than letting life decide us. "

"That's right." Qin Ge said to Weiser with a smile.

"Hmph, what is there to miss in this stupid world? The life I chose is to destroy it all." Zeppelin said slowly.

Qin Ge looked at Qi Bolin speechlessly. This person was also a big trouble, but it was much better than Akagi. At least she would listen to what he said.

But having said that, does the reason why Zeppelin became like this also have something to do with Akagi? After all, when Zeppelin was built, Akagi's drawings were consulted.

While Qin Ge was thinking about these issues, Bismarck, who was sailing the ship, suddenly said, "Everyone, an enemy has appeared."

As soon as Qin Ge heard this, he immediately stood up and came to Bismarck's side.

"How is it? How many fleets are there in total?" Qin Ge asked.

Bismarck immediately pointed to the radar and said to Qin Ge, "Three siren fleets were detected in directions 84, 97, and 103."

"Tsk, it's not bad this time. There should have been only one Siren fleet here originally, but because we came, it became three, right? But don't ride and encounter six in the morning. They are much stronger." Qin Ge said teasingly.

"So commander, what's our next move?" Bismarck asked.

Qin Ge looked at the radar and smiled, "Of course we will annihilate them. We have wiped out the six siren fleets one by one. Are we still afraid of three of them?"

Bismarck nodded, "Then the tactics are still the same as in the morning? Use the advantage of speed to start a distance battle with them?"

Qin Ge blinked and said to Bismarck, "When the time comes, take off the carrier-based aircraft first and let Zeppelin and Peter check what kind of fleet it is. As long as the aircraft carrier is not strong, we can rush in directly.

If the aircraft carrier is relatively strong and it takes a while to gain air supremacy, then we will use the morning tactics. "

"Yes!" Bismarck answered very neatly, then turned around and led the Iron-blooded people out of the command ship.

After landing on the sea, an iron-blooded flag appeared in her hand, then she turned to look at everyone and said, "In the name of iron and blood!"

"Must win!"

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