My ship girl, my world

Chapter 465 Invitation to defend together

"Huh, it feels better to step on land." Qin Ge stepped on the pier of the port, turned to his ship's wife and said with a smile.

"Haha, it doesn't matter to us. As a battleship, it was born in the sea, and now it has become a human form. For us, the concepts of sea and land are actually the same." Prince Eugen said.

"But when we came back this time, it was obvious that the number of sirens had increased. It seems that we have indeed reached the point of the siren tide that commander you mentioned." Peter Strasser said.

"Why are you afraid of them? As long as they dare to invade my territory, can't we just destroy them all?" Zeppelin said as he got off the boat.

"Haha, this time I agree with your proposal, Zeppelin. Since they dare to invade, then all of them should be eliminated." Peter Strasser said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Let's not talk about it for now. It has been more than a month since we went to sea this time. Everyone should go home and have a good rest after disembarking. When the offshore sea starts to become abnormal, we will be ready for a big battle. "

"Yes, Commander!"

While talking, everyone looked behind them and saw the command ship occupied by the other ship girls of Qin Ge's fleet slowly approaching the shore. One by one, the ship girls walked out of the command ship.

Although the expressions on the faces are different, you can feel a joyful emotion from the eyes. After all, no one likes to fight all the time. Being able to take a break once in a while is something that I look forward to very much.

However, although Qin Ge asked his ship girl to rest, he did not take any time off.

We are about to face the Siren Tide, even though our fleet is now much stronger. But the situation of other people’s fleets, and the situation of free ship girls, etc. all need to be communicated.

So after greeting Wasp and Li Chenming who came to greet them, the three of them immediately walked towards the conference room, preparing to discuss how to fight the Siren Tide next.

The atmosphere during the entire meeting was quite heavy. Recently, the main force of the Xinghai Fleet is Qin Ge's fleet. Although other fleets have relatively high training levels, there are generally not many ship girls.

So this time is a test, not only for Qin Ge, but also for others in the fleet.

The meeting didn't last long. After all, what needed to be understood was quickly understood. The next time is to integrate forces and arrange corresponding preventive measures.

However, Qin Ge thought that when he was in the mirror sea, the observer told him that the siren fleet he would encounter in the future would be double to three times that of ordinary people.

This trip to sea also confirmed this statement. Every time Qin Ge encountered no less than two fleets, the same was true for the fleet girls of other fleets.

So he is considering whether this situation will also happen in the Siren Tide this time. After all, this is a battle that he is directly involved in. If the scale of the Siren Tide is similar to the previous Siren Tide, then he can still defend it. If there are really more If the Siren fleet is one to three times larger, then this is another story.

The only thing that can be counted on now is the special envoys sent by other camps to Qin Ge.

After what happened last time, the envoys sent by other camps did not go to the sea with Qin Ge anymore. After all, it has been confirmed that most of the Siren's plans for Qin Ge are to observe, and they will not kill him for the time being, and His ship girl training has also improved, and he no longer needs to follow him all the time.

After arriving at the building where the special envoy ship girl lived, everyone started a meeting in the conference room.

"So Commander Qin Ge is currently worried that the number of siren tides will double or triple?" Gangut said.

"Yes, if we come with the original Siren fleet, I think our fleet can defend it with its current strength, but if more Siren fleets appear, we will definitely feel the pressure and even lose our defense.

Although my fleet currently has three awakened ship girls, there are also several fully trained ship girls. However, the overall strength of the members of other large fleets is still relatively low. We can only defend one place and cannot cover everything. "Qin Ge said to everyone.

"So what Commander Qin Ge means is for us to help during the Siren Tide?" York City asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "If we can defend it, I will try not to let everyone take action. But if it is true as I said before, the other party will come with double to triple the fleet. That It’s time for everyone to take action.”

"I believe everyone here understands what Commander Qin Ge said. My suggestion is no problem. After all, we are now in a cooperative state, not to mention that it is our bounden duty as a ship girl to fight against the sirens." Hao said with a smile.

"Is there any problem with our Iron-Blooded fleet? But we have a small request. That is, if we really join Commander Qin Ge's fleet to fight, can we fight together with the Iron-blooded companions of your fleet?" Gneisenau smiled.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Of course, if it is necessary for you to participate in the war, you can all fight with your own camp flagship."

"Then there's no problem, and we at Baiying agree."

"The Sardinian Empire agrees."

"The Free Irises and the Vichy Curia also agreed."

"There is no problem with Northern United."

Seeing the envoys agreeing one after another, Qin Ge's heart finally settled. At this time, he actually wanted to make the Siren Tide more numerous, because with the help of these dozen awakened ship girls, this Siren Tide would be very easy.

What is really not easy is that the Siren Tide still comes according to the original plan. That will be the time to truly test the strength of his large fleet.

But I believe that if we work together, we will get through it more easily.

After doing all this, Qin Ge walked towards the place where he lived. But when I just walked to the corner of where I lived, I saw a few people standing there, waving to me excitedly.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to rest?" Qin Ge asked, looking at the people in front of him.

"Commander, we have had enough rest along the way, and the weather is so good when we come back this time, so I want to invite you to play together." Javelin said to Qin Ge excitedly.

"Are you having fun?" Qin Ge smiled and looked at the excited Javelin in front of him, the slightly shy Z23, the dozing Lafite, the expressionless Ling Bo, and of course the expectant Unicorn.

"Okay, then where do you want to go? We won't go to places that are too far away. After all, we don't have enough time now."

"How about going to the beach? We want to go pick up shells."

"Okay, but you have to let me go back and change my clothes first, otherwise it won't be easy to go wearing this commander's uniform."


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