My ship girl, my world

Chapter 469 The Siren Tide is Coming

As time gradually passed, more Siren fleets appeared in the waters around Sun Moon Island. The Maritime Safety Administration's Wasp stationed at Riyue Island also issued a notice about the new siren tide from the Maritime Safety Administration.

Moreover, there are more tasks on the usual task panel than before, most of which are related to the Siren Tide.

While the rest of the fleet began to work hard on the mission, Qin Ge also sent his own ship girl to do the mission. However, he did not go there this time, because his ship girl's current level of training was enough to cope with the current tasks in the sea.

And now that I am here, I have to control everything about the residence at all times.

In addition, during this period of time, many free ship girls came to the station frequently. The few buildings that accommodated free ship girls, which were originally sparsely staffed, are now almost full of people.

After all, during the Siren Tide, the Maritime Safety Administration will issue assisting defense and garrison tasks, and the target groups are basically large fleets and free ship girls. However, since the Siren increased its attack on Donghuang, there are very few large fleets to take on this kind of mission, so now the main force of this mission has become free ship girls.

Places like Sun Moon Island have relatively few guard forces and relatively few resident ship girls, so it is also a place where many free ship girls prefer to come.

Because there are few rules, he is not that afraid of conflicts, especially since Qin Ge came here. After all, Qin Ge had commanded the defensive battle in Shenhua City's sea area before and achieved zero casualties.

This kind of record can be said to be the greatest guarantee for the ship girls, so there are many more free ship girls here this year than in previous years.

This situation made Qin Ge even more relieved. With the assistance of so many free ship girls, coupled with the power of his own fleet and the large fleet, I believe he can easily protect this area of ​​​​the station.

Yes, you only need to defend the area of ​​​​the base, because this is not a large urban area like Shenhua City, and the positions and fronts that need to be defended are relatively long.

The residential areas here are only distributed near the port area, and are relatively small. Most residents generally choose to live in another section of Riyue Island. After all, the other side there is relatively flat, and the threat of sirens is relatively small. relatively low.

This is also the reason why Qin Ge's defense station only needs a large fleet, combined with free ship girls, to defend it. There are large open spaces and mountains in other places. Even if they are bombed by sirens, there will be no problem.

Perhaps besides Qin Ge, the busiest person in the station these two days was Wasp. All task delegation and reward records are done by her, but her work efficiency is indeed high and she handles these things in an orderly manner.

Finally, more than ten days later, a large-scale attack by the Sirens came through the port area where they were stationed. This offensive formation shocked Qin Ge and all the ship girls.

Looking up from the offshore sea area detection device, the sea surface is densely packed, connected to each other, and there is no edge at all.

"Hiss, even the previous siren tide in Shenhua City was not this strong, right?" Qin Ge stood next to the screen in surprise and said to Wasp.

"Yes, those who know know that this is the Siren Tide, and those who don't know think that the Sirens have launched a full-scale attack!" Wasp sighed, "Commander Qin Ge, it seems that our secret weapon must be deployed. Otherwise, this battle really cannot be fought.”

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It's okay. I have already agreed with them in advance, so an attack like this is actually the most beneficial situation for us. With the defense of about twenty awakened ship girls, these sirens are equivalent to Send us resources."

Wasp was speechless, but Qin Ge was telling the truth. The twenty or so awakened ship girls here are equivalent to almost all the awakened ship girls in one camp.

The current situation is equivalent to these siren fleets concentrating their firepower to attack the headquarters of a camp. However, the training level of these siren fleets is so low, how can they attack it?

So the final situation will evolve into sending supplies and materials.

Fortunately, with Qin Ge's coordination, this time the Siren Tide Defense Battle officially began, and the resulting situation was almost one-sided.

With the help of several awakened aircraft carrier girls, air supremacy was firmly grasped by Qin Ge's fleet. The other ship girls of the grand fleet and the free ship girls followed behind the awakened ship girls and attacked the siren fleet unscrupulously.

At the watchtower at the station, Qin Ge looked at the scene in front of him with a high-power telescope, and suddenly thought of a game he had played before, called Dynasty Warriors.

And this game also has a very unique nickname, called Wushuang Mowing. Because the generals inside are very powerful, when you fight the small soldiers and some ordinary generals, you can basically kill everyone.

And the scene in front of me is quite similar to the game I once played. In particular, the weapons used by these awakened ship girls are naval guns and carrier-based aircraft. Such weapons of large-scale destruction are even more terrifying.

Just like the carrier-based aircraft controlled by Akagi and Kaga, the fighter jets were constantly hovering in the sky. As long as the opponent's aircraft carrier dared to take off, the fighter jets would be shot down immediately by their fighter jets.

The bombers flew directly over the battleships to drop bombs, basically sinking a battleship with one bomb drop.

The torpedo planes were even more terrifying. Since the opponent's fleet was very dense, the parallel mines projected by several torpedo planes basically exploded violently after hitting a Siren warship.

As for the other remaining torpedoes, they still passed through the water, chasing the new target. Basically all the torpedoes could hit the target, causing the Siren battleship to sink.

Such a three-line operation is extremely simple for them, and they can even destroy battleships faster than some battleships can directly fire and sink.

Ship girls like Hao, who were armed with their own weapons, simply gave up shooting while standing still. Instead, he showed off his weapons and rushed towards the enemy warships.

Every time the sword passed, a mass-produced warship was taken away, and their main guns and secondary guns were all used as defensive shooting weapons.

A group of free ship girls and other commanders of the large fleet looked at the back with dumbfounded eyes. Is this still the Siren Tide that is known as the graveyard of commanders and ship girls?

This is now more like a stage for these awakened ship girls to perform, elegant, smart and exciting.

Isn't this the scene I've always dreamed of? Thinking of this, the ship girls followed even more closely.

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