My ship girl, my world

Chapter 483 Recruitment

"Are these okay?" Li Chenming looked at the file in his hand and asked Cang Long in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Canglong asked.

"Ahem." Li Chenming said slightly cautiously, "Are these the standards I told the director before?"

"What you said, isn't that a very common standard?" Canglong said with some surprise, "Or do you have any misunderstandings about your previous commanders at the Commander Academy and these commanders outside?"

"Ah?" Li Chenming opened his mouth wide.

Canglong couldn't help but smile and said, "Haha, as expected, I was just talking about your hesitation. It turns out you were wrong about this.

If you go to the Commander Academy to recruit people according to your set of standards, you may not be able to recruit people. Because the front line is very mysterious to them, and the information they always receive will show up on who died on the front line, so they have an inexplicable sense of fear about the front line.

This is also the reason why your fleet cannot recruit many people in the Commander Academy. Even with an excellent commander like Qin Ge in charge, they would still feel uneasy.

After arriving outside, the situation will not change. As they officially step into the position of commander, they will receive more and more information, so the fear of the front line will gradually decrease. What arose was curiosity about the front line.

In addition to these people, there are also some commanders who have graduated long ago. They have left the Grand Fleet for various reasons and are also looking for a suitable place to stay. That's why I say you are wrong.

The commanders you have seen are not as unbearable as you imagined, and your fleet is not the only one targeting the front line. "

Under Canglong's explanation, Li Chenming suddenly reacted. That's right, they are no longer in the academy and cannot follow the usual thinking in the academy.

The commanders outside may have experienced many more battles than them, so for them, the front line is not a scary place, but the level of the sirens there will be higher and the attacks will be more frequent.

As long as the training level of your fleet is relatively high, and you have experienced experience and relatively skilled command, you can stand firm on the front line.

"So this time Director Canglong arranged for twenty-five people for us?" Li Chenming asked.

"Your fleet cannot accommodate these twenty-five people. I give you so many files just to let you choose. These people have obvious thoughts of going to the front line, so they are more in line with your standards. As for the future How is the execution? That remains to be seen." Canglong said.

"Okay, then when will we meet them?" Li Chenming asked.

"That's all right now. I've already asked people to call them to the Maritime Safety Administration. You can take the file to the public meeting room of the Maritime Safety Administration. They will be waiting there. As for the subsequent selection process, I won't go through it. , you can do what your fleet needs.

However, I suggest that if you recruit this time, you should recruit as many elites as possible, but not too many. After all, your fleet has very special characteristics. It is not good to have too many people joining at once. Canglong reminded.

"Yes, thank you, Director Canglong." Li Chenming said.

"Go ahead."

After talking to Canglong, Li Chenming took the file and walked to the public meeting room of the Maritime Safety Administration. After entering, I found that twenty-five commanders were already sitting there.

He immediately straightened his expression and walked to the front with the file in hand. Originally there were some other sounds at this time, but after seeing Li Chenming appear, the sounds gradually disappeared.

"Hello everyone, I am Li Chenming, deputy commander of the Xinghai Fleet. I am very honored to be able to stand here and communicate with you face to face today." Li Chenming smiled at everyone.

But after he finished these words, there was a burst of discussion below, and most people had surprise and doubt in their eyes.

“Perhaps many of you are a little confused now as to why the Maritime Safety Administration asked you to come, but it was me who showed up here.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, our Xinghai Fleet needs to recruit a group of commanders this time, and it is with the help of the Maritime Safety Administration, so the twenty-five of you will be selected by the Maritime Safety Administration to participate in this interview. "Li Chenming said.

The discussion fell silent for a while, and everyone's faces flashed with astonishment. It has never happened before that a large fleet is getting help from the Maritime Safety Administration when recruiting new recruits. So what is the reason for this? And why should the other party choose you?

These thoughts immediately appeared in the minds of these candidate commanders. They couldn't help but look up at Li Chenming in the chief seat, expecting him to give them an explanation.

"The goal of our grand fleet is very simple. We need to recruit a group of commanders who aspire to be front-line commanders. Moreover, our grand fleet is now a fourth-level fleet, and there are still five vacancies. So the standard this time is to select the best. Of course, if If any of you feel that your execution ability is very strong, we can also give you priority in admission." Li Chenming said with a smile.

What Li Chenming said surprised some of the more experienced commanders. But more people were full of doubts, and soon someone stood up and asked their own questions.

"I would like to ask, where is your Star Sea Fleet currently stationed? And how long has it been established? Who is the commander of the fleet?"

Li Chenming nodded at the man who asked the question, and then replied, "Our Xinghai Fleet has not been established for a long time, it should be the year before last, which is just over two years.

Our fleet is currently stationed on Sun Moon Island and has been for a year.

As for the commander of our fleet, you must have all heard of him. He is Qin Ge, the former tactical instructor at the Commander Academy. "

"Ah?" Everyone couldn't help but be surprised when Li Chenming said this.

They had heard of Qin Ge's name before, whether it was from the mouths of the commander and deputy commander of the large fleet they were in before, or from some news they saw in daily life, or from some battle situations. to his figure.

A large fleet formed by such a master tactician will naturally attract attention, so it makes sense that the Maritime Safety Administration specializes in doing these things this time.

After all, that master tactician was the man who commanded zero casualties when Shenhua City faced the Siren Tide.

Seeing the expressions of interest on everyone's faces, Li Chenming knew that this time the recruitment was stable.

Sure enough, everything went smoothly afterwards. Those who were not selected to join the Star Sea Fleet had a little bit of frustration on their faces when they left, while those who were chosen to stay had faces full of excitement.

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