My ship girl, my world

Chapter 487 Hermione’s Suggestion

Qin Ge did not return to the dormitory afterwards, but returned to the office. After all, it was still working hours and he could not leave his post without permission.

In the office, Hermione, who was the secretary, was helping Qin Ge organize documents. When she saw Qin Ge coming back, she smiled and said, "Welcome back, Commander.

Has the orientation ceremony been completed? Did it go smoothly? "

Qin Ge nodded, "We just had a simple meeting on the pier, and there will be a welcome party in the evening, so we didn't talk much, but let them go back early to tidy up the room and rest."

"So that's what it looks like, but I feel like the commander's mind is not here. Could something have happened?" Hermione asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "When I was looking at the files of the new commanders today, I remembered an old friend. But I haven't seen him for more than three years, so I asked Wasp to help check it out.

Although I have found out his whereabouts, I don't know how to repay him, and I am a little confused. "

"Haha, there are really few things that bother the Commander. I wonder how that person helped the Commander in the first place?" Hermione asked.

Qin Ge smiled, "You also know that I was not originally from this world, but suddenly came to this world because of an accident.

When I first came to this world, it was in Minghai City. At that time, there was a Siren mass-produced destroyer, ready to fire on me.

At this critical moment, that man and his ship girl appeared, wiped out the manned ship, and rescued me. They then brought me back to Minghai City, gave me some money, and went to the Commander Academy. letter of introduction.

It can be said that without him, I might have either died on the spot, or become a civilian, still looking for a way home, so I wouldn't be who I am now. "

"So this is what it looks like."

Although what Qin Ge said was relatively simple, Hermione could still hear the risks involved. So he asked Qin Ge, "Then how will the commander repay others?"

Qin Ge said, "Actually, what I hope for most is to have him join my fleet, so that if I am around, I can help and support him. This is the most direct and seems to be the best at the moment.

But after all, everyone has his own ambitions. If someone is not willing to go to the front line, bringing others over like this will actually harm him.

But if I send him supplies and resources, it feels like charity, something is wrong. "

Hermione smiled and said, "Why doesn't the commander go to Minghai City to thank him in person? Ask him carefully what he needs before helping him. There is no need to worry about this or that."

"But I will go on an attack with you in a few days. If I go at this time, it will be a bit of a delay." Qin Ge said.

"It's not necessary to attack, and even without a commander, we can still attack.

Commander, please don't underestimate us, so let's give ourselves a period of leave, go to Minghai City to visit, and meet old friends, which can be regarded as fulfilling a wish. "Hermione smiled.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It sounds pretty good, but does this count as being absent from duty?"

"It doesn't count. I think the ladies in the port area don't want this matter to become a concern in the commander's heart, right?" Hermione said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, thought for a while and said, "Let's finish arranging things in the port area in the next few days, and then we can decide who will go with me."

"Yes." Seeing that her opinion was adopted, Hermione felt quite happy.

The two chatted a lot more after that, and as time passed, it soon came to night.

The welcome party was held in the banquet hall of the port station. Most of the guests were commanders, accompanied by their own secretary ships, but the overall number of ship girls was still relatively small.

Qin Ge naturally brought Hermione with him when he attended, while Li Chenming brought Z1, and others also brought their current secretary ships.

Because before we start, naturally we have to introduce ourselves. And this time the self-introduction was not made by the original commander of the Grand Fleet, but by the new commander.

"Hello everyone, my name is Li Yuanqi. I am currently a captain commander. I have heard Commander Qin Ge's name before. He is my idol, so joining the Star Sea Fleet this time is a dream come true." A young commander He said to everyone with a smile.

After just introducing themselves, everyone looked at Qin Ge with a smile, and Zhang Xiaotian even said, "Commander, I am your fan, why don't you express something?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I really don't want to be an idol. I just did what I am good at and achieved some achievements.

If you like tactics and want to study it in depth, you can come to me when you have nothing to do and I will explain something to you. "

"Haha, what the commander said is right. We used to go to the Commander's Academy and ask him for advice at any time if we didn't understand any tactical issues.

No matter how busy he is, he will still find time to explain the situation to us, and sometimes hold joint drills to verify the feasibility of this tactic. "Chen Baijun said.

"That's great." Li Yuanqi looked excited.

Immediately, a second person stood up and said, "My name is Guan Xue. Although my name is relatively feminine, I am a pure man. My biggest wish is to go to the front line and fight against the sirens."

However, many people think that I am weak, so I rarely find a suitable one. This time it is a coincidence. So I am very happy to join the big family of Star Sea Fleet. I hope you can give me some advice on what to do in your life in the future. "

"Guan Xue? Haha, I remember." Qin Ge nodded.

"Commander, can I ask a question now?" Guan Xue asked.

"Of course. Today is the welcome banquet. It's a time for us to communicate and learn. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"I would like to ask why in the large fleet, your military rank is major, while most of the others are sergeants or staff sergeants, and the highest one is only second lieutenant?" Guan Xue asked.

"This?" Qin Ge smiled and said to Guan Xue and several other curious people, "Because our Star Sea Fleet was formed from the Commander Academy, and except for your fleet, all the other personnel are Our class of freshmen and sophomores.

The reason why I have such a high military rank is because Yixian, the commander-in-chief of Donghuang Command, personally approved it. Otherwise, my current military rank would be the same as theirs, and at most I would be just a second lieutenant or lieutenant. "

"Ah! So you have just graduated?" Guan Xue asked in surprise, "But why do you have the strength to station on Sun Moon Island?"

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