My ship girl, my world

Chapter 516 Welcome to join my fleet

Soon North Carolina reacted and asked Qin Ge with a smile on his face, "Commander Qin Ge, so you plan to let me join your fleet, and you want to fish for me?"

Qin Ge didn't hide anything, and nodded with great confirmation, "Yes, North Carolina, you are a fully trained ship girl, and you are so beautiful and have a very gentle personality. I believe that no commander would refuse this." I’m a ship girl. So it’s a very normal thing for me to have this idea, what do you think?”

"But other commanders may have this idea, and I can understand it, but Commander Qin Ge's fleet should have a lot of fully-trained ship girls, and there are many awakened ship girls.

With the strength of your fleet, you shouldn't care about my training level, right? So is there any other reason for me to join? asked North Carolina.

Qin Ge smiled. If he was still a little unsure before, then at this moment he was somewhat certain.

He glanced at Washington next to him, and then said to North Carolina, "Then I said it was because of Washington, do you believe it?"

"I believe it." Unexpectedly, North Carolina replied very quickly, "Then, I will join."


At this moment, both Washington and Haitian were stunned, but Qin Ge looked as if this was indeed the case.

I saw him smiling and extending his hand to North Carolina, "Well North Carolina, welcome to join my fleet."

"Are you really worthy of being Commander Qin Ge? It's so straightforward that I can't even react."

North Carolina said with a smile, but her hand held Qin Ge's hand. So as the two looked at each other, a burst of blue light spread from the hands held by the two, and in an instant, they were enveloped in it, and then slowly disappeared.

Not long after, the two opened their eyes at the same time, and when they looked at each other again, their eyes were filled with smiles.

"Although we have seen each other often before, the necessary rituals are still indispensable. My name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from today on. I hope I can give you more advice in the future." Qin Ge said.

North Carolina smiled and said, "North Carolina, I'm at your disposal. Although she lacks personality compared to other sisters, as the saying goes, having no personality is still a kind of personality. Haha, in short, please give me some advice."

The two looked at each other and then let go, but Washington on the other side finally reacted and quickly said to North Carolina, "So now that you have joined our fleet, I have to call you sister." ?”

"Ara, doesn't Washington like it?" North Carolina said to Washington.

"Your identity has changed so fast that I can't even react!" Washington said angrily, then turned to Qin Ge aside, "And you, Commander, are you too hasty?"

Qin Ge looked at Washington, "Reckless? How could this be hasty? How long have we been here? How long have we been cooperating with North Carolina?

We have known each other for more than a year, so after having this opportunity, everything fell into place, and I don’t think there was anything hasty about it. "

"Uh, I'm so annoying. I don't care about you anymore. Just do whatever you want. I'm going back to the fleet dormitory first." Washington was paused by Qin Ge's words, then complained, and then walked towards the fleet.

"This... haha." Qin Ge looked at Washington's running figure and couldn't help but smile silently.

"Commander, do you think Washington like this is a little cute?" North Carolina said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "She is usually a bit concerned about face, but she is much better now. At least she takes the initiative to come to you, instead of you not taking the initiative to find her."

"Yes." North Carolina said with a smile, "But the sudden change in relationship made her really... haha."

"Isn't this great? In the future, you sisters can fight together. Although we fought together before, we are closer now, aren't we?" Qin Ge said.

"Yes, then assign orders to me, Commander." North Carolina said.

"An order?" Qin Ge thought for a while, "You should be responsible for management, Free Ship Girl. After all, you are very familiar with them."

"Okay, this can be said to be my old profession, I will work hard to complete it." North Carolina smiled, "In addition, there are several people among the Free Ship Girls who want to conclude a contract with the commander. I don't know if the commander is willing. How about fishing for them?"

"Eh? Really? Why didn't they show it before?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"I must have had concerns before. What if they go to the commander and the commander rejects them? In this case, it will be difficult to stay in the station. Moreover, they are also girls, so it is normal for them to be a little shy.

Now I am the commander's ship girl, and as the leader of the free ship girls, I can make this request to the commander. North Carolina said with a smile.

"Can you tell me who they are? You know, because each commander's fleet is only allowed to have one ship girl with the same name, so it is impossible for me to make a contract with the same name." Qin Ge said.

"We all know it," North Carolina said. "Now there are Kimberly, Irwin, Chicago, Houston, York, West Virginia, Tennessee, Berg and others who have this idea."

"Are there so many people?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"Does the commander find it difficult?" North Carolina asked.

"No, it's just a bit surprising that so many people want to join the fleet." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Then what is it okay? If possible, I will call them right away. If the commander has no such plan for the time being, then I can inform them and ask them to wait. It has been such a long time anyway, and I don't mind waiting for a while. " North Carolina said.

Qin Ge shook his head, "It's okay, you can go and call them. It just so happens that I am going to summon another group of ship girls today. You also know that our fleet is currently undergoing reform, so we need more manpower. I was with Hai Tian just now Talking about this matter, with them, I can summon less people."

"I know about this, but can I ask the commander how many ship girls are planned to be summoned this time?" North Carolina asked.

"According to the plan, the more the better. There is no specific number, but a rough estimate should be more than a hundred." Qin Ge said, "This is just because of the station. If the station we are in is larger, then It’s possible more will be summoned.”

"So that's it." North Carolina smiled, "It seems that the commander has planned a very big goal."


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