My ship girl, my world

Chapter 544 The attack fails?

While the fleet was moving, U81 and the others also returned to the fleet smoothly.

However, several people were obviously not very happy. After all, they were not the ones who discovered Helena, and they were not the ones who discovered Commander-in-Chief Siren. This meant that their trip was in vain.

But even so, Qin Ge still did not hesitate to praise and comfort him, "You don't have to worry, you will have a place to make contributions later, and I will fulfill what I promised you. The credit this time belongs to you as a whole."

After receiving such a promise, several submarines became happy again and expressed that they would definitely work hard in the next battle.

Twenty kilometers away from the U96 mark, Qin Ge's fleet finally stopped. U96 soon appeared in front of everyone, and was taken by Bismarck to the command ship where Qin Ge was.

"U96, how is the situation now? Has she noticed you?" Qin Ge asked U96.

"She is still there, exactly the same as when I found her before. Even when I just returned to the fleet, she was still motionless, and it was the sea fog she created." U96 said to Qin Ge.

"Not moving?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "Logically speaking, she should have discovered you a long time ago. It is impossible that she will not take measures. Could it be that she is waiting for something?"

U96 shook his head, "I don't know."

"Oh? Is that the high-level Siren human form we have seen before?" Qin Ge asked.

U96 thought for a while, "None of the three I saw in the files in the port area. She is a high-level Siren humanoid submerged in the water. She is surrounded by a shield. And I also saw a lot of torpedoes on the ship. Launch tube and gun barrel.

And on top is a siren that looks very much like a little girl. Such a siren must have never appeared before, right? "

Qin Ge looked at Frederick the Great, squinting his eyes and saying, "It seems there is a new high-level Siren humanoid. I'm really curious. How many high-level Siren humanoids are there in this world?" Counting this one, he is already the fourth one, right?"

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "Tester, Purifier, Observer, I wonder what this person is called?"

"No matter what her name is, we must not let her go this time." Frederick the Great said, "Who knows whether a new siren will appear after her."

Qin Ge didn't say anything. He had seen the power of the Purifier before. Even the forces of Chongying's camp could not keep her. His current fleet wanted to keep this unknown Siren high-level humanoid, so I'm afraid it's better. There will be some difficulties.

"So how should this battle be fought?" The company asked, "Should it be a direct attack?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "If we directly attack, it will not be foolproof, and most of our combat power is above the water, and now her position is underwater.

So I think we should gather all the submarines now, start the attack, and force her up from under the water. This is the time for our surface fleet to fight.

And before that, we can send high-level light cruisers and destroyers to lay mines in her position. When the submarine attacks, we can project depth bombs downward together to carry out a pincer attack from above and below. "

"Actually, I think this method is very good, but there is still room for optimization." Amagi smiled, "We can send submarines to encircle her from different directions and launch attacks at the same time, so that she can't take care of her head and tail at the same time. Better to force her up.”

"This method is good, let's arrange it like this." Qin Ge nodded and said to Tiancheng approvingly.

"In fact, we now have to consider the problem of her escaping when she loses to us, and the problem that she may dive into the water again later. Therefore, I suggest that after the submarine attacks, it does not need to surface to fight with the surface ships, but just stay there. Lurk under the water and wait until she dives again to attack again," Zhenhai said.

Qin Ge nodded, "We really need to pay more attention to this point. Even if we can't resist, we can still clearly grasp her movements in the sea."

"Then let's attack like this." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

Although it is not clear what the purpose of this siren is, if he does not cherish such a God-given opportunity, it would not be Qin Ge.

So under the command of several camp leaders, several submarines quickly approached the senior Siren figure from far to near. At the same time, dozens of light cruisers and destroyers also came to the head of the Siren senior humanoid.

"Attack!" U81 launched this signal to all submarines.

At the same time as they received the signal, all the submarines fired torpedoes at the Siren senior humanoid in front of them.

At the same moment, the liaison officer Bluegill emerged from the water and said to the waiting light cruisers and destroyers, "Let's launch an attack!"


For a time, all the light cruisers and destroyers dropped depth charges. With the gravity of the depth charges themselves, the bombs began to sink.

Almost at the same time, torpedoes and depth charges hit the shield of the Siren senior humanoid.

Violent explosions were heard at the bottom of the sea, and the calm sea surface began to become turbulent due to the explosive air waves.

But at this moment, all the ship girls did not pay attention to the sea that was beginning to become unstable, and all their eyes were fixed on the location where the depth charges had just been dropped.

The turbulent water gradually calmed down, and the submarines' vision gradually became clearer.

The crystal shield was still shining, and the ship suit wrapped inside was not damaged at all. Even the little white girl lying on the ship suit with a doll in her arms showed no signs of waking up.

At this moment, no one can tell that this has just been attacked by so many torpedoes and depth charges.

"How is this possible!" U81 looked at the senior Siren doll in front of him and said loudly, "After suffering such a violent attack, her shield was not even broken?"

"The attack failed, how is it possible?" Not only U81, but also several other submarines were very surprised, but in such surprise, they still informed the command center.

"Failed?" Bismarck frowned as he listened to the report.

At this time, Frederick the Great next to him shook his head, "No, we have not failed. Haven't you noticed that the sea fog here is gradually dissipating?"

"Could it be that the attack just now was effective, but it just didn't reach the threshold?" Veneto asked.

Bismarck nodded immediately, "In that case, notify all submarines, destroyers and light cruisers to follow the attack method just now and follow up with another round of attacks.

I want to see how long this Siren high-level humanoid will be able to pretend to be a turtle! "

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