My ship girl, my world

Chapter 546 Armor-piercing bullets


The battle in the distance continued, but as the battle continued, Qin Ge's frown became deeper and deeper.

"The situation is not optimistic." Zhenhai said from the side, "The Siren command unit is already very powerful, but from the whirlpools behind it, various Siren mass-produced battleships and warships are still appearing continuously. There are seemingly endless siren humanoid units.”

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, although her performance is already relatively weak compared to the Purifier that appeared in Chongying. But it is already a very big test for our fleet now. ”

"It seems we must conduct a targeted battle." Amagi said.

"Pertinence?" Qin Ge looked at Tiancheng in confusion, "We currently know very little about the Siren high-level humanoid, so how can we talk about pertinence?"

Amagi smiled and said, "Actually, when the attack started, I had already asked Akagi and Kaga to collect information."

Qin Ge was shocked. Although Akagi and Kaga had not shown too much strength in front of him, there was no doubt about their ability to be leaders of a camp.

If they started collecting information and had certain results, then Qin Ge would naturally believe it.

"So what does the data collected show?"

Amagi said, "The opponent is a very balanced combat unit. Unlike the testers and purifiers that appeared before, it has two different modes of underwater and water. The Lord should have noticed this when he discovered it."

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, but aren't these obvious?"

Tiancheng said, "Yes, her main defense method is the crystal shield, and then her ship armor. And that crystal shield deflects the explosion of our artillery shells.

The damage caused by cannonballs hitting it is limited, but this limitation always has a threshold. As long as we break that threshold, her shield will be damaged.

So I suggest using super heavy bullets to hit directly! "

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "So you mean to replace our main fleet with armor-piercing bombs?"

"If possible, I suggest you give it a try. Maybe you can get miraculous results?" Tiancheng said with a smile.

Qin Ge didn't hesitate at all. He directly picked up the communicator beside him and said to everyone, "All main battleships obey the order, convert their high-explosive bombs into armor-piercing bombs, and focus on attacking the shield!"

Although they were a little confused as to why Qin Ge suddenly asked all of them to use armor-piercing bullets, since their commander gave the order, everyone replaced the high-explosive bullets that were about to be loaded with armor-piercing bullets.

The fate of the commander on the battlefield is always the first to be executed. No matter whether the order is wrong or not, this is the discipline and law of the battlefield.

After replacing the armor-piercing bullets, due to the different loading speeds of everyone, some people completed the loading speed while others completed the loading speed slowly.

But the moment everyone finished loading, they fired fiercely directly at the Siren humanoid command unit in front.

The energy color formed by armor-piercing bombs is completely different from that of high-explosive bombs. High-explosive bombs have a bright yellow light, while the light caused by armor-piercing bombs is crystal blue.

I saw countless crystal blue cannonballs on the sea like a swarm of bees, swarming towards the Siren humanoid command unit.

As the armor-piercing rounds hit the shield, they were not refracted by the shield like high-explosive shells and exploded next to them. Instead, it hit the shield heavily like a huge falling rock.

For a moment, the crystal-like shield suddenly flickered, and seemed to lose its light for a moment, but it soon recovered.

However, such an obvious attack was obviously the most powerful attack Qin Ge's fleet had brought to this siren humanoid command unit since the war began.

All the ship girls who participated in this shooting also discovered this and suddenly became excited. The leaders of each camp immediately ordered the light cruisers and heavy cruisers to replace all the ships that had not yet replaced their armor-piercing bombs with armor-piercing bombs.

Although the replacement process messed up the previous defense formation for a moment, the ones in front were all fully trained ship girls, so although they were scattered, they still avoided the attacks of the opponent's mass-produced models and carrier-based aircraft.

Moreover, after replacing the main gun shells, everyone instantly returned to their previous formation, and the battle continued.

Within a period of time, the opponent's Siren high-level humanoid units were fired by numerous main ship girls with armor-piercing projectiles. Coupled with the cannon and bomb attacks from the carrier-based aircraft, the frequency of the shield flashing became faster and faster.

Seeing this situation, Veneto said excitedly, "All the main ship girls work harder, I feel like we can almost break through her shield!"

Hearing Veneto's words, all the ship girls nodded vigorously and all activated their maximum firepower.

For a moment, the sky seemed to be rendered into a sea of ​​barrages.

Armor-piercing bullets swaying with blue light, as well as barrages of bright yellow, black, red, and even purple colors, all swarmed in and hit the shield of the opponent's senior Siren humanoid commander.

"Warning, the shield is about to be overloaded. Mode switch, submersible mode, ON!"

When the cold voice suddenly appeared, the girl in white who was riding on the huge ship still did not open her eyes. However, everyone discovered that under the cover of the very weak shield, the newly raised ship seemed to be gradually changing its direction, and there were signs of gradually sinking under the water.

"Want to escape? Can I help you?" Bismarck said coldly, "All submarines, attack the enemy units and prevent her from diving!"


Soon the communicator came with answers from a group of submarines. Although the waves caused by the enemy's high-level Siren humanoid had just pushed them far away, they had already repositioned themselves during the time when the enemy surfaced. He formed a formation and defended the enemy's mass-produced siren together with the vanguard girls.

At this time, Bismarck's order was received, and a wave of submarines responded very quickly. He quickly pointed the torpedo tube under the water in the sinking direction of the enemy's Siren senior humanoid command unit, and launched a torpedo at the same time.

"The submarine has delayed her movement. Everyone is using all their firepower to deal with it. We must keep her here!" Bismarck said.


So in an instant, more cannonballs were fired at the enemy Siren high-level humanoids than before. Even the main guns that were busy fighting the Siren mass-produced ship girls were aimed at the behemoth on the sea at this time.

For a moment, everyone's output made the already dim shield flicker more frequently. At this moment, everyone saw the hope of breaking the shield.

"...It's really troublesome."

A cold voice suddenly appeared on the communicator. It was the voice of the Siren senior humanoid commander.

In an instant, the sea suddenly boiled...

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