My ship girl, my world

Chapter 55 T-tactics

Mikasa gave a very lively lecture in the battle course. She started from the very beginning of the armored ship, and halfway through she also talked about the T-shaped tactic she used at that time.

Qin Ge couldn't help but nod while listening to Mikasa's lesson. After all, the T-shaped tactic is the most useful tactic for battleships. It is an artillery warfare tactic that has been baptized by history and war.

Because the artillery of the ironclad ships at that time were installed on both sides, only facing the enemy from the side could produce the best combat effect. If the whole team faces the opponent's column from the side and attacks its lead ship, it can produce terrible effects.

This T-shaped tactic is the origin of the name battleship. At that time, the most popular application of this tactic should belong to the Royal Fleet that created this tactic.

The glorious period of this T-shaped cross-head tactic was during the Anglo-Dutch War, and was broken after the Battle of Trafalgar and the Battle of Lisa. However, the emerging T-shaped crosshead was reorganized after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894 and the Russo-Japanese War, and reached its peak in the Jutland Naval War of World War I.

T-shaped artillery battles have always been classics in naval battles, but there are also counterexamples. For example, in the Battle of the Atlantic, the battle between the Prince of Wales and the Hood and the Bismarck was when Bismarck was seizing the T-shaped position and was attacked by Bismarck for the fourth time. Shot and sank the Royal Navy's HMS Glory Hood.

The reason is that the T-shaped artillery battle has the biggest weakness. Your ship's route is fixed, making it easy for the opponent to aim, and the side exposure is large. If the opponent's firepower is fierce and has a long range, this formation will feel like being beaten.

But now for the ship girl, this weakness can be ignored. Because the ship girl has more flexible movements than the steel giant ship, and she is not as bulky and the exposed area is not as obvious as the steel giant ship.

So now for ship girls, especially those who are good at bombardment, forming a T-shaped tactical column that is fast enough and evasive enough can often catch them by surprise.

Li Chenming on the side was not idle either. After all, a teaching assistant like Qin Ge was sitting next to him. If he didn't understand anything, he would quietly ask Qin Ge.

When Qin Ge faced Li Chenming's questions, he didn't show any impatience, but explained to him in great detail what he didn't understand. And I gave him a detailed explanation of various key points and how these key points are manifested in reality.

Therefore, after one class, Li Chenming also benefited a lot. And he also felt that his move to get close to Qin Ge was very correct.

As the bell rang, Mikasa's battle lesson was over. After everyone stood up and saluted Mikasa, Mikasa nodded to Qin Ge's position from a distance, and then left alone.

After all, she also noticed the communication between Qin Ge and Li Chenming next to him during class, so she was very happy that Qin Ge could make friends in school as a tutor. So he did not disturb them, but chose to go alone.

At this time, Li Chenming turned around and said to Qin Ge, "Qin Ge, do you want to go to dinner together?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Of course."

"Then let's go have dinner together. I can also buy a bottle of Coke for Z1 in the cafeteria." Li Chenming said with a smile.

"Haha." Qin Ge smiled slightly and looked at the adult-looking Z1 next to Li Chenming, "Chenming, you own Z1 now, so how many units of oil does the school give you per week?"

"There are 250 units in total, what about you? Two ultra-rare ship girls must be a lot, right?" Li Chenming asked with a smile, without any envy in his tone.

"Oh, mine is 700 units a week, and there should be some rewards from me as a teaching assistant." Qin Ge said while packing up the books.

"Well, almost, I thought you would get more." Li Chenming said, "The most common ship girl who is summoned will be given 200 units of oil in a week, but the one I summoned is an elite, and the oil given in a week is 200 units. 250 units, presumably if a super-rare ship girl is summoned, the amount of oil given per week will be 300 units."

"Indeed, it's almost like this." Qin Ge nodded and handed the packed books to the Centaur, who then put the books into her ship's space.

The two began to leave their seats and walked outside the classroom. When passing some commanders, those commanders nodded and saluted Qin Ge.

After leaving the classroom, the five of them walked on the road together. Li Chenming said to Qin Ge, "They keep saluting you every day, and you keep saluting back. Doesn't it feel a little tiring?"

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "That won't happen. Just get used to it."

"Suddenly it feels like it's not easy for you to be a mentor." Li Chenming said to Qin Ge.

"What's not easy about that? If I can use my knowledge to allow these commanders to reduce their own casualties and create greater achievements in subsequent battles, then it will be the highest honor for me." Qin Ge Said with a smile.

"It feels like it's an honor for us to have a mentor like you." Li Chenming said with emotion.

"They're all the same." Qin Ge smiled.

"By the way, you are also a trainee commander this year. So if you graduate in two years, will you leave Azur Lane Commander Academy? Or will you always be a mentor here?" Li Chenming asked.

"Of course I will choose to leave, because I am working as a teaching assistant here because my previous tutor left Shenhua City and returned to the mainland because of some matters of his own. So when he comes back, I will probably not continue to be a teaching assistant." Qin Ge replied.

"Then what are you going to do after leaving school?" Li Chenming asked, "Are you going to be an independent person running missions every day, or join a large fleet in a certain city? Or, with your current strategic and tactical skills, form a large fleet yourself? Woolen cloth?"

Qin Ge shook his head and walked forward, "I haven't considered this. We'll see when the time comes. Besides, if I build a large fleet, who will follow a new commander who has just graduated?"

"Me!" Li Chenming said excitedly, "I feel that if Qin Ge builds a large fleet, it will definitely become a very powerful fleet, and with your strategic and tactical planning, this large fleet may be able to go far. Very far away.

So if you want to form a large fleet, don’t forget me. I will definitely be the first to join your large fleet! "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Then I am very grateful for your kindness. If it is really necessary to form such a large fleet by then, then I will definitely let you be the first to join my large fleet."

"Hey, it's settled then!" Li Chenming said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Well, it's settled!"

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