My ship girl, my world

Chapter 568 Yixian’s request

Resident office area, in the commander's office.

Wasp looked at Qin Ge in front of her with doubts. She thought Qin Ge called her over for work matters, but she didn't expect Qin Ge to call her directly, "Can you contact Yixian?"

Although Yixian is rare in Donghuang, it is definitely not uncommon.

For example, there is a ship girl named Yixian in the Commander Academy, and the commander-in-chief of Donghuang is named Yixian.

"So, which Yixian is Commander Qin Ge talking about?" Wasp asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course he is the commander-in-chief of Donghuang."

"It turns out to be the commander-in-chief." Wasp was stunned, and then shook his head, "I am just a stationed personnel of the Maritime Safety Administration, how can I contact the commander-in-chief?"

Qin Ge looked at Wasp, "I'm not joking with you. I have something important to tell Commander Yixian. I believe you have a way to contact her directly."

Wasp was stunned for a moment, "Why does Commander Qin Ge think I can directly contact Commander Yixian?"

"Other people think that there are only special envoys from the eight major camps. Oh no, Akagi Kaga is no longer a special envoy, so it is said to be from the seven major camps. But as the host, how could Donghuang not have a special envoy?" Qin Ge smiled. said.

"When I was at the Commander's Academy, because the Commander's Academy was under the management of Donghuang, I could think of not sending a special envoy.

And now that we have met and left Donghuang Continent again, it would be unreasonable if we don't send a special envoy.

So after all the calculations, the only one who can serve as the special envoy of Donghuang in the station is you, Weixing. Although you are not the Donghuang Ship Girl, it does not mean that you are not the special envoy of Donghuang. "

Wasp smiled after hearing this, "Commander Qin Ge is really smart. When did you find out?"

Qin Ge looked at Wasp and said, "In the beginning."

"Tsk, it's true what Yixian said, Commander Qin Ge is a very smart person." Wasp said with some stupefaction, but the tone of his voice confirmed Qin Ge's guess.

"So what do you want to do with Commander-in-Chief Yixian this time? You must know that she has to deal with a camp's affairs, but she is very busy."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Do you think I already know your identity, and it will be a small matter to come to you directly this time? And if it is a small matter, do I need to communicate directly with Commander Yixian face to face?"

"Okay." Wasp said, taking out a communicator from his ship's suit that was the same style as the one Anshan used in Chongying, and activated the button.

After waiting for a period of time, an illusory figure appeared in front of Qin Ge and Hu Feng, and this figure was none other than Donghuang's commander-in-chief, Yixian.

"Hey, it turns out to be Commander Qin Ge. I thought it was Wasp who had something to report. It seems Commander Qin Ge has discovered Wasp's identity?"

When Yixian's figure flashed out, he saw Qin Ge and Wasp in front of him, so he said with a surprised tone.

"Reporting to the Commander-in-Chief, Commander Qin Ge said that he discovered my identity from the beginning but never made it clear. It was only today that he approached me and asked me to contact you directly," Wasp said.

"I see." Yixian's shadow nodded and said to Qin Ge apologetically, "Commander Qin Ge, I hope you don't misunderstand this arrangement, and don't misunderstand Wasp.

This is just necessary intelligence collection, and I have ordered the Wasp not to interfere in any way with your fleet and station. "

Qin Ge shook his head, "I don't care about this behavior, otherwise I wouldn't have said it until now. I'm looking for Commander Yixian today because there is something I want to communicate with you."

"What's going on?" Yixian asked Qin Ge.

"In the second half of this year, I plan to leave Sun Moon Island and go to Guam in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to set up a forward port area there." Qin Ge looked at Yixian and said word by word.

"Ah? You are leaving Sun Moon Island and going to Guam in the middle of the Pacific. Don't you know that Guam is very dangerous?" Wasp on the side heard Qin Ge's words and said in surprise.

However, Yixian, who was opposite Qin Ge, did not show too much surprise at what Brother Qin said.

"It seems you have decided?" Yixian asked Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, our existence is an unstable thing for Donghuang, and staying in Donghuang is not conducive to the future development of my fleet.

If I want my fleet to maintain the current development rate, I must go to more challenging areas. Guam is a good choice. The endless sirens are a natural testing ground. "

Yixian nodded and smiled, "From the moment you summoned Veneto, I knew that your future achievements would never be weak, but it has only been a few years, and your strength is already like this .

Indeed, the stage of Donghuang is too small for you. You and your fleet must have a bigger stage.

I give you permission to go to Guam, but I have a few requirements. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Thank you very much, Commander Yixian. What is your request? If it can be done, then I will definitely do it."

Yixian smiled and said, "My request is not difficult, and it is more beneficial to you, or in other words, it is beneficial to both of us.

First, although you chose to go to Guam for development, your fleet still belongs to Donghuang's commander establishment. Enjoy Donghuang’s staffing benefits, and Donghuang’s door will always be open to you.

Second, information sharing. To be honest, we haven’t been to Guam very often, so we are not too familiar with the structure, layout, etc. there. So when you develop there, you can also provide us with some specific information about the central Pacific waters, and we will also provide some information that is not part of the secret files.

Third, we will continue to cooperate, and Donghuang will provide certain technical support. I will ask Wasp to hand over this communicator to you and then contact us directly.

I hope that after you have established a foothold there, if the Donghuang frontline encounters some crisis, you can help. "

"I promise." Qin Ge almost blurted out without any consideration or thought.

"Don't you need to think about it?" Yixian said with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No need. I went to Guam just for better development, not to break with Donghuang. So what reason do I have to refuse this request that is beneficial to both parties?"

Moreover, the Commander Academy is my alma mater. I also have people I miss in Donghuang, and my family members of the Grand Fleet are also in Donghuang, so if there is one in Donghuang, then, if I have the ability, I will definitely help. . "

"I really did not misjudge the person." Yixian said with a smile, "Then that's the end of today, and then I will arrange for Wasp to fulfill his previous promises to you one by one.

I hope that Commander Qin Ge will soar across the nine heavens like an auspicious dragon in the future, bringing the long-awaited peace and tranquility to the world. "

"I will work hard."

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