My ship girl, my world

Chapter 572 The commander who dug the tunnel?

After handing over the materials to Akashi, the project began to proceed as scheduled.

Seeing the cute Manjiu carrying those large materials such as beams and pillars and erecting them easily, Qin Ge had a new understanding of the magical level of this world.

However, the ship girls didn't feel anything at all, they just felt it was a bit novel. Because they are the original owners of the mind cube energy, they know very well how powerful energy is contained in their bodies.

As Manjiu, who is also driven by the energy of the Mind Cube, it makes sense to be able to use such a powerful force.

"Suddenly I realized that what Wasp said was right." Guanghui said with a smile, "With Manjiu's help, it seems that all we can do is protect them and then watch them do it."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "After all, we are not professional in construction projects. In short, let them repair the port as soon as possible, so that our ships can be berthed at the pier, which will be much more convenient."

"Commander, don't you need to let Manju build a temporary residence first?" New Jersey asked from the side.

Qin Ge shook his head, "We will live on the command ship for the time being and take turns to protect Manjiu, so that we can sleep in the room."

"Hey, I always feel that sleeping on the command ship is not as comfortable as on land." Veneto said with some disappointment.

Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless. A battleship actually said that it was not as comfortable as on land. What was this?

"It doesn't matter. We can build a temporary shelter by ourselves. We don't need any help. After all, our hands-on skills are not bad, right?" New Jersey said excitedly.

"Can I make it out of sand?" Veneto asked excitedly.

"Sand is not very strong, but it is good for grounding."

"Hey, can it only be used as a ground? I also want to use sand to build a fighting arena."


Seeing more and more ship girls joining the conversation between Veneto and New Jersey, Qin Ge couldn't help but rub his forehead, turned to Bismarck and said, "Let them set up temporary shelter here, let's go deep into the island." Look around to see if anyone is still here."

"No problem, but what about the commander's clothes?" Bismarck said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge looked down at the commander's uniform and leather shoes he was wearing, and couldn't help but smile and look at Belfast, "I have all my clothes with me in Belfast, so I'll find a place where no one is around to change them later. That’s it.”

"Well, I just saw a road there, let's head there. After all, if there is a road, it proves that someone has walked there." Bismarck said.


After speaking to the other ship girls who were preparing to set up temporary accommodation, Qin Ge took Belfast, Bismarck, and Glory to the depths of the island.

Several carrier-based aircraft took off from the glorious ship and flew high into the sky. With their presence, Qin Ge and the others avoided many detours. Not long after, the carrier-based aircraft brought back traces of human life.

Following the direction explored by the carrier-based aircraft, the three of them walked for a while and found a relatively flat place. Several stone houses stood not far away, and in front of the houses was a piece of land that had been reclaimed and planted with some fruits and vegetables that Qin Ge couldn't name.

The four of them looked at each other, and Qin Ge said, "There are people living here, but after seeing our carrier-based aircraft, why did they avoid it?"

"Perhaps they mistake our carrier-based aircraft for the Siren's carrier-based aircraft?" Bismarck looked around and said.

"How is that possible? Don't they even recognize the appearance of the carrier-based aircraft?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

Bismarck shook his head and explained, "They probably didn't want the Siren carrier-based aircraft to discover their existence, so when they heard the sound of the carrier-based aircraft, they had already started to avoid it.

As for what the carrier-based aircraft looks like, they may not have looked at it at all, but this is just my guess. If I search here later, I should almost know. "

Qin Ge nodded, "What you said is correct. Usually, if you start to evade when you hear the engine sound of a carrier-based aircraft, you will indeed not be discovered by the carrier-based aircraft, but at the same time, you will not be able to detect any type of carrier-based aircraft. "

"Then let's search here. I believe we will find something remarkable." Guanghui said with a smile.


Immediately, several people started searching here.

As they explored, several people discovered that there were some very modern things here, and according to Qin Ge's judgment, these things should have been disassembled from the command ship.

Soon, Bismarck, who was attentive on the other side, found something unusual in a room.

"Commander, look here." Bismarck pointed to a covering board on the ground and said.

Qin Ge suddenly said in surprise, "Authentic?"

"Well, or should we say it's an air-raid shelter?" Bismarck said to Qin Ge, and then reached out and pulled open the wooden board on the ground.

What caught the eyes of the four people was a dark passage, and this passage was diagonally downwards.

Qin Ge immediately looked at Guanghui and said, "Guanghui, release a carrier-based aircraft to go in and see where this tunnel leads. Or it is an air-raid shelter. See if there is anyone underground."

"Yes, Commander." Guanghui nodded quickly and with a flick of her hand, a small carrier-based aircraft appeared around her.

After the carrier-based aircraft flew around her, it penetrated into the dark tunnel. As soon as they entered a dark place, the lights on the carrier-based aircraft were turned on directly, and the tunnel was suddenly as bright as day.

The carrier-based aircraft quickly disappeared into the tunnel, and Guanghui closed his eyes, obviously controlling the carrier-based aircraft carefully.

After a while, Guanghui opened his eyes, but the carrier-based aircraft did not appear at the tunnel entrance.

"Commander, this tunnel leads directly to the forest area behind. There is a cave there. My airborne radar detected the presence of life there." Guanghui said to Qin Ge.

"Now I am letting the carrier-based aircraft monitor it there to prevent the breath of life from escaping. We can walk directly over the land."

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "Okay, let's go there quickly. I would like to meet this commander who can fight underground for a while."

Several other ship girls couldn't help but smile, obviously they were also a little curious. A dignified commander could actually be reduced to building tunnels on a deserted island. What happened?

Several more people walked out of the room and began to walk towards the location marked by the carrier-based aircraft. Sure enough, next to the hut, there was a path that was stepped on, winding to the mountain forest area behind the stone house.

After traveling for about ten or twenty minutes, with a wave of Guanghui's hand, a small carrier-based aircraft flew out from the dense forest along the way.

It was obviously the carrier-based aircraft that Guanghui had flown before, and Guanghui was recovered here, which also meant that everyone was very close to their destination.

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