My ship girl, my world

Chapter 581 How to become stronger

After saying goodbye to Aurora, Qin Ge walked to a place with a very heavy cherry blossom architectural style.

Because this base was built by Qin Ge, and the goal was for his own fleet, there were some considerations in terms of accommodation.

In addition to the collective dormitories, he also built several buildings with unique camp characteristics. For example, there are buildings like Chongying, royal European-style buildings, and Roman buildings from the Sardinian Empire, etc.

Although there are relatively few ship girls living here, ship girls still like to come here to drink tea and rest when they have nothing to do.

Tiancheng told Qin Ge last night that she would be here this afternoon and invited Qin Ge to come over to drink tea and chat.

He reached out and knocked on the door, and a voice answered immediately, "Your Majesty?"

"Yes." As soon as Qin Ge opened his mouth, the door opened. What appeared in front of Qin Ge was Luan, who had short hair and looked very unruly.

"Luan, good afternoon." Qin Ge said to Luan.

"Good afternoon, Commander." Luan said to Qin Ge, and then stepped aside, leaving a way in.

Qin Ge smiled, walked in from where Luan had stepped aside, and saw Tiancheng kneeling at the edge of the table. But what surprised him was that Akagi and Kaga were not here.

"The Lord looked surprised. Did he see that Akagi and Kaga were not here?" Amagi immediately understood Qin Ge's thoughts and couldn't help but smile.

Qin Ge raised his hand in embarrassment, "No, it doesn't matter even if they are here."

Amagi smiled, "I know that Akagi and Kaga have caused a lot of trouble to the Lord before, and I have been educating them to correct them in the recent period.

Those two children are relatively stubborn, and they have always been in high positions while growing up, so they have developed that kind of character. I hope the Lord will not take offense to them. "

Qin Ge sat down and looked at Tiancheng and said, "I know, but sometimes I don't know how to control the degree of getting along with them.

But there will still be a long time to come, and I believe we will definitely have a good relationship. "

"It's great that your lord can think so." Tiancheng said with a smile.

"Have tea, Commander."

While the two were talking, Luan poured a cup of tea from the side and placed it in front of Qin Ge.

"Thank you." Qin Ge said to Luan with a smile, and then looked at Amagi, "But having said that, when I usually see Akagi Kaga, I am always with you. Why am I suddenly not here with you today?"

"The two of them went to Saipan together." Amagi replied, "The two of them were very interested in the meeting that the Lord held with us in Saipan before, and they also wanted to come out with something different from before. path, so now I can be considered very actively involved in things within the fleet.”

Qin Ge nodded suddenly, "When they go to Saipan this time, they are not interested in mass-produced warships, right? I guess what can arouse their interest is the experimental field established by Iron Blood, right?"

"My Lord is right." Tiancheng nodded.

Qin Ge couldn't help but laugh, "Tie Xue, Bei Lian, Chong Ying, I hope this experimental site will not be too dangerous."

Amagi shook his head slightly, "That's not the case. Even if they have some dangerous ideas, they will still control the entire experimental field within a certain range. After all, this experimental field is for their own fleet, not for enemy."

Qin Ge nodded and turned his head to look at Luan, "Then why don't you go, Luan?"

Luan shook his head, "I'm not interested in that kind of thing. My biggest interest is to become stronger. Originally, I thought it would be enough to just follow the determined path, but after I came to the fleet and looked at Tiancheng and you, I felt It seems that this is not enough, so I am still exploring.”

Amagi smiled and said, "The same goes for Luan. I've told her many times that if you want to become stronger, you don't necessarily have to look at strength. What's more important is an open-minded attitude and a firmer belief.

But she always feels that her own strength comes first. Without strength, everything is false. The Lord can help give her some guidance. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Should I point at Luan? I'm afraid it will only become more confusing as I point at him, right?"

"No." Amagi said with a smile, "My lord is the one who makes Amagi City heart-warming, so it doesn't matter if I am any more confident. What's more, in Luan's heart, my lord is also a very strong person."

"Am I a strong person?" Qin Ge looked at Luan in surprise.

"Yes, we have experienced so many battles together. I have seen the commander's performance on the battlefield. And even in the battles where I am not with you, I also know what other companions say about you. It’s clear, so the commander is a strong man, a very powerful person when facing a battle.” Luan said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge felt a little embarrassed at the moment, "Thank you very much, but if you ask me to give you some advice, I'm afraid I won't be able to tell you one, two, three or four.

But I think that for a ship girl, a person's strength is not absolute. Because even if you are strong, you may not be able to accomplish some things, nor may everything go smoothly.

What's more important is the bond with your peers and the power of unity.

Just like taking an ordinary battle, Akagi should be considered a very powerful aircraft carrier. Her awakening intensity is stronger than everyone else in our fleet.

But if we also encounter an enemy's main aircraft carrier, I believe that her processing speed alone will never be faster than that of three or even four aircraft carrier girls with full training.

Therefore, any powerful person has certain circumstances. Even an unknown person has his share of advantages. "

"What the Lord said is very good. I believe that Luan Luan will be inspired by such words." Tiancheng said with a smile.

"Commander, you want me to make friends with the weak?" Luan looked at Qin Ge hesitantly.

Qin Ge shook his head, "They are not weak. Even the most ordinary destroyer, although it is not as good as you in terms of firepower, it is definitely stronger than you in anti-submarine.

So I think there are specialties in the art industry, and no one among the ship girls is weak, only those who are adapted to their field. "

Luan thought for a moment, raised his head and said to Qin Ge, "I will try to do it, if this can really make me stronger."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Perhaps you will like the feeling of fighting together with your companions in the future."

"I hope so." Luan said doubtfully.

"Haha, I just said that the Lord will definitely answer Luan's question, ahem..."

"What's wrong?" Qin Ge saw Tiancheng coughing and quickly approached her and said.

"The Lord is worried. This is just an old problem." Amagi shook his head.

"But you haven't coughed in this period of time. How about we go to the Kitchen Goddess together?" Qin Ge said.

"It doesn't matter, I probably caught a little cold, just rest for a while and you'll be fine," Amagi said.

"Don't hold on."

"Yes, Lord."

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