My ship girl, my world

Chapter 590 The World in the Box

"Box? What the commander said is that this world may be virtualized by others?" Hood then reacted and said with some surprise.

Qin Ge nodded, then shook his head, "We are still not sure of the authenticity of this matter, it is just a conjecture of Frederick the Great.

Why the Siren is paying so much attention to us right now is because we are an unexpected situation in its calculation process.

Logically speaking, if an abnormality occurs during an experiment, it should be cleared up quickly. But the Sirens didn't, or they were expecting something abnormal to appear.

It is precisely because of this that our fleet can be funded by the Sirens. Those scientific research ship equipment, those data materials, and even those scientific research Rubik's cubes. "

"What an astonishing statement." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "That's why we can't explain these matters to everyone in the fleet, otherwise everyone will be in random thoughts every day, which will greatly delay things."

Everyone in the royal family couldn't help but nodded. They now understood Qin Ge's concerns. This kind of conjecture would be okay if it were just a conjecture, but once it is confirmed, it will cause earth-shaking changes in the world.

"But if it is really what the commander thinks, how should the commander deal with it?" King George V asked.

Qin Ge smiled, showing a mysterious smile, "If this world is really virtual, then many things can be explained, or can be easily explained.

Why can they create a mirror sea area just like a copy of the game? Why can they spread their fleet to the entire world? Why can they retreat through specific passages?

All this means that they are the ones with authority in this virtual world, which is what we called "Game Master" before.

Therefore, their advantage over us comes entirely from authority.

And our goal has changed from solving them to seizing the authority from them. It seems that the difficulty has increased a bit, but it is relatively simple to execute. "

"What an interesting idea, authority, authority. Haha, my blood seems to be boiling. It's really exciting." King George V said with excitement on his face. Although she showed excitement, it made people feel to a sense of majesty.

"But it's hard to imagine. In my impression, apart from processing documents in the office, most of the commander's time is occupied by his other colleagues in the port area.

Unexpectedly, the commander would discuss such profound conjectures with several other leaders in silence. It was really surprising. "Hu De smiled at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes speechlessly, "Am I only that capable in your impression?"

"Haha, it seems that either the commander usually keeps a low profile, or Hood, you are not observing carefully enough." King George V said with a smile.

Qin Ge waved his hand, "Maybe it's my responsibility. As the number of companions in the port area gradually increases, the time I can spend with you is getting less and less. The big reason for this situation is that we may lack communication at ordinary times. , so this deviation is caused.”

"This is inevitable. Commander, you don't need to mind." King George V on the side smiled and said, "Although the commander is the commander of each of us, he is also the leader of the entire fleet. There is no need to let everyone We all know you, and the most important thing is to be able to lead everyone forward."

"Although I say that, I still want to find a neutral point in the middle, so that I can better understand each other with you without affecting the progress of the fleet." Qin Ge said with a smile.

The conversation that followed slowly returned to normal, and laughter gradually spread from here, floating in the sea breeze.

It was getting late, so everyone ended the tea party and walked towards the dormitory building in Minato District together.

However, Qin Ge noticed the monarch at the end at this time, so he said goodbye to the few people accompanying him, then stopped and came to the monarch's side.

"What's wrong? You didn't say a word at the tea party today, and now you seem to be deliberately avoiding something?" Qin Ge said to the monarch.

"I'm sorry, Commander, for making you worry." The monarch said to Qin Ge apologetically.

"Don't say such unreasonable things." Qin Ge shook his head, and then looked at the royal family who were far away in front of him, "Is it because of King George V and the others?"

The monarch's expression suddenly became complicated, and he nodded and shook his head.

Then he suddenly asked Qin Ge, "Commander, in your eyes, who is better, me or those KGVs?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Is this what you are struggling with?"

The monarch nodded and said with a somewhat complicated expression, "Welsh and York... I hate them for taking away my place of existence, but I also love them for living up to my disappearance."

Qin Ge was stunned when he heard the monarch's explanation. He couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that you still care about your existence. From the time you first appeared, you told me that you would let the whole world know. At the beginning, you didn't What a fool to choose you.

Until today's meeting, I still had doubts about my existence. In fact, you don’t have to be like this. In my eyes, you are you, the monarch.

An independent and complete person. You don't need to care about anyone's opinions, you just need to know that I am so looking forward to your appearance.

Even if no one in this world recognizes your existence, I will still stand by your side, just like now, recognize you, and face everything with you. "

The monarch looked at Qin Ge who was serious and couldn't help but smile. "Commander, I am really happy. Even if the world no longer needs me, you will still need me, and this is enough for me."

Qin Ge smiled and held the monarch's hand, "I am also very lucky, because your world began when you met me, and I am your whole world.

So, please let us cherish this destined encounter more. As for them, face them with a more peaceful attitude and don't compare yourself with them all the time.

The value of your existence no longer needs to be proven, I see everything. Now, as a monarch, try to be active in this world.

Not to compare with anyone, but for yourself. "

Qin Ge's words made the smile on the monarch's face brighter. She couldn't help but squeeze Qin Ge's hand, and then nodded heavily, "I understand, Commander."

Seeing the monarch's smile, Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, "Then let's go back to eat together. Although we drank a lot of tea and ate a lot of snacks, we still have to eat some staple food."

"Yes, Commander!"

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