My ship girl, my world

Chapter 592 War begins

When Qin Ge and Aurora arrived at the combat conference room, several camp leaders currently in the port area had already arrived.

"Commander." Seeing Qin Ge's arrival, everyone said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "What's going on now? Why did the alarm sound?"

"The commander can take a look at the signal sent by the Lighthouse Inspection Office." Veneto pointed at the screen and said.

Qin Ge looked at the screen and saw a figure coming towards him between the dim sea and sky.

This familiar outfit and the exaggerated ship outfit behind it made Qin Ge blurt out, "Purifier!"

"Yes, this picture was returned by our offshore detector. The Purifier appeared in our offshore waters. And its direction is exactly our port, so the lighthouse inspection office judged that the port area is currently in an extremely dangerous situation and pulled the trigger. The alarm went off." Enterprise explained to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge frowned, "Have the Siren finally started to attack us? But why aren't there any mass-produced models or executors around the Purifier?"

"I don't know, maybe it's the same as the last time Sakura?" Veneto said.

Qin Ge nodded, "In any case, the Purifier is a formidable enemy in our current port area. We quickly summoned all the ships in the port area for alert and defense to see what her purpose is.

In addition, they notified Frederick the Great and Akagi Kaga who were on Saipan to quickly return to defense. "

"Don't worry, Commander." Prince Eugen said, "I have informed Bismarck that they will return to support soon. And according to the speed of the Purifiers, we can form a double-team situation with Bismarck and the others."

"Okay, let's go take a look together!" Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Commander, stay here, the port is too dangerous." Enterprise said to Qin Ge, "Purifier is not the builder we met last time. She is a very powerful ship girl, and she fights very crazy."

Qin Ge shook his head, "Back in the Mirror Sea, I was still beside them when they were fighting. If I shrink back because the battle is fierce, then I am not worthy of being this commander."

"But..." Enterprise was about to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Ge raising his hand.

"Follow my orders and gather at the port immediately." Qin Ge said to the company.


Although everyone is still worried about Qin Ge's safety, Qin Ge's words have already been said here, and there is no use in further refutation. Besides, the Purifier won't wait for them to discuss it. The war is urgent, so this is the only way.

The strong wind was still howling, and by the time everyone arrived at the port, everyone was ready.

Qin Ge quickly boarded his command ship, followed the direction of the ship's team, and sailed outside the port.

In order to avoid the subsequent battle having an impact on the main island, it is definitely not possible to fight outside the port or near the main island.

So of course, everyone rushed towards the direction in which the Purifier came.

When we arrived at the target sea area and just opened up the formation, Helena's voice rang in Qin Ge's ears, "Everyone, please pay attention, my radar has detected a target and it is rushing towards our formation quickly. It is currently less than 20 kilometers away from us. .”

"Less than 20 kilometers?" Qin Ge was stunned, and then glanced at the radar on his command ship, only to find that everything in the sea area scanned by the radar was normal, and there was no special target as Helena said.

However, Qin Ge didn't dare to be careless at all. Helena had begun to awaken. The radar's detection range had been much expanded than before, and the types of things it could detect had also increased a lot.

Therefore, in such a battle situation, Qin Ge's first reaction was that the radar on the command ship might not be able to detect the exact trace of the Purifier.

Moreover, due to the stormy weather today, the carrier-based aircraft cannot conduct normal inspections and are easily lost contact. Therefore, the aircraft carrier and battleships can only wait for the exact target information to start the battle.

Then Qin Ge said to everyone, "Everyone, follow Helena's guidance and start to attack."


As she spoke, Helena quickly reported the coordinates and the target's moving speed to everyone.

In an instant, the sound of carrier-based aircraft taking off and the sound of battleship firing was deafening. They all attacked the Purifiers who were quickly heading towards the Love Song Fleet.

The Purifier who was sailing on the sea naturally discovered this situation, but now she was not surprised or panicked at all, but showed excitement on her face.

"That's right, staying in the stronghold all day is boring to death, but the battle is still exciting. Come on, let's have a battle!"

With these words muttered in his mouth, the ship's equipment around the Purifier also emitted a shining yellow light.

"Attention everyone, the Purifier is preparing to release a laser attack, be careful to dodge!"

Prince Eugen, who was standing in the front row, could very clearly see the yellow light shining in the distance. Combined with the data she had previously mastered, her first reaction was to think of the Purifier's special ability, laser charging.

This is a charged laser penetration attack. After the charge is completed, the laser can be fired in a fixed direction forward and cause continuous penetrating damage.

Even with shield skills like Prince Eugen's crystal shield, he didn't dare to let down his guard against this charged laser. Because although the shield can withstand the first attack, it cannot withstand the subsequent continuous attacks.

Moreover, the scene of the battle between the Sakura Awakening Ship Girl and the Purifier was still vivid in his mind. Prince Eugen had witnessed the power of this charged laser with his own eyes.

Just as he was talking, a large amount of laser energy was spit out from the bright yellow shark's mouth on the Purifier's shark ship in the distance.

The light flashed past and penetrated the defensive formation arranged by the ship girl. Despite Prince Eugen's warning, several ship girls were still hit by the laser.

For a moment, messy sounds came from the communicator. Qin Ge stood on the command ship, frowning tightly, looking at the laser beam in front of him that lasted for a while before disappearing.

Fortunately, although several ship girls were hit by this laser, because everyone was ready to dodge, the injuries they received were not serious.

Soon after being reminded by the formation commander, he used emergency maintenance tools to replenish his condition.

As for the battle, less than a minute has passed since then. But at this moment, all the ship girls understand that this battle is far from as easy as the last time against the builder.

At this time, Helena's guidance was no longer needed, the Purifier had already appeared in the eyes of all the ship girls.

Lasers were constantly ejected from the muzzle of the Purifier ship, attacking the surrounding ship girls. On the ship girl's side, she also adjusted the muzzle and fired again.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with dazzling light...

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