My ship girl, my world

Chapter 595 Reinforcements Arrive

Inside the Siren stronghold.

"Haha, interesting." The observer looked at the Purifier on the screen, following Qin Ge's fleet as it slowly sailed towards the port area, with a smile on its lips.

"Do you need me to notify her and ask her to come back?" said the tester on the side.

"Why? As the Purifier said before, she has no mission now, and all her time belongs to herself.

And testers, don’t you think this situation is unprecedented for us? ” the observer smiled.

"What do you mean?" the tester whispered.

"Countless data deductions, countless cycles, what we have done, I believe we are doing others. But in the data terminal, there is currently no such situation.

Although it is just a data terminal in the numbered world and has no connection with the main world, it can still reflect many problems.

That's who we are as guests, going to a commander's port area. So don't you think it's strange? Knowing that we are enemies, how do you think Commander Qin Ge will treat the Purifiers? "The observer said with a smile.

"However, you also know the character of the Purifier. Her mouth has no gate. If any important information is revealed inadvertently, she will not notice anything." The tester said.

"We have never said that our information cannot be disclosed to the commander, and we have never said that our technology cannot be shared with other camps." The observer smiled, "So, even if we reveal some of the Purifiers' hearts, Well, don’t think of her as a madman who only knows how to fight, she has some tricks up her sleeve.”

"Okay." The tester nodded, "I hope it won't affect our future plans."

"Of course, when the time comes, I believe she will come back on her own." The observer smiled.



A familiar voice sounded from beside him. Qin Ge stood on the pier, wearing a raincoat and turned around to look. He saw Bismarck, Akagi, Kaga, Frederick the Great, Soviet Rosia and others standing not far away.

"Are you back?" Qin Ge greeted them with a smile.

“Yes, we originally took everyone here, but we received a signal halfway that the fighting had stopped, allowing us to return the same way.

But I felt that this matter was definitely not that simple, so I asked the others to go back, while we returned to the port area to see what happened. Bismarck said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded and pointed in the distance, "Nuo, there."

Several people looked in the direction pointed by Qin Ge, and saw a familiar figure looking left and right at the gate on the port side.

"Purifier! What's going on?" Bismarck said with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Let's go back to the conference room now. It's raining too much here."


Although full of questions, Bismarck still held back at this time. This is indeed not a good place as promised. It has been raining and the wind is blowing. If Qin Ge is left here to catch a cold and fever, then no one in the entire port area would want to see him.

Several people walked to the office area together. As soon as Qin Ge entered the door, he took off his raincoat and handed it to Aurora beside him.

Qin Ge sat down with a smile after looking at the ship girls who were listening to several people from the company explaining what happened after finishing the work in the conference room.

He did not speak directly, but waited for the company and others to finish telling what happened before he started speaking.

"The specific situation is just as the company told you. Do you have any other opinions?"

Hearing Qin Ge's question, Bismarck nodded, "I agree with Prince Eugen. This is our opportunity."

"I also agree that if you want to defeat the enemy, you must know yourself and the enemy. Our current understanding of the Siren is too poor. With the Purifier, we can ask some interesting things." Frederick the Great said.

"But do you really believe that the Purifier would say such a thing? What if all this is a scam? The purpose of her coming to our port is just to explore the specific situation of our port and prepare for an attack. ?" Chicheng looked at Qin Ge with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled mockingly, "Although our current strength may be much stronger than others, we are still much weaker than the Purifiers.

If they want to take my life, then there is no need to go to such trouble. If we follow the idea we conceived before, this entire sea area is under their surveillance.

So they can end me at any place, any place, in ways we can't think of.

At present, it seems that they don't have this need for the time being, so I don't need to worry too much about my safety.

As for worrying about whether everything the Purifiers are doing is a scam, I think there is no need to worry about it. Because you all know everything about our port area, what else can be noticed by the Sirens and the others?

On the contrary, if the Purifier can really be kept, it means that we know the time of her next action, and we can also ask some interesting things from her mouth. "

"This is a very interesting explanation, but if you want to get something out of the Purifier's mouth, you must keep her in the port area for a certain period of time. But what method does the commander have to keep her in the port area? How long has it been inside?

Maybe she will leave after a while. Wouldn't that mean all the hard work has been wasted? "Akagi asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "At least we won't lose anything this way, and it can also give everyone a very detailed understanding of the Purifier. This also has more advantages than disadvantages."

"Yes, now that the commander has decided, let's act according to the commander's own thoughts. However, I suggest that it is best to put some restrictions on the Purifier. She cannot be allowed to go to places like scientific research areas. We will also strengthen the defense there when we return to Saipan," Bismarck said.

Qin Ge nodded, "We have discussed this on the ship before and have compiled several rules, including the prohibition of going to scientific research areas, warehouses and other areas.

And according to Prince Eugen's feedback, the Purifiers also agreed, without any stumbling blocks.

I believe you have just seen that this time I have left the reception and monitoring of the Purifiers to Prince Eugen. "

"Well, during this period, I can leave Saipan to me, and the others can stay in the port area for now.

After all, sometimes you are not afraid of ten thousand, but you are afraid of the worst. If something happens, it will not be good. " Bismarck said.

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

"It doesn't matter……"

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