My ship girl, my world

Chapter 602 The attack team returns

In the next few days, the Purifier modified the ship uniforms of Lafite and others while teaching Helena the knowledge of modification. However, they did not make any news. On the contrary, the port area became lively in these two days.

Qin Ge was chatting with Tian Cheng in the office that day, and suddenly the phone on the desk rang.

Qin Ge took it and Benson's voice rang out, "Commander, I saw at the lighthouse that everyone who attacked is coming back soon, and it seems that the flag hanging is our White Eagle's."

"Okay, I understand Benson. Thank you for the notice. I will go to the port to greet him immediately." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Hey, Commander, do you need me to accompany you there?" Benson asked.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's not needed for the time being. You can continue playing." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Oh fine."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Ge saw Tian Cheng's confused eyes, "My lord, we are going to the port. Is the attack team back?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Benson who was on duty at the lighthouse just called me and said that White Eagle's attack team will be back soon."

"Haha, if they come back at this time, it means that the battle data collection of the Mental Cube is almost complete. It seems that we will add another scientific research ship girl to our port area." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled, "Indeed, and White Eagle's progress is similar to that of the other camps, so I estimate that the other camps will be back in the next day or two, and then go to Akashi to purchase some minds. Rubik's Cube, our port area will have five more fully trained scientific research ship girls.

This is another very strong guarantee for our port area to face the siren tide in the next step. "

"Indeed, the strength of the monarch and Frederick the Great is indeed strong. I believe that the strength of other scientific research ship girls will not be less than those two. With their joining, our port area can finally compete with other ships in terms of strength. The camps are equal to each other." Amagi said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "Ha, so let's go and greet them."


The two of them put down their work and walked towards the port pier together.

After waiting at the dock for a while, a command ship slowly sailed from the outer harbor into the inner harbor and soon moored at the dock in the port area.

They should have seen Brother Qin and Tiancheng standing on the pier to greet him, so when the boat stopped, several figures jumped off the boat and walked towards Qin Ge.

"Welcome back, Baltimore, Cleveland, San Diego, Bunker Hill, Washington." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"Hello, Commander, hello Amagi." The people in Baltimore said with smiles.

"Thank you for your hard work along the way. The heavy rainstorm before didn't have much impact on you, right?" Qin Ge asked.

"That's not true. We are already very familiar with that kind of weather. Moreover, Cleveland is very excited every time there is a storm." Baltimore smiled.

"Oh?" Hearing what Baltimore said, Brother Qin looked at Cleveland.

Cleveland said with some embarrassment, "Hey, Commander, it's actually not as powerful as Baltimore said. Don't you think the sea knight in the storm is very cool?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "It's true. It's really cool to charge on the sea in the storm. But even though it's very cool, you still have to pay attention to your own safety."

"I know, Commander." Cleveland quickly replied, then took out a purple-red Rubik's Cube from the ship's installation space, and handed it to Qin Ge with both hands, "Commander, the combat data of the scientific research Rubik's Cube has been Once the collection is complete, you can summon it at any time.”

Qin Ge took it with both hands. When he touched the Rubik's Cube with both hands, he suddenly felt a wave of emotion coming from the Rubik's Cube, a feeling of excitement and excitement.

He gently touched the Rubik's Cube and said with a smile, "I know you can't wait, and I can't wait to summon you.

However, there are still some preparations to be done before summoning you, so please wait a little longer. "

When Qin Ge finished speaking in a low voice, the light on the scientific research Rubik's Cube, which was shining with purple-red light, gradually converged and began to become quiet.

"Wow, it's so amazing. When we were holding the Mind Cube, she kept shining. The commander stopped her shining with just one sentence. It's amazing." Santiago came to Qin Ge and said in surprise, Others also looked surprised.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Maybe this is the special connection between me and these scientific research Rubik's Cubes. It was like this when I came into contact with the Monarch's scientific research Rubik's Cube from Chongying.

And I should have gone with you, but considering that this time the collection of combat data for scientific research on the Rubik's Cube is too much. If I go there one at a time, I don’t know how long it will take, but if I follow one team, it won’t be fair to the other teams, so I have to do this. "

"Oh, it doesn't matter." Baltimore said with a smile, "The commander has to stay in the port area, so we can just leave these things to us. And we don't feel tired for the attack. On the contrary, we can enjoy it at sea. The battle is also a very enjoyable thing.”

"Baltimore is right, fighting is more like a kind of enjoyment for us. By the way, when we came back, we also saw several other fleets in our port area within the radar range, and I believe they will arrive soon. "Washington said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "When I learned that it was you who were coming back, I thought that they would be coming soon, but I didn't expect that it would be today. It seems that I will have to spend the rest of the time on the dock."

"Haha, there's nothing going on anyway, why don't we wait on the dock with the commander, and by the way, can the commander tell us what interesting things happened in the port area recently?" Cleveland laughed.

"That's no problem, but you have been fighting outside for such a long time. Is it really okay if you don't take a break?" Qin Ge asked.

"It doesn't matter, we are ship girls." Cleveland smiled.

Qin Ge nodded and began to talk to several people. About the recent war in the port area, and what happened with the Purifiers, etc.

"Hey, I didn't expect that so many things happened during the time we left? The Purifier actually came to our port area and even stayed in our port area?" Baltimore said with a surprised look.

"Yes." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Currently we are in the truce stage, and the arrival of the Purifier can let us know more about the Siren senior humanoid command unit, and now she is still teaching Helena about transformation. .

In addition to wasting some emergency repair tools in the previous war, generally speaking, the arrival of the Purifier is still very beneficial to our port area. "

"Yeah, that's right."

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