My ship girl, my world

Chapter 635 Bismarck’s Suggestions

"Haha." After hearing Qin Ge's words, Chicheng laughed, "That's a lie."

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment and immediately asked, "What do you mean?"

Akagi smiled and took out two communication devices and placed them on the table, "The two exclusive communication devices here were used to contact Donghuang and Chongying when I was the leader of the Chongying camp.

I should have left it to the juniors before, but they let me stay. Unexpectedly, it helped me this time.

After the commander said that, I tried to contact Donghuang and Chongying using these two exclusive communication devices, but unfortunately, communication was not possible.

There is only one possibility for this situation, and that is that the sirens cut off the communication between us. Then it’s strange, commander, why did you receive the communication from Donghuang Yixian?

And I also gave you a detailed explanation, as long as the Siren stronghold is destroyed, the Siren Tide can be ended. "

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "So, the person who communicated with me before was not Yixian, but someone else? Then who is she?"

Faced with Qin Ge's doubts, everyone in the command ship also shook their heads. Although Chicheng could tell that the communication was not from Yixian, he could not guess who was communicating.

Gneisenau stood aside quietly, watching Qin Ge and his shipgirl discussing without saying a word. She knew exactly who it was, after all, she was standing next to him during the communication.

"The most likely one is the Siren. Otherwise, no one would be so clear now. As long as the Siren stronghold is cleared, the Siren tide can be ended. But I don’t know who it is. I think this kind of evil Only they can do interesting things," said Bismarck.

"If this is the case, then we should go to Donghuang and Chongying." Qin Ge looked at the two communicators on the table and said, "Nearly ten days have passed since the Siren Tide began, but at this time As the communication between the two camps is still out of touch, it is conceivable that they are experiencing a difficult battle.

In view of this, we should immediately go to Donghuang and Chongying to extricate them from the quagmire of the battle. Otherwise, if the fighting continues, the losses to both camps will be immeasurable. "

"I agree. The Donghuang camp and the Chongying camp are the two camps closest to us, and they have relatively friendly relations with our fleet. What's more, the commander's alma mater is also in Donghuang. Due to circumstances and reasons, we should go to support They." Enterprise said.

"I also agree. Donghuang has never treated our fleet badly, and most of our supplies need to be transferred from Donghuang. Donghuang also helped us when we were building the port area. If we don't save it, it will be really difficult. It's too unexpected." Veneto said aloud, although she said it was more realistic, but this is the fact.

"Agree." Richelieu's words were short, but the power revealed was very strong.

At this time, Bismarck said to Qin Ge, "Although I also agree to assist Chongying and Donghuang, our fleet cannot go to everyone.

First of all, although the Siren fleet in this area has been cleared, a group of people still have to be left to defend our sea areas and our port area just in case. Moreover, there are also wounded in our fleet who must receive timely treatment. Long-distance traveling and fighting are obviously not the best environment for cultivation.

Secondly, it is best to provide assistance to Chongying and Donghuang mainly from elite ship girls. Because Chongsakura and Donghuang are not like us, they have a large number of ship girls and commanders, so conventional forces are not of great help to them. On the contrary, in such a battle, elite ship girls are more suitable for long-distance attacks and The final word on the battlefield.

Furthermore, although Chongying and Donghuang are on the same front line, there is a sequence of support in different directions, and it is not good to put either one in second place. Therefore, we must divide our troops into two groups, one going to Donghuang for support, and the other going to Chongying for support. "

Facing Bismarck's suggestion, Qin Ge nodded, "Bismarck is right. When he came here from our port area, clearing the Siren stronghold was a last resort. Now the Siren fleet in this sea area has already was cleared, so we have to consider our defense on the island.

Regarding this point, my opinion is to send Li Chenming and others back to defend. They have a large number of ship girls and fully trained elite ship girls. It is more than enough to defend a port area where the Siren Tide no longer attacks.

Our fleet, on the other hand, will keep all the fully trained ship girls, send the wounded and those who have not reached full training back to recuperate, and carry out daily tasks in the port area.

In addition, I support the idea of ​​dividing the troops. As Bismarck said, both camps must provide assistance, but whoever assists first and whoever assists later will have a relatively big blow to the relationship between that camp, so just The troops were divided into two groups.

I led the team heading to Donghuang, and the ship girls from the White Eagle, Royal, Sardinian Empire, and Donghuang's camps followed me. The team heading to Chongying was led by Bismarck, and included shipgirls from Chongying, Iron Blood, Free Iris, Vichy Holy See, and the Northern Alliance.

This can keep the high-end combat power of the two detachments balanced, and provide assistance to both camps on the premise of ensuring the safety of our fleet. "

"Actually, the commander doesn't need to go at all, as long as we are there," Soviet Rosia said.

And after Soviet Rosia finished speaking, several other ship girls also agreed with her statement. After all, Qin Ge has been fighting with them for about 10 days. During this time, he has been in a state of taking very little rest and spending most of his time in the command position. He must take a good rest, and what's next is Support for long-distance attacks is no joke.

Qin Ge smiled and waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile yet. This battle is of great significance to the world, and who can guarantee that we can end this battle after we assist Donghuang and Chongying? ?

Therefore, I must follow you all the time and adjust our future deployments as the situation gradually changes. Moreover, I still don’t know what the next battle will be like. I don’t want to just sit back and wait for your news. If possible, I would rather fight side by side with you. "

Qin Ge's words made the ship's wife unable to utter any words of rebuttal. Even Gneisenau, who was leaning aside, his eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Since the commander is so insistent, it's hard for us to refuse." Bismarck looked at Qin Ge and said, then turned to look at Enterprise and others on the other side, "Excuse me, everyone, please make sure that the commander's Safety."

King George V smiled and said, "Don't worry, if anyone wants to hurt the commander, it will be unless they step on my body."

"That's it, let's start preparations."


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