My ship girl, my world

Chapter 638 Level 4 Confidential Files

“In other words, from the discovery of meteorites, to the exploration and mining of related meteorite fragments, the discovery of the energy contained in them and the creation of an energy cube that carried out the energy revolution.

And this manufacturing technology can be said to be very mature, otherwise the civilian version of ε-cube would not have been launched. With the promotion of this civilian version of the Rubik's Cube, it gradually replaced the original nuclear energy.

So what will happen in the military? It’s really exciting! Veneto said.

"Helena, please cut out the next file. I can't wait now."

Following Veneto's voice, Helena quickly cut out the next file.

"Experimental report: Research on the properties of the Energy Rubik's Cube I, confidentiality level four." Qin Ge read aloud, "It seems that this is a military file, and it is the first file on the research on the properties of the Energy Rubik's Cube.

The level four confidentiality level is the most secret among secrets, and it looks like the confidentiality level of the White Eagle military. "

"Commander, there is a black section here." Guanghui pointed at the first line and said.

Qin Ge looked at the first paragraph and finally said, "The blackening of this paragraph probably refers to the discovery of meteorite fragments in the Tunguska region, but it will have no impact on subsequent readings."

"Well, indeed." After the company finished speaking, he began to read, "Although the world doesn't know much about this matter, as the first ones to discover the Energy Cube, we should know it best... The Energy Cube has been full of accidents from the beginning. With the unknown black box.

Although we are now able to develop, produce and even improve the Energy Cube, we have never really understood the underlying principles of the Energy Cube.

At present, major international companies and even major laboratories only focus on the energy characteristics of the Energy Cube. Almost all research focuses on how to improve the energy output efficiency of the Energy Cube.

However, according to my research, these are just the appearance of the Energy Cube. The Energy Cube has many characteristics, and there should be deeper secrets hidden inside.

To prove this, please allow me to conduct further research and provide necessary financial support - Dr. Anjie. "

"Things are getting interesting." Qin Ge looked at the file and blinked, "This Dr. Anjie is obviously a very famous researcher. It can be seen from her words that she was in the Tunguska region. Collecting meteorite fragments and making energy cubes, she participated in this series of events.

It is not surprising that such a character would say such a thing. An unknown thing is always full of two sides. While everyone else was focusing on appearances, she wanted to start research on the characteristics of the energy cube and open this black box. "

"Does the commander think that Dr. Anjie has opened this black box?" Enterprise asked.

Qin Ge nodded and said with a smile, "Obviously it has been opened. What do you think the Mind Cube is? What is the difference between it and the Energy Cube?"

"Commander, do you mean that Dr. Anjie's research opened the black box of the Energy Cube and then produced the Mind Cube?" King George V asked.

"I can't be sure, because this is just a conjecture, and there is no definite data to prove that it was caused by Dr. Anjie's experiment.

At present, the files we have obtained are very limited, and we are far from reaching the moment when the Mind Cube appears, but this also proves that the secrets contained in the Mind Cube are not simple at all. It seems that the Purifier is right, we have underestimated it before. " Qin Ge said.

"Indeed, but speaking of it, since the Sirens put these files in the Siren stronghold for us to discover, and now they are giving them to us bit by bit like this, it is really annoying." Zhenhai couldn't help but say.

"Haha, it's not like you don't know the tempers of the Siren group. They are originally people who do experiments, so naturally they can't give out all the benefits at once, but this is also a reminder that if there is a Siren stronghold like that Among them, there are also some files left by the sirens.

So it seems that our trip to Donghuang this time has another purpose, to see if there is such a so-called archive in the Siren stronghold here. Veneto smiled.

"Yes, I believe Bismarck will definitely pay attention to this matter." Qin Ge nodded.

"All files have been browsed." At this time, Helena on the side said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled at Helena and said, "Sorry to trouble you, Helena."

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do." Helena shook her head and smiled.

"By the way, Commander woke up after sleeping for such a long time. It's really inappropriate to discuss work matters before eating. Let's eat something first and then discuss it later. Anyway, we are still relatively far away from Donghuang. Far away, we have plenty of time later." King George V said to Qin Ge.

"Ha, if you don't tell me, I forgot. Maybe I haven't felt hungry for a while after sleeping for so long, right?" Qin Ge smiled, "Then let's sit next to each other and eat something while chatting. .”

Then a few people sat down on the sofa next to them. While chatting about their previous conjectures about the files, they looked at Belfast and filled the table with food and drinks.

While chatting, Qin Ge noticed that Enterprise looked a little absent-minded, so he smiled and asked, "Enterprise, what's wrong? Are you thinking about something if you look a little absent-minded? If you have any difficulties, why don't you speak up? Everyone can Help you."

Hearing Qin Ge's sudden inquiry, the company felt a little embarrassed and hesitantly said what he was thinking, "Commander, although you told us not to care about the battle we experienced before, the arbiter The strength is indeed too strong.

I'm thinking, can we resist such a powerful enemy in the future? Even defeat her. "

As soon as Enterprise said this, King George V, Guanghui, Veneto and others on the side also stopped smiling.

Indeed, how could they forget such a defeat so casually? You must know that when Qin Ge fought side by side with them, he was suppressed by the enemy so casually and wanted to protect his commander. Can't protect it.

"So that's it." Qin Ge nodded, "It is true that they are already super models for our current strength, but this is also based on the fact that we do not understand them and have not deeply explored the power you contain. Under the premise.

I wonder if you still remember the message from North Carolina? That gray-haired corporate man wearing a tattered shirt that appeared on the sea? "

"Remember." Everyone nodded, and King George V said, "You can destroy a Siren stronghold with one click. How can you forget such an existence?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "So do you think that company is stronger or weaker than the arbiter we met before?"

Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to come to a conclusion...

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