My ship girl, my world

Chapter 641 Communication Connected

"There seems to be something abnormal here. Everything around has been destroyed, but the headquarters here is the only one that has not been damaged..." Zhenhai said.

"Are you trying to say that Siren left this place on purpose?" Enterprise frowned.

"From the very beginning, our operations were carried out under the guidance of Siren, and the defense then attacked the Siren stronghold, and then supported Donghuang Chongying.

I think the Siren had already predicted that we were coming and reserved this place. Their purpose is to let us contact Donghuang and observe how we can rescue Donghuang under their arrangement.

Our current actions are like a puppet being manipulated, and every step is under the siren's thoughts. Zhenhai said with a frown.

Qin Ge smiled, "Although Zhenhai, you are right, this is the Siren's conspiracy. Although we know it, do we have a choice?

Do we have to be alone and watch several major camps slowly being destroyed by the sirens, leaving only our fleet in the world as a viable force to compete with the entire sirens?

Now that we have entered the game, we must be a chess piece and do our best to save as many as we can. "

Looking at the command post in front of him, Qin Ge walked straight in, and Guanghui quickly followed. The few ship girls behind looked at each other, shook their heads and followed.

The buildings in the headquarters are relatively complicated, and each department has its corresponding place. If Brother Qin comes here alone, it will be difficult to find the communication room or command room.

But because Guanghui has been here before, he knows the situation here relatively well. Under her leadership, the group of people kept walking towards the communication room without taking any detours.

When passing by other departments nearby, Brother Qin obviously saw that the doors of those departments were open, and there were many documents scattered inside.

It seems that they packed up in a hurry when they left. Perhaps because the siren's offensive was too strong, they didn't have much time to pack up, so they only took some important things and left.

After arriving at the communication room, the door opened and everyone walked in. They saw that the table was covered with communication devices, and each communication device had a corresponding destination.

Some correspond to the location of each large fleet, and some correspond to each unit. Among the communicators, everyone quickly found a communication device that led directly to Donghuang's headquarters.

"This is it." Guanghui pointed at the communication device and said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, and then said to Helena, "Helena, check this communication device to see if it can receive the communication signal."

"Yes." Helena nodded immediately, took the communication device and started testing it, while Qin Ge and other ship girls were waiting anxiously.

"Commander, it has been tested and the signal is connected." Soon after, Helena put down the communication device in front of her and said to Qin Ge.

"Great." Qin Ge said happily, "Let's contact the Donghuang headquarters. We must understand the current situation there."

"Understood." Helena nodded and quickly started to contact Donghuang Command.

After a short call, the communicator was quickly connected, and a female voice came out, "Hello, this is the communication room of Donghuang Command. Hasn't the front line been withdrawn? Which department are you from?"

Helena looked at Qin Ge, who immediately stepped forward and said to the communication device, "Qin Ge, Commander of the Star Sea Fleet, please help get through to Commander Yixian immediately. I have important things to report to her."

"Star Sea Fleet?" The operator was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't know the name of your fleet, and the commander of the fleet cannot directly call the commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief is not at the headquarters now."

Qin Ge frowned when he heard the operator's words, "Are you a human, not a ship girl?"

"Yes, all the original operators have gone to fight on the front lines, and we are here to temporarily replace them." The operator responded.

Qin Ge and his wife looked at each other, and the sadness on their faces deepened. The communication room was originally a place where intelligence was exchanged, but now there are actually no ship girls stationed here, and everything is left to humans. One can imagine how far the battle in Shenhua City has reached.

"Is there any high-level ship girl in the headquarters now? I have important information to report, which is related to the safety of the entire Donghuang." Qin Ge said seriously immediately.

"Here... you wait a moment, I will quickly connect your line." The operator obviously understood the seriousness of the situation. After speaking to Qin Ge, he put his line into standby mode.

"The situation in Donghuang looks a little bad." Guanghui said worriedly, "Even Commander-in-Chief Yixian went to the battlefield in person."

Qin Ge nodded, "It seems that we have reached a critical moment. Moreover, we notified Donghuang early that we would issue an early warning for this Siren Tide. They also implemented it effectively. Now it has become This situation. What about the other camps?"

"Commander, don't be too pessimistic yet, there may be some rescue method." Enterprise said.

Qin Ge took a deep look at the company and said, "Well, there must be one."

At this moment, a familiar voice came from the communicator, "Commander Qin Ge?"

"It's me, are you?" Qin Ge responded quickly.

"I am Ning Hai."

"Ning Hai? I remembered it." Qin Ge suddenly said, "So Yixian really went to the battlefield?"

"Yes, the pressure here is too great now. Ordinary commanders cannot hold up the defense line at all. The awakened ship girls must cooperate to defeat the Siren fleet.

But Donghuang's coastal defense line is too long, so we can only abandon some places and concentrate on defending some important ports.

By the way, the operator just told me that this communication was linked from the frontline headquarters. Why are you on the frontline now? "Ning Hai asked Qin Ge.

"We have dealt with the Siren tide in the waters of Guam and captured the Siren stronghold. The waters there have returned to calm, so Bismarck and I took people to Chongying and Donghuang respectively for support.

But when I came to the front line, I found that you had given up here, so I tried to connect with you with a fluke attitude. Now I can finally contact you. It is really great. Qin Ge said quickly.

"Ah, your fleet has already solved the Siren Tide? is it possible? Is what you encountered a normal Siren Tide?" Ning Hai asked in surprise.

"No, when I just came from the front line of defense, I also observed that the Siren fleet you encountered is consistent with what we encountered. It is exuding black mist, and the mist can block cannonballs and destroy armor." Qin Ge said to Ning Hai.

"This is really incredible! I would like to ask, how many awakened ship girls are there in Commander Qin Ge's fleet now?" Ning Hai asked.

"Well, about twenty or so..."

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