My ship girl, my world

Chapter 659 Why do you know so clearly?

After finishing the call with the members of the Grand Fleet, he looked at Yue Loli, who was sitting there a little puzzled.

After recovering the carrier-based aircraft, Fuso came over and smiled at Yue Loli, "Your Highness, what are you thinking about?"

"Sister Fusang, who is Qin Ge, the commander of the Star Sea Fleet?" Yue Loli raised her head and asked with some confusion.

"According to the situation reported by Li Chuhan and others, they said that they sank the Siren elite unit with only one attack. To be honest, I really can't figure it out. What kind of power can do these things?"

"Your Highness, it's actually very simple, that is absolute power suppression." Fusang smiled, and reached out to pick up Yue Loli and placed her on a stool beside her.

"Absolute power suppression?" Yue Loli was confused.

"Yes, that siren elite unit called the agent is difficult for ordinary ship girls to deal with, even awakened ship girls.

But if it is difficult for one awakened ship girl to deal with her, then what about ten? What about twenty? When overwhelming the opponent in terms of numbers, the firepower burst out at the same time will be suppressive.

You know I just passed the recovery of the carrier-based aircraft and passed directly above the opponent's fleet. Guess how many awakened ship girls I saw? Fuso asked with a smile.

"How many? Five?" Yue Loli said. After all, Fuso had just told him that there were five awakened aircraft carrier girls in that fleet.

"No, that's just the number of aircraft carrier girls. In fact, that fleet has twenty awakened ship girls.

Although their auras are big or small, strong or weak, they all have the same quality of aura, which means that they all awaken independently.

And in the previous attack, I also saw missiles. So far, except for Anshan and Changchun on the front lines, I have not heard of any ship girl modifying missiles. "Fuso replied.

"Huh? Twenty awakened ship girls? There aren't that many in Donghuang combined, right?" Yue Loli was completely confused.

"It's hard to say, after all, none of us know Donghuang's overall strength. And with the addition of Anshan and Changchun, it's hard not to think that this is Donghuang's hidden strength.

And there is a more interesting thing. So many awakened ship girls are being commanded by a commander, and this commander's name is Qin Ge. "Fuso said meaningfully.

"Is Qin Ge special?" Yue Luoli asked, "Sister Fusang, do you know him?"

Fusang couldn't help but chuckle and said, "Your Highness, when you asked about the Star Sea Fleet before, I really don't know much about it, or I just heard it accidentally but can't remember it. But if you mention Qin Ge, then the most special thing about Donghuang is That one.

Do you still remember those tactical textbooks that Shen Tong gave you before? It's the ones you throw in the corner. "

"Uh... I know. In fact, I just put it there and will take a look at it when I have time." Yue Loli quickly responded.

"Haha, Your Highness, you don't need to explain to me, don't I understand Your Highness?" Fusang said with a smile, "The reason why I mention this to you is because those teaching materials were compiled by a commander named Qin Ge, and they are currently A general textbook for the commander’s academy tactics course.”

"Ah? Do you mean that Brother Qin is the one who wrote the tactics textbook? There are rumors about the instructor of the Commander Academy's tactics course on the front lines?" Yue Loli was surprised.

"But as far as I know, he has only been the commander for four years? How could he have such a powerful fleet?"

Fusang shook his head, "I don't know about this, but this Qin Ge is most likely the one from the Commander Academy. This also explains why he can command so many awakened ship girls."

"Hmm... But in the final analysis, these are just our guesses. By the way, where are they now? Why didn't you see them coming back?" Yue Loli asked.

"Back to Your Highness, after they eliminated this Siren elite unit, they sailed directly in the direction of the Siren fleet." Fuso replied.

"What do they want to do? Is it to cross the defense line and destroy the Siren fleet?" Yue Loli asked.

"I don't know, but this must be an order from the headquarters." Fuso replied.

At this moment, the communicator next to Yue Loli rang, interrupting the conversation between the two, but Yue Loli immediately picked up the communicator.

"This is the Fenghuaxueyue Fleet, please speak."

"Yue Loli, it's me, Wei Zhai. How is the situation over there? I heard Shui Lao say that a huge explosion just happened over there. Has the support from the headquarters arrived?"

Wei Zhai's voice came from the communicator, and it was obvious that he had also noticed the previous elimination of the agents.

"It turns out to be Brother Wei, this..." Yue Loli had just finished speaking when Wei Zhai's violent and thunderous voice came from the communicator.

"Fuck, male voice, will you die if you don't speak lolita voice?"

"Ahem... I forgot." Yue Loli immediately changed her voice to a young voice as Fuso smiled, "The support from the command center has arrived, and the siren elite unit has just been eliminated, but there is one Question, I want to ask you.

Do you know a Star Sea Fleet? His fleet commander is Qin Ge. "

"I know, what's wrong? Does this have anything to do with the support from the headquarters?" Wei Zhai asked doubtfully.

"Ah? You actually know. Please tell me what kind of fleet the Star Sea Fleet is?" Yue Loli asked hurriedly.

"Well, I don't know why you are so eager, but since you asked, I will tell you generously.

The Star Sea Fleet is a large fleet established by Qin Ge, the former tactical instructor of the Commander Academy. It was established in the academy.

In addition, instructor Qin Ge has very strong tactical accomplishments. He has compiled the current tactical textbooks at the Commander Academy, and there are rumors that other major camps are now teaching these textbooks as general textbooks.

In addition, the other members of the Star Sea Fleet were instructor Qin Ge’s students at the Commander Academy at the time and were also his classmates. The reason why they were allowed to participate was because Instructor Qin Ge wanted to build a large fleet that could integrate offense and defense, so he was prepared to grow and train together.

Later I heard that they went to Riyue Island after graduation. After being stationed for two years, I don't know their specific location now, but according to the current garrison commander of Riyue Island, Lao Xing, they seemed to have left the Donghuang area and headed for the open sea.

To be honest, it's a pity, because it was said before that they were planning to reach the front line. At that time, I was planning to make good friends with them when they came. "Wei Zhai said.

"Why do you know so clearly?" Yue Loli asked.

"Because I listened to his class when I returned to Shenhua City before. I was inspired by his tactics, so I paid more attention to him after that. So what happened to the support of instructor Qin Ge's large fleet and headquarters? Something?" Wei Zhai asked doubtfully.

"The person here to support us is Commander Qin Ge of the Star Sea Fleet." Yue Loli said.


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