My ship girl, my world

Chapter 67 European Dog

Looking at the graceful Belfast in front of him, Qin Ge had a special feeling.

Owner? What a strange title. Although he had seen the Ship Girl illustrated book many times before, Qin Ge still felt a little unnatural when someone actually called him master.

"Hello, Belfast, my name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from now on." Qin Ge stretched out his right hand and said to Belfast.

"The handshake ceremony is too grand for a mere maid, so the master does not need to do this."

As the Belfast man spoke, he made a maid ceremony to Qin Ge and said very gratefully.

It turns out that Belfast is a strict maid, just as the ship girl's illustrated book says. So Qin Ge took back his hand, smiled and said to her, "Then just follow your standards."

"Thank you, Master." Seeing Qin Ge respecting him so much, Belfast said with a smile.

"Then let me introduce you to the other ship girls in our fleet. You will be companions from now on." Qin Ge said to Belfast.

"Yes, Master," Belfast responded.

So Qin Ge turned his head and was about to introduce Centaur and Noshiro when he saw a group of fierce commanders staring at him closely.

"Um...what can you do?" Qin Ge scratched his head and said to a group of people.

"I have been incompatible with European dogs in my life!" After a commander finished speaking, he wiped the tears from the corner of his mouth, turned his head and walked away tragically.

"Brothers, I'm going to get my poison-quenching spear. Who will go with me?"


"Damn European dog, count me in!"

Seeing a group of people walking out together, Qin Ge's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Do these master's companions really look a little different?" Belfast said with a smile behind him.

Qin Ge nodded speechlessly, "Ignore them, let me introduce you to the members of our fleet."

"Yes, Master." Belfast said.

So Qin Ge walked up to the centaur and Noshiro, "This is a centaur, and like you, she is a ship girl from the royal camp. And this is Noshiro, a ship girl from the Shige Sakura camp. From now on, you two should probably We cooperate a lot, so we get to know each other.”

"Miss Centaur, Miss Nodai, I am Belfast, the royal head maid, and I am honored to meet you two." Belfast said as a maid ceremony to Centaur and Nodai.

"Hello, Senior Belfast, I am a centaur. Please give me your advice in the future." The centaur said in a hurry.

However, Noshiro behaved as solemnly as before, "Hello, I'm Noshiro. Please give me your advice in the future."

Qin Ge looked at the three people chatting together and nodded happily. At this time, Li Chenming on the side pulled him.

"European dog...ah, no, Qin Ge, can you teach me how to build a big building?" Li Chenming looked at Qin Ge with bright eyes.

" just mentioned the European dog, right?" Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"Where? You obviously heard me wrong, I called you by your name. We are such good friends, how could I call you a European dog, right?" Li Chenming tilted his head and said.

"Come on, I still don't know what you are like." Qin Ge waved his hand and said, "I really can't help you with this matter of Dajian. As you can see, I just put the Mind Rubik's Cube together like everyone else. Put the materials and supplies into the builder, press start and that’s it.”

"Are there no secret formulas? For example, before building, choose a builder with better Feng Shui? Or what formulas, spells, etc. should you recite silently in your mind when building?" Li Chenming asked.

"No, I basically just need to determine what type of ship girl to build, and then put the mental cube into the builder, and it will be successful naturally." Qin Ge replied.

" are still a European dog! Sure enough, people's luck cannot be compared with others. Being with a European dog like you, I suddenly feel a lot of pressure." Li Chenming said to Qin Ge speechlessly.

"Come on, others are qualified to say this, but you are not qualified. Not only is Z1 very strong, but Z1 can also be transformed later, from purple elite quality to gold super rare quality." Qin Ge said to Li Chen Ming said.

"So as long as you train well, you will also have a golden super-rare ship girl in the future, right?"

"But even after the transformation, Z1 is still a primary school student! I want a big sister, just like the Belfast you just built!" Li Chenming said expectantly.

"Um... I definitely can't help you with this." Qin Ge said while holding his forehead speechlessly, "And when I looked through the Ship Girl illustrated book, I felt that there were quite a lot of big sisters you mentioned. I believe you will definitely build one in the future. from."

"I also believe I can build it, but I just want a big sister now..." Li Chenming said.

"Then I still have three mind cubes here. Do you want to lend them to you?" Qin Ge looked at Li Chenming and said speechlessly.

"Are you really going to lend me your Mental Rubik's Cube?" Li Chenming said in surprise, "I heard that the super-rare ship girl was built out of the five Mental Rubik's Cubes you sold to Zhang Shaocheng before. Still a very powerful heavy patrol.”

"Of course, I already have three ship girls, so I'm not in a hurry to build it yet. The Mental Cube is not of much use to me. If you want to build it, I can lend it to you first. If I need it then, , just give it to me again." Qin Ge said.

"..." After Qin Ge said these words, Li Chenming felt even more confused. In fact, for him now, the most critical thing is to train Z1 with all his strength.

After all, unlike Qin Ge, he does not have such a stable source of supplies. He can only rely on 500 units of supplies exchanged from Akashi Grocery Store to strengthen his ship girl every week.

If he were really asked to build a ship girl now, the pressure and burden on him would be very great. In this way, a strong ship girl will definitely not be cultivated in the first school year.

In this anxious mood, Li Chenming raised his head and looked at Qin Ge's wife, then turned to look at Z1 standing next to him, and spoke in a tangled voice.

"Forget it, I'd better not build it now. The main thing now is to train my Z1 with all my strength. If I build another ship girl, my economy will definitely not be able to bear it.

Rather than letting the two ship girls become mediocre in the end, why don't I devote all my efforts to cultivating Z1 now, and wait until she has mature combat effectiveness, and then gather resources to build a new ship girl?

However, keep those mental cubes of yours for me. When I want to build them in the future, you can sell them to me! "

Qin Ge looked at Li Chenming who had regained his senses in front of him and couldn't help but smile, "Of course, if you need it!"

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