My ship girl, my world

Chapter 669 Helena’s Arrival

"The sea area here is very strange. When traveling, my body feels heavy and light. You'd better be careful." After entering the sea, New Jersey really felt the pressure on his body.

Even John Meow, who was lying on his shoulder, was affected and seemed to have lost some strength.

"Understood." Everyone responded.

Following closely behind the fleet, Qin Ge also entered the sea. A force hit him and he couldn't help but hold on to the console in front of him.

"My body feels very heavy and my breathing is a little short. Is this caused by the increase in gravity?" Feeling the changes in his body, Qin Ge said to himself.

But not long after he finished speaking, he felt that his whole body became lighter again, as if he could jump very high with just one jump.

"Gravity is disordered. Sure enough, this sea area is just like what New Jersey reported before. If the gun is fired under such gravity conditions, it will be accurate...

Gee, these Siren technologies are really a headache. However, if such technology can be obtained, subsequent training will be improved to a certain extent. "

Thinking of this, Qin Ge couldn't help but shook his head and pushed these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

"Now is really not the time to think about these things. The battle in front of us is what we should focus on."

Just as Qin Ge was trying to adapt to the gravity of this sea area, the ship girls had almost adapted, and the released carrier aircraft had also discovered several people from the company who were retreating.

"Report, found the company's team, they are followed by an unidentified Siren humanoid unit, the probability is the Arbiter." The Centaur reported to New Jersey, but the communicator was filled with noisy voices.

It seems that even if the distance is relatively close, there will still be interference when using the communicator.

"Copy that, are the two sides fighting?" New Jersey quickly replied and asked.

"No, the current situation is that the company's team is retreating, and the arbiter is chasing behind, but there is no exchange of fire." Centaur said.

"Isn't chasing without exchanging fire?" New Jersey frowned.

Because it was now wartime, all fleet channels were activated, which meant that not only New Jersey, but others also received this report.

Zhenhai in the distance squinted his eyes and couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart.

Even though the people in the company are awakened ship girls, everyone is aware of the Arbiter's suppression of them. But now that she was just following him at such a close distance without firing, it reminded her of an animal, that is, a cat.

Cats have a very interesting behavior, that is, when catching mice, they always tease the mouse to despair before killing it.

Now to the arbiter, they are just mice in the palm of his hand, and they can solve the problem whenever he wants. And now the arbiter's behavior is obviously to tease them and make them feel the final despair.

However, Zhenhai raised his head and looked into the distance, "Even the mouse in the palm of your hand will jump up and bite you when cornered, Arbiter."

Just as Zhenhai was thinking, New Jersey's words appeared in the communicator, "Everyone is ready for battle. We are getting closer to the position of the corporate team and are ready to fight at any time."


As everyone's voices rang through the communicator, Qin Ge on the command ship clearly felt an aura of killing.

He sighed as he looked ahead, and suddenly a sense of frustration rose in his heart. His ability to support this battle was too limited.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind him, "Haha, what a spectacular scene. I wonder why Commander Qin Ge sighed?"

Qin Ge's hair suddenly stood up and he quickly looked back, only to see a familiar figure appearing in front of him.

"It's you, Helena!"

The dark blue hair in front of her and the face that is always smiling are not the Helena Qin Ge met on the Donghuang front line, who else could it be?

"Commander Qin Ge, it seems you are surprised to see me?" Helena said with a smile, "But you should believe me this time, right?"

Qin Ge nodded. He knew what Helena meant, so he said, "Yes, there is indeed an arbiter here, so can you help us? They should also be your enemies, right?"

"Enemies?" Helena shook her head, "They can't be said to be our enemies, they are just a group of guys who are in the way."

"In that case, why did you give me that badge then?" Qin Ge asked with some confusion.

"Although to us they are just a group of troublesome guys, some of us still can't bear to see those guys in front of us." Helena smiled.

"Is it a ship girl like the Gneisenau we met before?" Qin Ge asked.

"Haha, although Gneisenau belongs to us, I am not familiar with her. However, it is undeniable that her combat power is indeed relatively strong, but it is still difficult to deal with the Strenkus in front of her." Helena Smiled.

"Also, let me remind you that ship girl is just the name of your world. In the main world, we are called ships."

"Ship..." Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. This was the second time he heard this title from Helena's mouth.

"What's the difference between a ship and a ship girl?" Qin Ge said to Helena.

"Of course there is a difference." Helena said without hesitation, "Did Commander Qin Ge search for some strange files in the sea before?"

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "What do those files have to do with the ship and the ship's wife?"

"I can tell you that your guess is correct. Those files were placed there intentionally by Antix. But those records are true, and they are records about the original world where our ship was born.

Even though I'm not from that world, that world is related to all the worlds where we have ships.

Just like a towering tree, the world we live in is the buds or leaves on this big tree, and that world is the backbone and foundation of this big tree. Helena smiled.

Qin Ge frowned, "Since you know so much in detail, why don't you just tell me the relevant history of that world?"

"Haha, Commander Qin Ge, do you still remember what I told you before? Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

When you know too much and don’t have the strength to respond accordingly, you will feel helpless and you will feel insignificant. I've had enough of feeling this way, so I don't want you to experience it again.

Although they are not dealing with Antiques, I think it is more reasonable for them to do this now and let you understand the world step by step. That's why I didn't interfere with your search for the archives. "Helena looked at Qin Ge and smiled...

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