My ship girl, my world

Chapter 677 Innocence

"What are ship memes? Are they different from each other?" Qin Ge asked.

"Of course there is a difference, and the difference is huge." Helena smiled, "The so-called meme of a ship refers to the special properties that were produced when the first ship was born, and this property is called a change.

If the meme belonging to the ship is awakened, the future will be infinitely broad, it can become stronger, and it can truly awaken.

But without awakening the meme that belongs to the ship, then the counterfeit is the limit. No matter how hard you try, the barrier between the counterfeit and the ship will always block you, preventing you from making any further progress.

Just like what you in this world call the difference between a fully trained ship girl and an awakened ship girl. Awakening ship girls means that they have gradually awakened the memes belonging to the ship and can continue to become stronger.

However, even if a fully trained ship girl retrains, her experience and tactics will only become stronger, but her own strength will remain constant. "

"So, is this the reason why so many ship girls in this world are stuck at full level?" the Prince of Wales said suddenly.

"Yes, memetic awakening is a crucial part of the forgery. When you awaken, you will gradually have the capabilities of a real ship.

But generally speaking, if there is no deliberate guidance or some special luck, it is difficult to awaken.

Just like in your world, most of the awakened ship girls are ship girls who appeared very early, and those who came later only followed Commander Qin Ge. "Helena said.

"Why can the ship girls who followed Qin Ge wake up? Is it because Qin Ge comes from another world and is special?" said the Prince of Wales.

She knew Qin Ge's identity, and judging from the current situation, it didn't matter whether the matter was kept secret or not.

Mikasa and Aurora were more surprised, "Qin Ge, are you from another world?"

Qin Ge smiled apologetically at Mikasa and Aurora, "Yes, it's just because talking about such things will cause a lot of trouble, so currently only Yixian and the Prince of Wales know about it in Donghuang.

Mikasa-senpai and Aurora-senpai, I'd like to apologize to you. I really shouldn't have kept this from you for so long. "

Mikasa suddenly understood, then smiled and waved her hand, "It doesn't matter, things like this really can't be publicized everywhere, but I'm a little curious about Qin Ge, what kind of world is yours? Are there wars every day like this world? Flying?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "That's not true. Although the world I live in is not very peaceful, there are very few large-scale conflicts like this."

"That's really great. When you have nothing to do in the future, you have to give us a good talk." Mikasa smiled.


Seeing Qin Ge and Mikasa finish talking, Helena on the side continued, "Commander Qin Ge's situation is very special. I can't explain why there are so many awakened ships around him. This is why I am concerned. His reasons.”

"So that's what it is." Qin Ge suddenly understood why Helena had been following him. It turned out to be this reason.

At this time, a cold voice sounded, "It is indeed you."

Everyone looked towards the place where the sound came from, and saw New Jersey standing at the boarding gate, and next to her was the flying dragon that had just fought with Stelenkus.

"But you're still here, aren't you?" Helena smiled and glanced at Feilong.

"Although I have thought about it, I still want to see who has come to this world." Feilong said.

"So you want to get that information from me?" Helena asked.

"That's right, although you have already quit, I think you will still be willing to provide this information, right?" Feilong looked at Helena and said.

"Quit?" Qin Ge was a little confused.

"Yes, we were originally affiliated with the same organization, but then I quit." Helena said, "Because I discovered something, so I think their reckless behavior will only get worse."

"But this is the only way." Feilong said.

"Not necessarily." Helena smiled, "I have found some clues before, but those are not true. But after coming to this world, I suddenly discovered some interesting things, maybe it will become more interesting in the future Maybe?"

Feilong glanced at Helena and said, "Then it's up to you."

After Feilong finished speaking, he no longer looked at Helena, but instead focused on Qin Ge.

"You invited me to the command ship, right?" Feilong asked.

"Yes, thank you very much for your help this time. If it weren't for you, we might have died here today." Qin Ge said sincerely.

"I accept your thanks, but please don't bet your ship next time. They are people who will accompany you throughout your life, not weapons or tools." Feilong said to Qin Ge.

For a moment, the scene became a little awkward.

But soon, Guanghui stood up and said, "Feilong, although we are very grateful for your help, we cannot accept the evaluation of our commander.

You have super strength and can say such things, but have you ever thought about what we should do when we encounter such a powerful enemy in our world?

Are you hiding in all directions, afraid to face the enemy directly? The commander has to bear a huge responsibility in making this decision. Doesn’t he know it?

We must stand up, we must face danger, we must face difficulties, because the world needs us. And even in the face of such a difficult battle, the commander's command ship has always been with us and never taken a step back.

This is the commander we respect, and this is why we rally around him. "

"Guanghui is right. All this was decided together after discussion. Our commander is not as bad as you said. On the contrary, he is very good and has a very strong will." Enterprise said to Feilong.

"Protect our world, protect the meaning of our existence, no matter we are facing a strong enemy, even if we know that we have no chance of winning, we will fight without hesitation." Veneto said with a smile.

"Huh, naive." Feilong said lightly.

"Haha, why do I feel that you are a little envious?" Helena smiled, "Have you never felt like them before? I miss it very much. If there was a person like Commander Qin Ge at that time, Come out and lead all the townspeople to fight against the enemy together. I believe that maybe the ending will not be like this."

"Maybe." Feilong glanced at Qin Ge and said, "What is your next goal?"

Seeing Feilong asking him, Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, and then immediately said, "Clean up all the Siren strongholds here and relieve the crisis in Donghuang. After joining my fleet supporting Chongying, deploy Donghuang and Chongying to Dominate the force and head to the Atlantic Ocean for support.”


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