My ship girl, my world

Chapter 683 Sick Beauty

Gently opening the door, the scene in the room appeared in front of Qin Ge.

If he were asked to find a word to describe the scene he saw, it would be "the west wind blows behind the curtains, and the people are thinner than yellow flowers."

Amagi is usually the most sickly beauty in Minato. She coughs from time to time, cannot do any strenuous exercise, speaks softly, and always seems to be slightly panting.

But now Qin Ge sees more Hiei than Tiancheng.

The originally fair face became even paler as he lay there, and there was no trace of blood on his lips. The smooth black hair in the past seemed to have lost its luster, and the whole person looked very weak, as if he was worried that a gust of wind could take her away. Blown out of bed like that.

Just when Qin Ge looked at Hiei in a daze, Hiei's face showed a look of surprise. He seemed to have some strength for a moment and wanted to support his body and lean up.

However, in her current state, she didn't have that kind of strength, and she just looked like she was struggling.

Qin Ge reacted quickly after seeing this scene, and quickly ran forward to support Hiei's body that was trying to sit up, "Don't move, just lie down quietly like this."

"But the commander is back. I can't lie here like this. The least I can do is be polite." Hiei said stubbornly with a hint of sickliness in his voice.

"What kind of courtesy are there at this time? You are the patient now, the biggest patient, so leave me alone." Qin Ge shook his head and said.

"This" Hiei still looked a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing like that. Just lie down and relax." Qin Ge said seriously.

"But I've been lying down for too long, Commander, I want to sit up." Hiei said to Qin Ge, the request in his eyes and tone made him feel a little distressed.

So Qin Ge raised his head and looked at the Kitchen Goddess, "How is it?"

"It's okay, but it's best to find something for her to rely on." The Kitchen Goddess said.

"Simple." Hearing what the female Kitchen Goddess said, Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, then hugged Hiei whole body and pushed her body into his arms.

"How about this?" Qin Ge said to Hiei.

I don't know whether it was because Qin Ge moved too much or because he was lying in Qin Ge's arms, but Hiei's cheeks showed a strange blush at this time.

"Thank you, Commander. I'm fine and warm." Hiei said softly, "It seems like it's the first time I've been lying in the Commander's arms like this, and it's also the first time I've been in such close contact with the Commander."

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, then said softly, "I ignored you too much before. If you like this, you can do it anytime in the future.

Promise me to get better soon, and then we will go on a date together and attend the grandest banquet together. "

Perhaps seeing Qin Ge and Hiei like this, the Kitchen Goddess and the others winked at each other, then quietly exited the room and closed the door to create an environment for the two of them where they would not be disturbed.

"How is Hiei's current situation?" Enterprise asked the Kitchen Goddess.

"Didn't I say that I still need some time to rest?" said the Kitchen Goddess.

"We are not commanders. Maybe ordinary humans need a period of rest and recovery after getting sick, but we are ship girls, and our recovery and resistance capabilities are beyond human imagination.

Hiei's current state obviously cannot be restored to its original state. What exactly happened, please tell us in detail. "Enterprise said to the Kitchen Goddess.

"This... well, Hiei's current situation is more serious. Although she is awake now, the battle damage and trauma this time have caused some problems in the core of her mind. It is very likely that she will only be like this in the future." The female Kitchen Goddess looked at the gazes of several people and said hesitantly.

"What?" Guanghui and Tiancheng couldn't help but shout in surprise.

"There is nothing we can do about it. The charged attack of the previous agent seems to have some special power. According to our current treatment methods, we cannot treat Hiei.

Unless a method can be found to break that power and then repair the damaged mental core, this situation can be completely overcome. " said the female Kitchen God.

"I see, there may be some ways." The company immediately thought of those people.

"What method?" The Kitchen Goddess asked doubtfully.

"We met some mysterious ship girls on our way to Donghuang for rescue this time. Maybe they have a way to cure Hiei's current condition." Guanghui said.

"I'll go find them right now." Enterprise is a person who does what he says, so as he said that, he turned around and prepared to leave to find Helena and the others.

But as soon as he turned around, the company saw two familiar figures in the direction of the entrance.

"Helena, Feilong, you came just in time. I have something to ask you." Enterprise said to the two of them.

"I know, what you want to ask is how to treat Hiei's current state, right?" Helena asked.

"Yes, but I didn't say how you knew. Did you just hear our conversation?" Enterprise asked.

"These injuries are commonplace for us, but we are not as seriously injured as Hiei." Feilong said while looking at the company.

"So, you can treat me?" the company asked in surprise.

"Yes, but not now." Helena said.

"Why?" Guanghui asked.

"Because there is no time now, have you forgotten the next mission of your fleet? In this short hour, it is difficult to recover from such a serious injury.

Therefore, it is better to wait until everything is over before giving Hiei a thorough treatment. "Helena replied.

"I see, I'm sorry, we are a little impatient." Amagi said to Helena.

Helena smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. If this kind of thing can make Commander Qin Ge owe me a favor, then I will be very happy."

Hearing what Helena said, Amagi narrowed his eyes, "So your goal has always been to be our commander?"

"Hey, have you discovered it? Sure enough, it's Chongying who is called a ghost conspirator." Helena smiled and looked at Amagi, without any fear of being exposed.

"What is your purpose? Our fleet should not be very attractive to you. Although we are somewhat unique to other camps in this world, to you, we are nothing special, right?" Amagi asked.

"I can't tell you about this matter yet, but what I can tell you is that this matter is beneficial to you and us, and it involves different times." Helena smiled.

"So now no matter what kind of questions I ask, you will refuse to answer?" Amagi asked.

"That's right."

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