My ship girl, my world

Chapter 691 Meeting

The sound of artillery shells lingered in my ears, and the roar of carrier-based aircraft never stopped.

As the leader of White Eagle, Enterprise has not had a good night's sleep for nearly a month. Every day's battle reports from the front line made her heart sink more and more, and the expectations she had before were now gone.

Before the Siren Tide began, Qin Ge once told her that the possible Siren Tide Offensive this time would be more powerful than before, and that timely defense and other precautions should be taken.

Although her sister also agrees with Qin Ge's analysis, as an equal and free camp, Baiying cannot be decided by one person in the company. Especially a decision as big as the camp decision cannot be made in one statement.

So in the high-level meeting, this resolution was made by voting. However, it seems that the name Qin Ge is disliked by most of the senior officials in White Eagle. After all, he took away the glory that should belong to them in Chongying, so most people are somewhat dismissive of his suggestions.

The results of the final vote were also very obvious. The vast majority of the votes agreed to follow the previous defense strategy, and only a handful of people were willing to implement Qin Ge's suggestions.

Therefore, we missed the best time to deploy our defense. When we defended according to the original strategy, we encountered the Siren Tide and were beaten to the point where we could not find our way.

The subsequent tactical arrangements and defense strategies were completely ineffective. In order to reverse the defeat, even the company itself went to the battlefield many times, but one person's power is always limited. Although it can play a positive role in promoting the battlefield, it does not play a positive role in promoting the battlefield. does not play a decisive role.

But now that Baiying has reached the most critical moment, he is powerless to do anything. He can only choose to fight with the other major camps like a dog jumping over the wall.

If her sister York City hadn't brought the news that Qin Ge was coming to help, she might have headed to the sea area of ​​the Siren stronghold with the determination to die.

Just as the company's thoughts were swirling, the office door was opened, and a familiar figure appeared in front of her.

"Enterprise, they have arrived." York City looked at the haggard Enterprise beside the desk and said with some distress.

Enterprise stood up in surprise, "Is it so fast? I thought it would take another two days."

"Commander Qin Ge is a master of tactics, so soldiers are valuable and quick. This principle is especially obvious in his execution." York City said.

"So where are they now?" Enterprise asked.

"Essex brought them to the conference room of the temporary command headquarters. I didn't let anyone disturb them for the time being. After all, their reception level was not high enough.

In addition to Commander Qin Ge's fleet, this time there are also reinforcements from Chongying and Donghuang, so this involves two camps... No, this is a high-level meeting between the three camps, and you should personally come forward. ” said Yorktown.

"Well, I understand, and others are helping us, and we are the ones being rescued. If this level has to be staged, then it would be too..." The company did not continue, but York City on the opposite side understood her. the meaning of.

"You are not wrong, it's just that some people at the top of this camp are wrong. This time it can be clearly seen that when making emergency decisions, we must have the power to make decisions.

Otherwise, if everything is based on voting, it is likely to lead to wrong judgments. And you see, after something like this happened, those people hid faster than rabbits, and in the end it was not us and the commanders who were in front. York City said angrily.

"Sister..." Enterprise looked at York City and couldn't help but smile, "This is all the bitter fruit caused by ourselves. If it weren't for this Siren Tide, it might be exposed in the next Siren Tide, so this is what we must go through. of.

It's good to be like this now. At least the situation can be restored to this point. Let's go and meet Commander Qin Ge together. I've heard his name many times, and we've had video conferences together, but we haven't seen him in person. "

"Don't worry, I won't let you down." York City said with a smile.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and quickly left the office and walked towards the war conference room.

In the combat conference room at this time, Qin Ge was drinking the tea that Baiying Haman made for him, waiting for the arrival of Baiying's senior officials with his shipgirl and representatives of Chongying and Donghuang.

On the side, Haman stood next to Essex, looking at Qin Ge and the ship girls next to him with some curiosity.

"Essex." Haman whispered, "Why does that ship girl look like a white eagle? I have never seen one before."

Essex followed Haman's eyes, and then explained to Haman in a low voice, "That is indeed our White Eagle's ship girl, and she is our White Eagle's new battleship, New Jersey."

"New Jersey? Is it the biggest and most powerful black dragon?" Haman asked in surprise.

"Yes, I heard from Ticonderoga that like Shinano and Frederick the Great, she is a legendary ship girl at sea." Essex said.

"Ah, it's so awesome, but it's a pity that it's not with our White Eagle." Haman said with some regret.

Faced with Haman's words, Essex could only smile helplessly at the corner of his mouth. She also hopes that such a fleet can appear in White Eagle, but this is just a hope. In reality, it is impossible.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, and several figures walked in.

Qin Ge took a closer look and saw that in addition to the familiar York City, there were also some familiar yet unfamiliar ship girls.

With their ship uniforms, Qin Ge could identify Enterprise, Washington, Saratoga and others.

Seeing Bai Ying's arrival, Qin Ge naturally stood up. After all, if he was still sitting, it would be rude to Bai Ying.

Leaving his seat and walking up to the enterprise, Qin Ge and the enterprise immediately stood face to face. Looking at the somewhat haggard enterprise in front of him, Qin Ge stretched out his palm and said, "Although we have met many times in video conferences before, this time This is the first time face to face.

Hello, business. "

"Hello, Commander Qin Ge, Ning Hai, Ruihe. On behalf of all the White Eagles, I would like to express my gratitude for your coming." Enterprise held Qin Ge's palm and said.

Having been a leader for so many years, the company naturally has her vision. When they met and greeted each other, the representatives of Donghuang and Chongying were obviously following Qin Ge. So it is confirmed that this time the support will be mainly based on him, then the company will naturally put Qin Ge at the forefront, not Chongying or Donghuang.

"The matter is urgent, so we won't say those polite words. I heard York City say before that you are planning to join forces with other camps to launch a counterattack in the sea area of ​​​​the Siren stronghold. Why don't you introduce your plan to us first." After putting down his hand, , Qin Ge said no more polite words, but asked straight to the point.

Enterprise nodded, "Okay, let's sit down and talk."


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