My ship girl, my world

Chapter 695 Arrival

The Maddalena Islands, in Qin Ge's world, have always been the military base of the Italian Navy.

And in this world, there seems to be no exception. As the company said before, the Sardinian Empire has an outpost in La Maddalena, which is equivalent to the territory of the Sardinian Empire.

It was already the fourth day when Qin Ge and others rushed all the way to the Maddalena Islands. The reason it took so long was to get rid of all the Siren fleets that had been at sea before.

In the process, White Eagle's elite also saw the combat effectiveness of Qin Ge's fleet.

The coordinated cooperation and powerful firepower shocked them. Although such a battle had been seen in the video shown in New Jersey before, the opponent was Arbiter Strenkus, so it was not shown, but now it is very obvious.

What they saw made them feel reassured and also had an unreal feeling. After all, in their eyes, Qin Ge had only been a commander for four years, and it was really hard to integrate the fleet into such a powerful force. Somewhat incredible.

But the matter was placed in front of them, and they had to believe that it was true.

And when they arrived at the Maddalena Islands, they found that elite troops from several other camps had also arrived. Except for the royal Elizabeth, who needed to be in charge of the royal family, so she sent King George V, the leaders of the other camps had arrived. Already arrived.

The place where everyone gathered was at the temporary outpost of the Sardinian Empire in La Maddalena.

Perhaps because there was no one here, the Siren fleet did not come. They attacked here, but found some traces of bombing at the beachhead.

"Looking at the ships parked outside, I believe they have arrived. But I don't know how many elites they each removed from the camp, but I believe there won't be many." Qin Ge and Enterprise walked towards the outpost, While saying.

"Yes, it is very difficult to recruit people from the major camps now. After all, the awakened ship girls were the top leaders of each camp before, and each of them was responsible for this position. Now that the all-out war is going on, we can't What can you ask for too much?" the company said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "The fact that they are here shows that they have attached great importance to this plan. I am not forcing too much. We are gathered here just to let them witness with us that the world has changed. In the past, The period of separate affairs is over. From now on, cooperation between the nine major camps is the foundation for our continued success."

Enterprise nodded, "After the Siren Tide this time, the number of commanders in our major camps has been greatly reduced. If we want to restore our previous strength, we have to recuperate for a long time, so we are preparing to adopt a offshore defense strategy. .

But we cannot give up on the ocean-going part, so we may have to restart our previous strategy. The commander is mainly responsible for guarding the offshore defense line, while the awakening ship girl is responsible for deep sea exploration and attack. "

"Well, we Chongying and Donghuang also have this plan, and we discussed with Commander Qin Ge on the way to use Guam where he is located as a frontline base for the offensive. As long as anything happens in the Pacific, we will start from Guam." Rui Crane said to the enterprise.

"Is that so?" The company thought for a while, "Then if we can, we will also restart Hawaii. This way, when something happens in the Pacific, our elite fleet can arrive quickly through the Panama Canal."

"This is the best." Qin Ge said to the company, "I heard some information from Helena, which is another world. In the future, the Siren will most likely put its main attack direction in the Pacific Ocean. If that is true, Then we can help each other and attack together, so the effect will be much better."

"Then we can mention this proposal when we hold a combat meeting later. I believe they will also support it. We can also set up several public ports here in the Atlantic Ocean. If there are difficulties here in the Atlantic Ocean, we can have them just like today. A place to gather and resupply,” Enterprise agrees.


Qin Ge readily agreed to this proposal.

After this war, it is not surprising that other things changed the naval strategy from ocean attack to offshore defense. But blindly guarding is not the best way. Only by monitoring the trends in several places at all times can we guarantee this. When the Siren makes any movements, each camp can learn about it immediately.

This is also the result that Qin Ge said he is happy to see. The nine major camps can put aside their past grievances, fight against the enemy together, and carry out efficient and decisive battles.

While several people were discussing, they were getting closer and closer to the gate of the outpost. Their arrival was also discovered at the outpost. When they walked to the gate, they saw several camp leaders already waiting here.

"Long time no see. We also have Ning Hai and Ruihe in the company." The royal King George V first came up to say hello to everyone, and then looked at Qin Ge beside him, "I guess this is what my little sister often said. Commander Qin Ge, he is really a young hero. It is better to meet him than to be famous."

The younger sister of King George V that Qin Ge knew was Hao, and the two had a relatively good relationship with each other when they were in Donghuang.

"King George V has given me the award. She also mentioned you many times when I was with Hao before. I have always wanted to meet, but I didn't have time, and I didn't expect that our first meeting would be in such an environment." Qin Song smiled.

"It doesn't matter. After all, we are soldiers, and it is normal to meet on the battlefield." King George V smiled boldly, looked at the figure similar to her behind Qin Ge, and couldn't help but smile, "What's more, you don't already have Your own King George V?”

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "Although the memories between ship girls are the same, their experiences after appearing are different. Therefore, each ship girl is unique. I will never be just because of two ship girls." The mother's name or appearance are the same to judge that they are the same person."

"Well said, I appreciate you more and more now." King George V said with a smile, "Let me introduce you to you next."

As King George V said this, he turned around and began to introduce the leaders in power to Qin Ge.

Although they all have the same name, perhaps because of their personal experiences, each leader is different from Qin Ge's ship girl.

In addition to being very similar in terms of ship decoration, the appearance gives people a completely different feeling.

After everyone said hello, they came to the combat conference room of the outpost under the leadership of Veneto, the leader of the Sardinian Empire, and began this combat conference involving the entire Atlantic Ocean.

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