My ship girl, my world

Chapter 70 Second Lesson

God knows what kind of mood Qin Ge felt when he was served by Belfast and put on his training uniform. Anyway, it can be seen from his difficulty in adjusting the breathing rhythm during his morning jog.

Therefore, the usual long-distance running turned into a short-distance sprint today because the breathing rhythm was very difficult to adjust.

However, when I returned to the bathroom with a heavy gasp, I found that my tooth cup was filled with water, and the toothpaste was squeezed onto the toothbrush, ready to use.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge suddenly felt dumbfounded. Originally, this was what he should do, but now that he is being served by others, he always has an indescribable feeling.

When I think that it will have to be like this from now on, and coupled with Belfast's expression of tears, it seems that I can only accept it slowly.

So he picked up the prepared tooth cup and toothbrush, and Qin Ge started his morning wash.

After washing up, I just returned to my room, and Belfast was already standing there very elegantly. He held Qin Ge's commander's uniform in his hand. As for what he wanted to do, it was to serve him and change his clothes.

Obviously, Qin Ge's body became less stiff the second time he changed clothes than the first time. However, after Belfast neatened his collar and smoothed his clothes, he still couldn't help but let out a heavy breath.

Belfast on the side acted as if he hadn't seen it and was still concentrating on doing his own thing.

After changing his clothes, Qin Ge took his textbooks and lesson preparation textbooks and went to the cafeteria with his three ship girls. Under Belfast's service, after several people finished breakfast, they went to the preparation area next to the large lecture hall to prepare for the second class.

The preparation area is where the instructor rests. Since he came earlier, Qin Ge had enough time to look through the tactical textbook he compiled yesterday. While browsing, Belfast also made black tea for several people, which made Qin Ge couldn't help but sigh again at Belfast's professionalism.

As the preparation bell rang, Qin Ge and his three ship ladies walked out of the preparation area and walked into the lecture hall.

Compared with the large lecture hall of the first period, the number of people in the lecture hall of the second period is much smaller, because the second grade students do not stay in school all the time. They now mainly entrust tasks to increase their own experience, so there are still relatively few people staying in school.

Most of the people present were first-year students, and the most eye-catching thing was the row in the front, where the military ranks were captain-level and school-level commanders.

There is a sharp feeling about them, and they look like people who have experienced life and death battles. Just as Qin Ge was looking at them, they were also looking at Qin Ge on the podium.

As soon as Canglong returned, he summoned several fleet commanders near Shenhua City for a meeting, and the content of the meeting was to discuss the strategic and tactical courses held at the Commander's Academy.

This move puzzled the commanders and deputy commanders of these large fleets. After all, they are also graduates of the Commander Academy, so they are very familiar with the strategic and tactical courses of the Commander Academy. However, now that the director-general of the Maritime Safety Administration, Canglong, has asked them to attend the strategic and tactical courses, they are really confused.

But with Canglong's explanation, they probably understood. The strategic and tactical course instructor of the Commander Academy now has a new member, and this new member has the rank of private and the identity of a trainee commander. The content of his speech has been affirmed by the frontline commander company and the director of the Maritime Safety Administration, Canglong.

And only after Soryu and Enterprise negotiated with the Prince of Wales, the dean of the Commander Academy, did they get such an opportunity. Moreover, to attend one class, you also need to pay a fee of 500 units of materials.

All of this made several commanders and deputy commanders of the fleet look forward to it. They also wanted to see what kind of strategic and tactical lessons this trainee commander with the rank of private could teach those two. Such a high compliment?

So, except for the commander or deputy commander who stayed at the headquarters, everyone else paid for the materials and all attended the strategic and tactical course today.

At first glance, their impression of Qin Ge was that he was very young, just like the college they first came to. But soon they noticed the difference in Qin Ge's temperament.

Although he didn't have the bloody aura they had, his sharp eyes, clean movements, and always upright posture all showed how extraordinary he was.

I'm afraid I came to the right time this time. Several people looked at each other in the audience, nodded, and then fixed their eyes on Qin Ge on the podium.

"Attend class!"

Following Qin Ge's voice, everyone stood up, their expressions solemn and serious.

"sit down!"

Seeing everyone sit down, Qin Ge started today's class.

"Originally, I would explain the knowledge in the textbook to you today, but since a few seniors are here, I plan to temporarily change the course. Everyone should put down the books in their hands and mainly listen to what I explain to you. Remember what I gave you last time? The last words you left?

That is, since the creation of all tactics, there have been only two purposes in principle: one is to preserve oneself, and the other is to destroy the enemy.

Today, I will mainly explain to you defensive tactics and offensive tactics. "

As Qin Ge explained, everyone couldn't help but sit upright and stared closely at Qin Ge on the podium.

"In battle, destroying the enemy is the main thing, and preserving yourself is the second. Only by destroying a large number of enemies can you effectively preserve yourself. Attack and defense are the basic means to achieve the purpose of combat. Attacking with initiative is the main means of destroying the enemy, and defense has Passivity is a means to preserve oneself and assist in attacking.

In our naval battles, all we need to do is to give full play to the effectiveness of the ship equipment of various types of ship girls, flexibly use various tactics, be brave and tenacious, and resolutely and actively annihilate the enemy.

In this process, knowing oneself and the enemy is the basis for correct guidance of combat. To organize and implement combat, one should be familiar with the situation of both parties and find the rules of action, which can be used to guide one's own actions, so that subjective guidance conforms to objective reality.

I remember that when I first entered the academy, the dean, the Prince of Wales, asked me a question. She said what was the most important thing in a war? My answer then was intelligence.

During the battle, constantly control the changes in the battlefield situation, modify the battle plan in a timely manner, form new judgments and make new determinations in a timely manner, determine new methods of action, or adjust the actions of the entire fleet, so that subjective guidance conforms to the changing objective reality. Concentrating superior forces to seize the initiative in battle is the fundamental way to defeat the enemy! "

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