My ship girl, my world

Chapter 707 Seeking Knowledge

"Report, there is a Siren fleet ahead. It is expected to be a large formation, and there are also executors among them."

Z1's call came through the communicator, making everyone frown.

Peter Strasser said, "Can it be avoided?"

"I'm afraid not. The other party is too scattered and cannot be bypassed." Z1 replied.

"Then prepare to fight and deal with them quickly without delaying for too long." Scharnhorst said.

“Turn on self-driving and make it quick,” said Peter Strasser.


After a few people finished speaking, they quickly turned on the autopilot mode, jumped off the ship, and quickly glided in the direction of Z1.

The whole process of the battle went very quickly, because this team was originally composed of Qin Ge's ship girls. It goes without saying that the Siren fleet was very offensive this time, and Scharnhorst and Peter Strasser were also waiting for it. People have been working together for a long time and have become accustomed to their fighting rhythm, so there is not much of a problem.

However, it was indeed a bit surprising for Z1 and others to see such cooperation for the first time.

"This kind of cooperation is really amazing. Normally when we face a fleet like this, we have to fight for at least an hour, but they actually ended the battle in less than twenty minutes." Z2 looked at the wreckage floating on the sea. said in surprise.

"Hmph, actually the invincible Lord Z1 can do it, but his condition is a little bad today." Z1 said somewhat unwilling to admit defeat.

However, the destroyers were already familiar with each other's personalities, so they didn't take Z1's words to heart.

"I finally understand why they dare to carry out transportation in this dangerous sea as a small team. Sure enough, only with strong combat effectiveness can they do all this.

It seems that our Wolf Pack team has to keep working hard! "U81 said floating on the water.

"Okay, you don't have to sigh. What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. When we join the main force, you will know what kind of battle we are going to face." Scharnhorst smiled. Said to everyone.

"Next, the fleet will continue to move forward. You can continue to explore the front."


The Iron-Blooded Team reacted quickly and quickly disappeared from sight.

The transport team also began to resume normal travel again. Only the wreckage of the Siren left on the sea told the story of the fierce war that had just occurred.

On the other side of the main battlefield, due to logistical supply reasons, the current advancement speed is relatively slow. But this is also an opportunity for the ship girl to relax after fighting for such a long time.

But even in such an environment, no one was careless because they all knew that there were powerful beings deep in the sea that had not yet appeared.

A battle like this now is, at best, just a warm-up in the frontcourt, and the more difficult part is yet to come.

On Qin Ge's command ship, the leaders of the Northern Alliance, Sardinian Empire, and Iris camps gathered here.

Their purpose is very clear, which is to take advantage of this period of time when the war has eased to learn more information from Qin Ge.

Qin Ge didn't hide much from them. After all, such information would definitely be shared with other major camps in the future.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Ge will also take out all the files collected from Donghuang to here and analyze them one by one.

Looking at the documents displayed on the command ship's desktop, the leaders of each camp couldn't help but frown.

"It's incredible, so for this world, we ship girls can be said to be invaders with a certain probability?" the Soviet Union said with a frown.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I thought so before, but now I don't think so. Or maybe this world was born because of you ship girls."

"What do you mean, Commander Qin Ge, he was born for us ship girls?" Veneto asked.

"Commander Qin Ge seemed to have mentioned this issue before, but we didn't pay too much attention to it at the time." The Soviet Union said, "I remember that Commander Qin Ge had just graduated from the Commander Academy and encountered the mirror near Riyue Island. When in the sea.”

"I remember that time too." Richelieu nodded on the side, "Commander Qin Ge said at that time that Siren had set up six levels for him in the mirror sea, and after passing these levels, he would be given corresponding rewards. , and answered some of his questions at the end.

And these rewards are also the source of the planning ships for his fleet in addition to the monarch. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, the observer told me at the time that they were equivalent to experimenters in this world, and the experiments they conducted were to collect combat data, and the subjects of these experiments were ship girls.

At that time, I did not fully understand the meaning of this sentence. I thought that the world of observers was a testing ground, and the ship girls were just guinea pigs compared to them.

But it wasn’t until I discovered these files that I recently realized that I might have been wrong. "

"Commander Qin Ge, tell me what you think. We also want to learn from you." Jean Bart said very directly.

Qin Ge nodded, then tapped a few times on the keyboard next to him, called up a file and said, "Pay attention to this file."

"The Tunguska explosion, so what does Commander Qin Ge mean?" the Soviet Union said.

Qin Ge said, "I asked Helena from another world before about the authenticity of this file. Helena told me that this file is a file that records history, and this history happened in the original world, and they will The world is called primordial.”

"Origin?" Richelieu said in surprise, "Does it mean that world is the beginning of everything?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, if Helena didn't lie to me, this would be the beginning of everything."

Qin Ge then pointed at the file and said, "Look, the history of the world described in this file is completely different from the world we live in.

In that world, there were World War I and World War II. The Tunguska explosion was discovered after the Second World War, that is, during the Cold War.

And what about this world? I have never experienced World War I. When various countries were upgrading their armaments, the sirens descended from the sky and disrupted all historical trajectories.

Since then, humans have lost the protection of battleships, and the ocean has become the siren's back garden. Because they wanted to fight the sirens, humans discovered the ship girls fighting the sirens on the sea.

At this point, humans and ship girls signed an agreement and launched a joint war against the sirens, and this battle continues to this day. "

"But doesn't this mean that the Sirens and we are both invaders? But Commander Qin Ge said that's not the case. What's the secret behind this?" Veneto asked.

Qin Ge smiled slightly, "Here comes the important part..."

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