My ship girl, my world

Chapter 714 Give a Ride

Looking at the battlefield in front of them from a distance, the eyes of the senior leaders of the major camps were filled with shock.

The royal King George V said slowly through the communicator: "It is indeed a war that we cannot get close to. In terms of firepower alone, although we have a large number of people, one mountain city in Ember is already equivalent to one of our current combined fleets." Do you have the firepower?"

"Although I really want to say it's not the case, it is indeed the case. This kind of power is really foul." Zuihe, who was a heavy Sakura, exclaimed.

"Huh?" The iron-blooded Bismarck's voice appeared, "Didn't you Chongsakura participate in the initial battle with the Arbiter?"

"No, at that time Commander Qin Ge's fleet was divided into two groups to assist Donghuang and Chongying at the same time. It was Commander Qin Ge's fleet that had an encounter with the Arbiter, not to assist us," Ruihe explained.

"Really?" After learning this information, Bismarck stopped talking and just looked at the battlefield in front of him quietly.

At this time, Baiying's company said, "The situation on the battlefield has become more obvious now. Although the Arbiter is still resisting, the situation is slowly turning towards Ember, not us. This battle has finally come to an end."

"But is this really the end?" the Soviet Union said, looking at the battlefield in the distance.

"After this incident, the structure of this world will become confusing again. Although Commander Qin Ge talked about the issue of Embers, they will still be a factor of instability after the Arbiter retreats."

"So? The Northern Alliance is preparing to intervene in Ember's future?" Free Iris Richelieu said lightly.

"I'm just worried, and if we intervene, we are not qualified yet." Although the Soviet Union did not answer in the affirmative, it did not deny it either.

"Although I don't want to admit it, as Yixian and Akagi Kaga expected, Commander Qin Ge has become someone we cannot ignore." Veneto of the Sardinian Empire paused when he said this.

"It is a force that must be treated seriously. With his fleet and ambiguous relationship with Ember, he will definitely be the leader of this world in the future."

"You don't have to worry." Donghuang's Anshan said.

"Oh, did Donghuang discover anything else?" the Soviet Union asked, and the others also concentrated their attention.

Anshan's voice came from the communicator, "For Commander Qin Ge, there is no barrier between camps in his heart. You can also see the performance of the Siren Tide this time, and I believe you also know it.

Moreover, he did not become timid just because his opponent was strong, and chose to preserve his strength and stay safe. In battle, his fleet always charges forward. Although having more people is one thing, he can also choose to consume you.

And Sister Yixian said that if we want to truly unite, this choice is the best. "

"It seems that Donghuang has a high opinion of Commander Qin Ge." Enterprise smiled.

"Aren't you Baiying tall enough?" Xianghe beside Ruihe curled his lips but did not say anything.

"You should turn your attention to the battlefield in front of you. It is not appropriate to talk about this now." King George V said.

"Furthermore, we have all been in contact with Commander Qin Ge. I believe you all know what kind of person he is. If he hadn't acted righteously this time, our other camps would have been destroyed.

We will leave the future issues for later. As long as Commander Qin Ge does not violate the principles of Azur Lane and the moral principles in his heart, then we are happy to see his strength. "

After King George V said these words, there was no more sound from the communicator, and there was a long period of silence.

The top leaders of the major camps turned their attention to the battlefield in the distance, but in their hearts they considered what King George V had just said.

On the battlefield not far away, Arbiter Hermet looked at the offensive of several Embers in front of her. Although her side was suppressed, there was no trace of nervousness on her face.

"The mechanism system IX=XIV joint interference mechanism is activated."

Following Hermet's movements, a strong electromagnetic pulse came out, and Memphis and Shancheng were the first to bear the brunt.

"The weapon system has been interfered with. Emergency repairs are now starting. I'm going to leave it to you." Memphis quickly withdrew from direct contact and retreated toward the rear of the Embers.


With a cold reply, the black chain quickly approached, chasing Strencus in Memphis and the mountain city.

Immediately after the black chain, Scharnhorst's figure appeared in front of the two of them. She looked at Strenkus who stopped and said, "Now, your opponent is me."

"Hmph, you guys are really difficult to deal with." Although he said this, the movements of Strenkus' hands did not stop at all.

Blue barrages emerged from the ship's suit on her body and rushed toward Scharnhorst.

Facing the barrage that filled the sky, Scharnhorst did not wave his long knife and kill it with his sword energy like the flying dragon did before. Instead, he tightened the iron chain in his hand and threw it out. The black iron chain, accompanied by black and red lightning, swept away the barrage in the sky in an instant.

"This trick is of no use to me." Scharnhorst said as he turned the turret mounted on his ship, aimed the cannonballs at Strenkus in front of him, and fired fiercely.

The cannonballs exploded violently in front of Stelenkus. Although it was blessed with a gravity shield, Ember's cannonballs were not as easy to avoid as Qin Ge's cannonballs.

After the smoke filled the air, the Stelenkus ship that appeared in front of everyone had begun to be damaged.

"The strike is effective, but meaningless." The injured Strenkus did not care about his injuries at all, but said calmly to Scharnhorst in front of him.

"Repair module, start..."

Following Strenkus's voice, the damage to her ship's armor was being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short time, the ship's outfit had been repaired, and there was no trace of how many shells she had received before.

Scharnhorst didn't seem surprised by this result, and still shook the chain in his hand to attack, "There is a limit to the number of times you can activate the maintenance module. If you don't get timely supplies, how many times can you repair it? I wonder if there are more of them than mine?”

Facing Scharnhorst's question, Strenkus did not answer, but accelerated the pace of the attack.

Similarly, Hermet and Tempalance on the other side also accelerated the pace of their attack.

As time slowly passed, the battlefield was gradually compressed smaller and smaller. Although the connection mechanism of several arbiters was always activated, people who became familiar with it would naturally have ways to break their connection mechanism.

"Can't you hold on?" Feilong keenly noticed the situation of several arbiters, so he raised his lips and smiled, "Then it's time to give you the finishing blow."

"Everyone, activate semi-overload and give the people in front of you a ride!"


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