My ship girl, my world

Chapter 72 More money is needed

"Teacher Qin Ge, thank you very much for your explanation. I really benefited a lot from this class."

After the course, the chief of the fleet, who was sitting in the front row, walked up to the podium and thanked Qin Ge.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. As long as you can gain something from my courses, that is my greatest value." Qin Ge responded to them with a smile.

The school-level commander who was the first to stand up and ask a question said, "I am Zhang Shiping from the Yunhai Fleet. At first, when Director Canglong told us to come and listen to the class, we were still doubtful, but after listening to your class, I I apologize for my previous confusion.”

"Yes, it's the same for me. This trip to the Commander's Academy for lectures has completely opened my mind. It turns out that defensive operations can be arranged in this way." A captain-level commander said to Qin Ge.

"Yes, I'm very curious. Did instructor Qin Ge take off his military rank? Judging from your experience and knowledge, it is definitely not something that a private soldier can master, right?" A person said to Qin Ge.

"Haha, as you can see, I just joined the Commander's Academy to study this year, so I am still a private." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"It's incredible," one commander said.

"So I would like to ask where did Mr. Qin Ge obtain such systematic and professional academic knowledge?" A person asked curiously.

"I taught myself this." Qin Ge said with a stiff face.

"Haha, instructor Qin Ge was joking, but this is considered personal privacy. It's understandable if you don't say it. But I will definitely come to your next course. Even if I don't come, I will ask my colleagues to come." Zhang Shiping said.

"The same goes for me, and even if Director Canglong doesn't tell me, I will recommend it to my classmates at the same time." A commander said.

"Of course, if I recommend it to them, they have to thank me." A commander said with a smile.

After several people laughed and chatted for a while, they bid farewell to Qin Ge and left the Commander Academy. Because they all belong to the nearby fleet, they have to go back and coordinate the work of their own fleet.

At this time, when Qin Ge was taking several of his ship girls to class, the Prince of Wales in the principal's room dialed Canglong's phone number.

"Welsh, why do you think of calling me now?" Canglong said in a confused voice.

"500 units of supplies per class is too low. You'll have to raise the price." The Prince of Wales didn't say anything else and spoke directly to Canglong about this matter.

"Tsk, so that's what happened. In fact, I had a headache at first, because after hearing that Qin Ge was a new commander, most of them were not so willing to go, so I lowered the funds." Canglong said helplessly. .

"Then now they should know how powerful Qin Ge is, right? So you increase the fee for them." The Prince of Wales said.

"But if the cost is too high, will Commander Qin Ge have a wrong feeling, thinking that resources are very easy to obtain, so he will stop making progress?" Cang Long said with some worry.

"So this is why you kept the cost low? Do you think Qin Ge would do this with his character?" said the Prince of Wales.

"Well, that's no problem. I'll ask them later how they feel when they come back today. If they like it unanimously, then I will tell them.

Today's class is a trial class, so the price can be relatively cheaper. When the class is formally attended in the future, the fee will be based on 1,000 units of resources per class. "Cang Long said to the Prince of Wales.

"Well, our current goal is to train Qin Ge into a person who can take on big responsibilities, so don't be stingy with resources." The Prince of Wales said.

"Listening to what you said, have you figured out his origin?" Canglong asked curiously.

"Yes, his origins are the same as ours, but you should not publicize this matter outside. After all, it is not okay if the future backbone of the navy or the backbone of the navy in the future is not from this world." The Prince of Wales said.

"I see, that can be explained. Don't worry, I know the importance of this matter better than you." Canglong said to the Prince of Wales.

"Oh, that's all. After the company's commander comes over, I will ask for a higher price. Anyway, they have no shortage of battles on the front line." The Prince of Wales smiled at Canglong.

"Haha, it seems that if I were a bole like you, I would think that Qin Ge must be a thousand-mile horse." Canglong said with a smile.

"About that. We have been in a stalemate with the Siren for too long now, and we need a leader to guide us to break through this deadlock. I think Qin Ge's arrival is the right one." The Prince of Wales said with a smile.

"Okay, that's it. I will arrange it later, don't worry." After Canglong finished speaking, he hung up the phone. As for the Prince of Wales in the office, he looked at the report form in front of him and smiled slightly. stand up.

After finishing the morning class and eating in the cafeteria with Li Chenming, Qin Ge said goodbye to Li Chenming who went back to rest, and took his wife to the Akashi grocery store.

The purpose of his visit today was to buy some textbooks on ship girls and a few technology boxes by the way.

Since tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday, I plan to use the next two days to take my ship girl to the training ground to conduct exercises with Fushun.

Qin Ge knows that if a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. Before, it was because of insufficient supplies, but now since selling the Rubik's Cube, plus the 5,000 units of supplies obtained this time, he now has 20,000 units of supplies in his hands.

This time, he planned to buy three warship girl textbooks, two gold technology boxes, and two purple technology boxes.

We arrived at Akashi's grocery store, and sure enough, Akashi was inside. And when Akashi saw Qin Ge bringing his ship girl to his grocery store again, the light in his eyes immediately changed.

She hurried up to meet Qin Ge and said, "Commander Qin Ge, I haven't seen you for a long time. I wonder what you need when you come here this time?"

"I came here this time to buy some textbooks on ship girls and some technology boxes." Qin Ge said to Akashi.

"I remember you are a trainee commander, right? Why can you suddenly afford such expensive things?" Snacks said to Brother Qin.

"I sold a few of the previous Mental Rubik's Cubes, and now I have a stable income." Qin Ge explained to Akashi.

"I see. Then tell me what you need, and I'll get it for you right now." Akashi said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge nodded, "Buy three gold-quality ship girl textbooks, one for attack and two for defense. Then buy 2 gold technology boxes and two purple technology boxes."

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