My ship girl, my world

Chapter 717 Royal Navy Cross

Even if part of the fleet goes back to Guam to garrison, the number of people who stay in the royal family is still relatively large, especially when attending the celebration banquet at night.

The moment nearly a hundred gorgeously dressed ship girls appeared in front of Qin Ge, Qin Ge realized the power he now possessed.

This time the royal banquet was held by the royal leader Queen Elizabeth, and the banquet was held in the palace where she usually lives.

Banquets of this level hosted by the queen usually entertain leaders of various camps or envoys, and this time they were used to entertain Qin Ge, which was enough to show the royal family's respect for him.

They arrived at the banquet venue in a special car specially prepared by the royal family. As soon as they got off the car, Qin Ge saw the maids preparing inside and outside the banquet venue.

The slightly familiar figure and the slightly different appearance reminded him of the way he looked when he held a banquet in the port area.

But looking around, Qin Ge found that among these maids there were some ship girls that he had never owned, so an idea came to his mind.

While he was thinking, people in uniforms gathered around him. Looking at Qin Ge's thinking, Enterprise smiled and asked, "Commander, what's wrong?"

Qin Ge came back to his senses, shook his head, and smiled at everyone, "I just felt that the resources were a little tight before, and many times I didn't dare to summon the ship girl boldly.

Now after this battle, we have the corresponding confidence. When we return to the port area, it is time to consider strengthening our team again. "

"Haha, this is a very good idea." The company smiled and nodded, "At present, the strength of our port area is enough to support us to face the waters near Guam, and we no longer have to worry about safety issues. We can indeed put our The owned ship girls have been summoned.”

"It's obvious that the commander saw that there were ship girls in the maid team that he didn't have, so he said this. Ha, man." Prince Eugen teased as he followed Bismarck.

Qin Ge couldn't help but cough, "The results are the same anyway, so just ignore the reasons for now."

After hearing Qin Ge's explanation, the ship girls surrounding him burst into laughter.

At this moment, several bright red figures appeared at the door of the banquet hall. It was the Royal King George V who came towards Qin Ge and others with Hao and others.

"Gui'an, Commander Qin Ge, it's a great honor for you to come to the celebration banquet hosted by Her Majesty the Queen." King George V walked up to Qin Ge, stretched out his right hand, and said to Qin Ge with a smile.

Without hesitation, Qin Ge immediately responded accordingly.

He held the hand extended by King George V and said with a smile, "It is our honor to be able to participate in such a high-level royal celebration banquet, and we are very grateful for your welcome and hospitality."

"It doesn't matter, this is what our royal family should do, especially for you. This time the royal family was able to turn the corner and reduce unnecessary losses entirely because of Commander Qin Ge's timely support.

So this time is not so much a celebration banquet held by the royal family as it is a celebration banquet held specially for you by the royal family. "Although King George V's words were polite, there was no hint of politeness in his tone and he was very sincere.

"To be serious, this time it was also because we all fought against the enemy together and worked together to achieve this result. I just used my own strength."

Qin Ge was not proud to take the credit for himself. This answer made King George V think highly of him again.

"Sister, it's not good to keep the guests standing outside the banquet hall. The evening is very long. Why don't you go to the banquet hall to meet Her Majesty the Queen first and then you can continue chatting?"

Hao on the side smiled and reminded King George V of the mission he was currently performing.

"Ha, thank you for the reminder. Commander Qin Ge and everyone else, please come with me into the banquet hall. Her Majesty the Queen has been waiting for you for a long time." King George V said, then turned around and made an invitation gesture. , leading Qin Ge and others towards the banquet hall.

After entering the banquet hall, Qin Ge was slightly shocked by the spacious venue and the splendid decoration.

But soon Qin Ge set his sights on the girl sitting on the throne.

She wears a crown on her head, a pure white dress on her body, and holds a scepter in her hand. Although she looks like a girl, she has the aura of a superior.

As Qin Ge led by King George V approached, the girl sitting on the throne stood up and took two steps forward.

"Your Majesty, Commander Qin Ge has arrived." King George V said to the girl.

"Thank you, George." Elizabeth smiled and nodded to King George V, then turned her attention to Qin Ge, who was standing at the front.

Wearing a white navy uniform, like most commanders, his skin was somewhat bronzed due to long periods of sun exposure, and he stood as straight and firm as a bronze sculpture.

"In the name of the royal family, I welcome Commander Qin Ge as a guest in the royal family. I hope Commander Qin Ge can have a pleasant trip during his stay in the royal family."

Facing Elizabeth's words, Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I have met Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. I heard Hao mention you often when I was in Donghuang. Today, it is indeed better to be famous than to meet. Thank you very much for your invitation and blessing."

Elizabeth smiled softly, looked at the slightly familiar faces around Qin Ge and said, "Enterprise, Bismarck, Veneto, Richelieu, Nagato... it is indeed the same as what we knew before. It seems that this battle can be won. Not just because of the help of those embers.

Commander Qin is able to gather so many camp leaders under his command and bring them together. I am suddenly curious about how great your achievements will be in the future. "

"I don't know." Qin Ge shook his head and looked at the ship girls around him and said, "But I will take them forward, protect everything with them, and protect the world."

"You have indeed fulfilled your belief. This time, in addition to celebrating the victory of the royal family and the world in this Siren Tide, at the same time, as the leader of the royal family, I also want to take this opportunity to give you something." Elizabeth. said.

"Something?" Qin Ge was confused.

Elizabeth stretched out her hand, and a box engraved with the royal mark appeared in her palm. As she opened the box, the contents were revealed. It was a shining golden badge with a cross underneath the royal emblem.

“This is the Royal Navy’s highest-ranking Cross, and its meaning is that it is awarded in the name of the Royal Navy to the commander who has shown the most bravery and fearlessness in the face of the enemy.

Only a handful of commanders have achieved this distinction in the history of the Royal Navy, but I give it to you today because it is the only one worthy of your courage and fearlessness. "

Listening to Elizabeth's words, Qin Ge's expression couldn't help but become serious. Then he adjusted his clothes. Jiang's already very tall figure stood even more upright again.

"Thank you very much."

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