My ship girl, my world

Chapter 728 Heading to Northern United

"Aren't you going to stay for a while longer?"

King George V looked at Qin Ge in front of him and said with a pleading expression.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have to go to other camps next. After all, we have already agreed when we parted, and I am also planning to rush back before the Spring Festival in Donghuang. After all, there are still many people staying in the port area. I hope to spend this festival with them." Qin Ge said with a smile.

King George V nodded, "In this case, I will no longer retain you. I hope that if you have the opportunity in the future, you can come to the royal family as a guest. The royal door will always be open to you."

"Thank you. The scenery of Fog City is very beautiful. If possible, I would like to take them here again. I also welcome the royal family to Guam as a guest." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, after all, we have signed a cooperation agreement now, and there will be some troubles when the time comes." King George V said with a smile.

"Then let's set off." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, smooth sailing."


Saying goodbye to everyone in the royal family, Qin Ge boarded the command ship at the dock accompanied by his ship's wife.

Then the whistle was blown and the ship gradually left the port and headed northeast.

On the command ship, looking at the royal family getting further and further away, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, and then turned his head, "Our first stop is over, and the whole process went very smoothly, and the next step is the Northern Alliance.

What do you think of Northern United? "

Several high-level ship girls looked at each other, and the first one to speak was Soviet Rosia.

“I communicated with them during the battle in the sea, and I also spent a lot of time with Mercury Memorial, Gangut, and Aurora before.

What can be felt is that the fundamental purpose of Northern United has not changed, advocating collectivism and contribution to society, having firm goals and the fearless courage required to achieve them.

And currently, the Northern Alliance has transferred almost all of its fleet to the polar regions. This time the Northern Alliance participated in the Atlantic attack, it was all because the sirens in the polar regions suddenly disappeared and were replaced by those on the Atlantic coast.

So I don’t think the commander has anything to worry about during this trip to the Northern Alliance, and with Aurora’s help, I believe it will achieve a very satisfactory result just like the royal family. "

Qin Ge looked at the serious Soviet Rosia and couldn't help but nodded, "I understand. In fact, it can be seen from previous actions that the Northern Alliance is tantamount to dominating the Azur Lane, and they will focus on the north.

But they are not very happy to see Azur Lane being monolithic. This is related to their interests.

So I don't have too many worries about this northern joint implementation, I just want to hear your opinions. "

"The situation the commander said was before, but now the situation in the world has changed. The Northern Alliance should have this awareness. Even if they rarely participate in Azur Lane affairs, I believe they will not stop us from making Azur Lane a monolithic entity." King George V said.

"I think so. At least when the commander came to this world, the blueprints of the Monarch research ship discovered by the Northern Alliance in the polar regions were handed over to the entire Azur Lane." The company responded.

Qin Ge nodded, "The company is right, so based on these circumstances, we can now formulate goals for this time.

We don't ask for too much from Northern United. We just hope to reach strategic agreement and scientific research cooperation, maintain close intelligence sharing on their direction of action, and provide active assistance when assistance is needed. That's about it. "

"Actually, I feel that we can still strive for more. These should be regarded as our bottom line, and we can speak more during negotiations." Bismarck said.

"I agree with Bismarck. In the current world situation, we have the strength to demand more. We are no longer the fleet that had to look at the faces of each camp. We have the strength to safeguard our own interests. Let the majesty of our fleet spread throughout this sea area." Veneto said passionately.

"Will this irritate the Northern Alliance?" Richelieu asked.

"Since they invited us in the first place, I believe they have already realized this. If they don't have the courage to negotiate with us, then the Northern Alliance is really being underestimated." Bismarck said in a cold voice.

"Well." As the commander, Qin Ge said conclusively, "Just follow what Bismarck said. We cannot be weak when dealing with some strong camps. We must know that there will still be iron blood after the Northern Alliance.

So the people negotiating this time were Bismarck and Soviet Rosia. That's it. "


Seeing everyone answering together, Qin Ge said with a smile, "That's it for the rest of the plan. This time we will go faster on the northern joint trip. There are several camps behind us, and we have to go back to Guam later."

"Haha, Commander, it's because there are relatively few people from the Northern Alliance in our fleet, so this time we don't have to invite as many people as the royal family to the Northern Alliance, right?" King George V said with a smile.

"Ahem, there's no need to be so direct. What's more, even in the Northern Alliance, I can ask you to go sightseeing together." Qin Ge said with some embarrassment.

"Ha, then will the commander give you the Ring of Oath?" King George V joked.

As soon as he said this, Qin Ge clearly felt that the eyes of the several ship girls surrounding him became a little more eager, except for Bismarck of course.

"Um..." Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless, "Since you asked that, I'll explain it clearly.

For me, giving a ring to someone is not like being a commander in this world. Although the oath ring also represents other meanings, for me, it is a further sublimation of the relationship between two people.

It represents trust, mutual support, and the most precious love of mankind. In simple terms, that's a proposal.

So as long as our relationship makes me feel that we have reached that point, I will hand over the realm of vows to you, and I will also prepare a unique wedding ceremony for you, just like the glory.

This is my promise and it is valid for each and every one of you, including those of you who have received rings at the Royal before. "

"I see, is that why the commander didn't give the ring to me when he was in the royal family?" King George V smiled and said, "Then come to me more often. Food and fighting are my two major interests. Although I You can fight alone, but beauty is too lonely to enjoy alone. If Commander is willing, I also hope to share it with you."

"I'm extremely honored." Qin Ge smiled.

"Suddenly, I feel like I'm looking forward to it too." Veneto said with a smile.

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