My ship girl, my world

Chapter 736 What’s so scary about the gendarmerie?

Thinking of the Northern Alliance ship girls in his own camp, Qin Ge's first thought was of course Soviet Rosia, but now she is participating in the Northern Alliance negotiations with other ship girls, so that is not possible for the time being.

Next is Tashkent, who often calls himself "gay sauce".

It's a bit inappropriate for Tashkent to use it as a date, or as a hangout. Moreover, it has been snowing all night outside. Although it has stopped snowing now, the sky is still gray and threatens to snow at any time.

Wouldn't it be fun to have a snowball fight outside now? During this period of time, I have been wandering among the mature ship girls, and I really care less about destroyers.

Thinking of this, Qin Ge made a plan for today, to be a child king!

He turned his head and said to Belfast who was following him, "Where do you live in Tashkent?"

Belfast smiled and said, "Master, are you planning to ask Miss Tashkent out today?"

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Don't look at me like that, it's different from you, and the person I want to date today is not just Tashkent."

Belfast blinked, "Reporting to the master, I didn't say anything."

Qin Ge rolled his eyes and said, "I'll go to the rest area and wait while you go and notify other destroyers and submarines if possible."


Although Belfast had teased Qin Ge before, when faced with Qin Ge's order, Belfast readily agreed and immediately implemented it.

When Qin Ge sat down in the rest area, he saw several figures running towards him, followed by Belfast who had just left.

"Comrade-chan, are you looking for us?"

The one running at the front of the several figures was Tashkent. She ran to Qin Ge's side and asked doubtfully.

Qin Ge nodded, "Haha, slow down, there's no rush."

Looking at the little ones standing next to him, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Did you just play together?"

"Yes, Commander." Javelin said with a smile, "When I woke up today, I saw a lot of snow outside. The snow before was always in my memory. Now I am very happy to see such heavy snow in reality, so prepare Invite a few people to hang out together.”

"So you found Nimi and Lafite, Tashkent?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, actually I was planning to find more people, but I just met Miss Belfast on the road and heard her say that Commander you are looking for us, so we came down right away." Javelin explained.

"So, what's going on, Commander?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I have the same idea as you. When I saw it was snowing so heavily outside, I wanted to find someone to go out and play with.

After thinking about it, I haven't spent much time with you, so today is the best time, how about we go out and have some fun in the snow?

How about building a snowman, having a snowball fight, and having a great day? "

"Ah! Commander, are you with us?" Javelin said excitedly, while several people on the side also showed expectant looks.

"Yes, but there are still too few of us." Qin Ge said with a smile, "So I have a mission for you."

"Commander, please tell me, no matter what the task is, we can help you complete it." Javelin said excitedly.

"Haha, it doesn't have to be so formal." Qin Ge said with a smile, "Let me inform the other destroyers and submarines. If you want to have a good day, it's fun to have so many people, isn't it?"

"Understood, Commander, leave it to us."

Several people swore together and then turned around and ran upstairs.

"Master, please drink tea." Belfast placed a cup of tea in front of Qin Ge. "Please wait here for a moment while I prepare things for you to go out."

Qin Ge looked at the commander's uniform on his body, and then nodded, "I'll trouble you, Belfast."

"It should."

After a while, the news that Qin Ge was going to take the destroyers out for fun spread throughout the fleet. For a time, all the destroyers that had nothing to do came to the rest area to gather.

"Commander, I just heard what Javelin and the others said, do you really want to take us out to play?" Reckless looked at Qin Ge with excitement.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's snowing so heavily outside, so I'm going to take you out to play in the snow. Are there any residents nearby? The venue is quite big, so you can have a good time.

You see, my equipment has been prepared by Belfast, so before the people are here, you can also prepare your equipment, otherwise it will be too cold later and your hands will be frozen. . "

"No, it will only get hotter and hotter when you start playing. And we all wear gloves, so we are not afraid." Benson said with a smile.

"Okay then. Anyway, you can just come back and get it when you feel cold later. We will just play around here and we won't go far." Qin Ge nodded and said.

"But Commander, aren't you going out on a date today? When you were in the royal family, you went out on dates with those sisters every day." Icarus asked.

Qin Ge grinned, "It's precisely because when I was in the royal family, I went on dates with them every day and didn't spend much time with you, so I decided to take some time to spend some time with you today."

"Actually, if Commander wants to, we can go on a date with you. If Commander gives me a ring, I will definitely be very happy." Radford said.

"Ahem..." Qin Ge looked at the innocent Radford and the expectant destroyers beside him, "You are a little too young. If I give you a ring, I'm afraid the Maritime Safety Administration's gendarmerie will come to our port area. "

"What's so scary about those gendarmerie from the Maritime Safety Bureau? There are so many awakened ship girls in our port area. They can just come and beat them back. Moreover, the commander is ours, not theirs, so they don't need to worry about it. "Bailey said in shock.

"That's right, if the gendarmerie comes to arrest someone, our little beaver will definitely be at the front." Charles said, patting his chest.

Qin Ge quickly waved his hand to dispel the terrifying thoughts of these destroyers, "Let's talk about the ring and date later. Tashkent and Javelin are coming back soon, let's go down.

What are you going to play first? Skiing, building a snowman, or having a snowball fight? "

Qin Ge's words changed the topic, and the destroyers who had been preparing to attack the gendarmerie instantly returned to today's activities.

"Let's build a snowman. With so many of us, we can definitely build a big snowman."

"I think snowball fights are fun. There is so much snow outside, and snowball fights can also protect the commander. Isn't this what our destroyers should do?"

"It's not good to have a snowball fight. You'll get covered in snow. Why don't we find a higher place to ski?"

For a moment, he had all kinds of suggestions. Qin Ge couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene. Maybe these are the things he is willing to protect all the time.

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