My ship girl, my world

Chapter 740 The iron-blooded ship girl is in action

Frederick the Great had personal contact with Iron Blood. Although the process was not very covert, few people knew that from that moment on, Tie Xue had already confirmed its cooperation with Qin Ge's fleet.

This is also the reason why Bismarck was unusually quiet this time.

However, looking at some familiar buildings in front of him and in his memory, Bismarck felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Looking down at the vow ring on her hand, she couldn't help but think back to the night before.

"I wonder if I will be invited to Iron Blood this time? But I have already given the ring, so I'm afraid I won't be invited, right?"

Just as Bismarck's thoughts were racing, there was a knock on the door of her room.

For a moment, Bismarck's expression calmed down, and then he turned his head to look in the direction of the door, "Please come in."

Prince Eugen's figure walked in from the door and closed the door behind him.

"What's the matter, Eugen?" Bismarck asked as he looked at Prince Eugen who walked through the door.

"Oh, can I only come to you if I have something to do, Persian cat-chan?" Prince Eugen came to Bismarck with a smile, hugged her and smiled.

"Talking about things, I don't believe you would come to my room if you have nothing to do." Bismarck said lightly, not caring at all about Prince Eugen hugging him.

"Tsk, in your eyes, it turns out that I have always been like that." Prince Eugen smiled without any sign of anger, "Well, it's not really anything, but I came here to take a look at you. What are you doing? Now that we have arrived at the Iron-blooded ship, according to the agreement the commander made in the royal palace, it is time to arrange a date for our Iron-blooded ship girl.

Before, Persian Cat-chan got the ring from the commander without saying a word, which really surprised me. But according to your temperament, you generally won't fight for it, right? If the commander doesn't invite you on a date this time after coming to Iron-Blooded, you won't propose it, right? "

"So?" Bismarck said softly when faced with Prince Eugen's question, "For me, this ring is already my extravagant wish. As for whether I can get an invitation for a date in the future, it is no longer important. Communicating and negotiating here is what I should do.”

"Haha, it seems that Persian Cat-chan still has some expectations." Prince Eugen put down his hand and sat on the sofa nearby.

"Last time, Frederick the Great had reached an agreement on goals with Iron Blood in the sea. It can be seen from the fact that he directly invited us to their headquarters this time. Don't tell me you can't see it?

So this negotiation will not take a few days at all, and can basically be completed in one day. Do you hope to leave Jagged and go to Iris so quickly? "

Bismarck was stunned. It was because she was not good at expressing feelings, not because she had a problem with logic. After hearing what Prince Eugen said, what did she suddenly discover?

"So this is your purpose? You want the commander to stay in Iron-Blooded for a few more days, so that you can use your identity as the Iron-blooded ship's wife to take the initiative to ask the commander out, and then get the ring of oath from him, and then deepen the relationship?"

"Haha, I am indeed a Persian cat-chan. You discovered it with just a few words, but I am not the only one. There are many iron-blooded ship girls, which is a benefit to everyone." Prince Eugen faced There was no refutation of Bismarck's words and he directly admitted it.

Bismarck nodded, "As smart as you are, you should also know that the commander has a general timetable in mind, so he shouldn't be nervous. What's wrong? Could it be that now that he has reached the level of iron-bloodedness, he suddenly feels hesitant in his heart?

But logically speaking, Peter and the others should be the ones who are more hesitant, right? Although you haven't been with the commander as long as the centaurs and others, you can still be regarded as the second batch of ship girls. "

"How could it be?" Prince Eugen said with a smile, "If I want it, the first ring will be mine, but for the commander who is somewhat emotionally ignorant, Glory is indeed a better choice. This time I I won’t be humble anymore.”

Bismarck smiled and said, "It is indeed very your style."

"It doesn't matter if you have style or not, but I've noticed that you like to laugh recently, and you do it a lot. It seems that love can indeed change a person, even Persian cat-chan." Prince Eugen stretched himself , said somewhat charmingly.

Bismarck did not answer, turned around and walked to the wardrobe, "It's almost time, go back and change into your dress."

"Ha, it's true." Prince Eugen smiled, stood up and left Bismarck's room.

When the sound of closing the door was heard, Bismarck's movements gradually stopped.

She stretched out her hand and stroked her cheek, "Do you like to laugh? Is it because he said at that time that all he had to do was smile?..."

On the other side, in Qin Ge's room, Belfast was rarely here, and instead was Frederick the Great.

"Emperor, why did you think of suddenly coming to my room? Is there something wrong?" Qin Ge looked at the sudden visit of Frederick the Great, put the books he had used to kill time on the coffee table aside, and stood up Speaking of.

"It's nothing important. I just saw that I have come to Iron Blood now. Are my children going to invite Iron Blood's children out tomorrow?" Emperor Frederick came to Qin Ge with a smile and pulled him to sit on the sofa together.

Seeing Frederick the Great ask this question, Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "That's true. Starting from tomorrow, I'm going to ask Iron-Blooded Ship Girl out. While touring the scenery of Iron-Blooded Ship, I will also fulfill my previous promise. The promise they made."

"That's good. The iron-blooded children have been looking forward to this day for a long time. So who is my child going to ask out first? Prince Eugen or Bismarck?" Frederick the Great asked with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at the gentle look of Frederick the Great, and suddenly an idea appeared in his mind, "Although this time has reached the iron-blooded stage, it should be said that Bismarck should no longer be responsible for this cooperation, but I will definitely leave it to her. Don't worry, so I can only work harder on her, and I will make up for it later.

So I was planning to start with Eugen, but now I have changed my mind. If I invite the Emperor out on a date tomorrow, will you agree? "

Facing Qin Ge's inquiry, Frederick the Great looked as usual, still smiling and said, "No matter what my child decides, I support it."

Qin Ge suddenly felt at ease, "Then let's say it. I don't know if there are any memories of Tie Xue in the hall. If not, I will go and ask if there is any place with good scenery here tomorrow. Let's go there. Let’s go together when the time comes.”

"No, you should know that I am a planning ship, so I have no memory of Iron Blood. In my mind, there are only memories of being with my children." Frederick the Great said with a smile.

"I see."

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