My ship girl, my world

Chapter 744 Sanity and Madness

After such an incident, Qin Ge could suddenly understand Frederick the Great.

For Frederick the Great, she had already regarded Qin Ge as her goal, so power or anything else had no appeal to her, and regardless of madness or reason, it was all about the goal.

Looking at the oath ring that Qin Ge put on his finger, Frederick the Great smiled and said, "From now on, no matter what happens, whether it is sadness, joy, pain, or joy, I will rely on you. Me.

I will always understand you, tolerate you, and support you..."

This was the oath of the oath, and it was also the agreement between Frederick the Great and Qin Ge, or in other words, her request and desire for Qin Ge.

Faced with this, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course, not only from today, but from the first time I summoned you, we have been tied together, right?

But starting from today, we finally become one. Your heart and my heart are connected to each other. This is not just a vow, it is also a fact.

So don’t find me annoying in the future, Great Emperor. "

"Haha." Frederick the Great hugged Qin Ge tightly and said with a happy and doting voice, "I will accept everything about you and eliminate everything in front of you... So my child, enjoy your life as much as you want. Be coquettish to me, more, more..."

Feeling the softness that clung to her body, Qin Ge suddenly felt that there was no need to worry about Frederick the Great before. In the future, the way to like her was to go to her more, trouble her more, and ask her to help her more. Just yourself, that's all.

After thinking about this clearly, the next date will be much simpler and more heartwarming.

For example, two people went to a coffee shop together, ordered two desserts, and both fed each other and finished them. Another example is when we go to dinner together, we feed each other.

Such a scene makes Qin Ge feel warm, and it can satisfy Frederick the Great's desire, so why not do it?

It wasn't until the sun gradually set and the sky became dark that the two returned to Tie Xue's hotel together.

After sending Frederick the Great to his room, Qin Ge said goodbye and returned to his room. But he found that there was already a figure waiting for him here, and this person was Prince Eugen.

Qin Ge was embarrassed for a while. Logically speaking, he should have taken Prince Eugen out today. Who knew that he was cut off by Frederick the Great last night?

So now that he sees Prince Eugen here, he is really a little embarrassed.

"Uh, Eugen, you are here. I want to come back and find you after changing my clothes." Qin Ge said tentatively.

"Haha." Prince Eugen smiled and bit his finger, then stood up from the sofa, came to Qin Ge, and put his hand on Qin Ge's chest, "Commander, am I so embarrassed? What am I? Didn’t even say anything.”

Qin Ge was speechless and could only tell the truth, "I'm sorry. I was supposed to take you out today according to the order. It's all my fault. I apologize to you here. Maybe I will ask you out tomorrow."

"Ara, it turns out that the commander still remembers it. I thought that the noble commander was so forgetful that he had already forgotten about me." Prince Eugen chuckled after finishing speaking.

"Ha, I see you are so scared. You go out early and go out late. Am I still anxious for such a day?"

Seeing Prince Eugen's reaction, Qin Ge couldn't help but feel relieved, "Don't worry, I have already arranged tomorrow's itinerary, and I will definitely have a good day with you then.

By the way, you came to my room to wait for me, wasn't it just because of this matter? "

"Oh, isn't this enough for me to come to your room and wait for you?" Prince Eugen smiled.

"Indeed..." Qin Ge touched his nose, "But I think you must have other things, otherwise you would have guessed that I would go to your place to apologize at night."

Prince Eugen smiled and said, "It seems that the commander understands me quite well. Yes, apart from this matter, I do have other things to do when I come to you."

"What's going on?" Qin Ge asked confused.

"The way the commander and Emperor Frederick have returned, I guess you have already given her the ring, right?" Prince Eugen asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, I gave the ring to Frederick the Great when I went out today."

"Then does the commander know what kind of character Frederick the Great was?" Prince Eugen asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Reason and madness, set the goal as one of mine."

Prince Eugen looked at Qin Ge in surprise, "Oh? Did the commander see this himself?"

Qin Ge shook his head and told Prince Eugen what happened today.

Prince Eugen couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "Haha, it was unintentional. Frederick the Great was right, and the commander also understood it right.

The iron-blooded ship girl has a rational and crazy side in her heart, but they are just disguised. Just like Bismarck, her rational side is stronger than her crazy side, and like Zeppelin, her madness obviously suppresses her reason.

Therefore, it is this group of people that forms the iron blood of unity. This is also the reason why Iron Blood can recover from this Siren Tide so quickly. "

Qin Ge nodded, "I understand."

"Now that the commander has understood, you should have some sense of yourself, and I don't need to say too much. But there is one more thing. I must tell you that the real iron-blooded leader in the fleet is actually no longer Bismarck. , but you, the commander.

Our dreams and our future are all in your hands. No matter how difficult the future is, no matter how many separations there are in the future, we will always be by your side, no matter sanity or madness. "Prince Eugen looked into Qin Ge's eyes and said seriously.

"I see."

Qin Ge naturally understood what Prince Eugen meant.

Although Qin Ge attached great importance to Iron Blood in the fleet before, he usually spent less time with Iron Blood ship girls, especially since there were many ship girls with very bad personalities in Iron Blood.

Regardless of Emperor Frederick the Great or Prince Eugen, they all hope that Qin Ge can accept everything Iron Blood has to offer, whether it is rationality or madness.

Seeing Qin Ge's seriousness, Prince Eugen smiled and said, "Then I hope the commander can stay in Iron Blood for a few more days. Our subsequent itinerary is not as tight as expected."

"Is this selfish?" Qin Ge asked with a smile.

"Maybe, as compensation, why don't we go to my room to drink together?" Prince Eugen blinked and smiled.

Qin Ge quickly waved his hand, "We won't do it tonight. I have to prepare for a date with you tomorrow. Otherwise, come back tomorrow night and go to your room to drink together. We won't come back until we're drunk."

"Haha, actually you don't have to go back even if you are drunk. My bed is big and can sleep two people." Prince Eugen said charmingly.

"Well, let's see then..."

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