My ship girl, my world

Chapter 751 Planning a visit

The date with Bismarck went smoothly on the second day, or to Qin Ge's perception, this kind of Bismarck was the most normal person in Iron Blood.

When shopping with her, she will be shy, but at the same time she will smile, follow her around all the time, and occasionally offer some advice.

There is no sharp edge, nor is Qin Ge leading the way repeatedly. Walking on the iron-blooded streets, I really feel like a lover.

But what’s interesting is that, perhaps because she is a Bismarck, wherever she meets some ship girls and commanders, her jaws drop.

Because they had never believed that Bismarck could have such a gentle look. Although this Bismarck was not the supreme leader of her iron-blooded camp, she was still Bismarck.

However, such an episode obviously cannot disturb the mood of the two of them shopping. They are both strong-willed people and will not change their opinions just because of a few words from others.

After playing like this for a day, I returned to the hotel where I was staying when night fell.

As soon as Qin Ge returned to the room, he saw Guanghui sitting on the sofa in his room, drinking tea leisurely.

"How was today's date, Commander?" Guanghui asked with a smile.

"It's quite successful, but Guanghui, when did you come here and have you been waiting here?" Qin Ge asked while hanging the commander's hat on the hanger.

"After the tea party with Hood, I felt quite bored when I returned to my room, so I came to the commander's room to wait for you." Guanghui stood up with a smile, walked to Qin Ge and started to help him take off his clothes. coat.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy dating the Iron-Blooded girls every day lately, so I've somewhat neglected you." Qin Ge said apologetically.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. When we were in the royal family, Tie Xue and the others were also waiting. After all, there is only one commander." Guanghui said with a smile.

"That's not what I said. I'm sorry, it's just for you." Qin Ge embraced Guanghui, "I can still see you every day in Belfast, but I haven't seen you for several days. , I haven’t spoken to you either, so I feel a little embarrassed.”

Guanghui smiled and said, "Commander, there is no need to apologize. I understand your intentions, so I will support you. As long as there is a place for me in your heart, I will be happy."

"What are you talking about? Why don't you have a place in my heart?" Qin Ge smiled, "You are my first wedding ship, and you are also one of the ship girls who has been with me the longest, and you will always be there in the future. By my side, I also hope that one day, if I am too old to walk, you can help me walk."

"Commander is so young, how can he be too old to walk?" Guanghui said with a smile, but the sadness in her eyes could not be hidden from Qin Ge's eyes.

Regarding the concept of time, Guanghui has experienced more than others. She has witnessed many commanders grow from young to old, so what Qin Ge said touched her deeply.

"Well, I said something wrong. It should be that we still have a long time in the future, and we must live happily every day." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, that's it, Commander." Guanghui smiled, turned around and hung up Qin Ge's clothes.

"How long do you plan to stay in Iron Blood, Commander? As far as I know, Iron Blood has almost given you the rings, right?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, including Bismarck's date today, the Iron-Blooded Ship Girl in my heart has already distributed the rings, and has also completed the appointment agreement. It's about these few days, probably. You can leave Iron Blood now.”

"The next stop after leaving Iron Blood is to go to the Iris Theocracy, right?" Guanghui said with a smile, "But the Iris Theocracy is divided into two camps, the Free Iris and the Vichy Holy See. I don't know which camp we are going to receive. Are you saying that we have to go to the base areas of both camps?”

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I have actually been asking about this matter in the past two days. According to the information collected by Bismarck, after the Siren Tide, Free Iris and the Holy See were temporarily united.

After all, a large number of commanders and ship girls were lost, and the foundation of the strength of both camps was shaken. Now they have chosen the wisest approach.

So what you mentioned by Guanghui will not happen for the time being. This time when we go to the Iris Theocracy, you may see a happy scene between the two camps. "

"Haha, I think this is good. They were originally ship girls from the same camp. Due to some reasons of interests and beliefs, they split into two camps. Now they have become one camp again. This is a good thing." Guanghui. Said with a smile.

"Yes, although this Siren Tide caused serious damage to the major camps in the world, it also made them aware of the strength of the Sirens and would not do anything rash and aggressive.

And unite forces that can unite and strengthen scientific and technological exchanges with other camps, so that we can have better response plans. Qin Ge said with a smile, pulling Guanghui to sit down.

"Well, I accidentally started talking about these things. Guanghui just asked me when I would go to Free Iris. Do I have any plans?"

"I have long heard that the cathedral of Iris is very famous, so I hope that the commander can take me to visit it." Guanghui said with a smile. In fact, for her, visiting the cathedral is secondary. The most important thing is to be able to With Qin Ge.

"I have heard of the Cathedral of Iris, but I don't know how big this cathedral is. Is it much bigger than the church in our port area?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Of course it is bigger than the church in our port area. It is the most famous building in the Iris Theocracy." Guanghui said with a smile.

"But I think the church in our port area is not bad. The most important thing is that the vow ceremony between me and Guanghui was held there, and the vow ceremony with other people will also be held there in the future. In my heart, she is better than The status of Iris Cathedral is much higher." Qin Ge said with a wink.

"Haha, I suddenly feel that the commander is a bit unreasonable, but it is indeed the case. Visiting the Iris Cathedral is just to experience its splendor and magnificence, while the small church in our port area is full of our feelings and sustenance, no matter what No other church can compare to it." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Yeah, but I agreed to Guanghui's request. When I go to the Iris Theocracy, I will definitely visit the Iris Cathedral with you." Qin Ge said.

"Haha, then the commander will call more people. It can't be just me, otherwise others will feel that the commander is partial." Guanghui said with a smile.

"Ha, that's right." Qin Ge nodded, "If you have time then, let's go visit together, just like we had snowball fights and skiing together in Northern United."


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