My ship girl, my world

Chapter 759 The Glowing Saint

The date with Joan of Arc was originally very easy in Qin Ge's imagination.

After all, unlike Richelieu, she is not the archbishop of the Iris Theocracy, nor is she the general flagship of the Free Iris. Even if someone recognized it, they wouldn't make a fuss.

But when the real date began, Qin Ge realized that he was wrong. And the mistake is so outrageous. Who said that dating Joan of Arc is not as conspicuous as Richelieu.

This problem actually comes from Joan of Arc herself. Qin Ge knew about the stigmata on Joan of Arc.

Because every time she fights, Joan of Arc's body will emit a dazzling light, just like the goddess of war, bringing hope to the companions of Free Iris around her.

But before, Qin Ge really didn't know that changes in mood would affect the changes in the stigmata, and also affect the light of the stigmata.

The two of them did not go to the Cat House for their date like Richelieu did. Instead, they walked slowly around the land of Iris Libre. While recalling the memories here with Joan of Arc, they also listened to Joan of Arc. De tells her own story.

Everything was normal at first, until Qin Ge took out the oath ring at the right time.

At that time, you really saw Brother Qin kneeling down in fear and making a promise to himself with very sincere words. The sacred marks on her body bloomed with divine light at this moment.

The location of the two of them was not far from the city, and people who discovered this sacred light chased here one after another. When they saw the appearance of Qin Ge and Joan of Arc, they thought it was gods descending to earth.

So everyone knelt down like Qin Ge and prayed to Saint Joan of Arc, who was suspected of being a god.

Seeing this situation, Qin Ge really wanted to slap himself. It was too conspicuous, right?

He quickly pulled Joan of Arc and told the unsuspecting believers that she was just a ship girl, and the two of them fled the place as if they were running away.

On the way back, Qin Ge smiled bitterly and said to the embarrassed Joan of Arc, "Why do I feel that dating you has become a little abnormal since I came to Free Iris?

Yesterday, when I was on a date with Richelieu, I met a commander who came to the church. He mistakenly thought that Richelieu was the flagship of Free Iris, and many jokes ensued.

But today, when I was with you, Joan of Arc, I encountered so many believers visiting the shrine. It was really..."

"I'm sorry, Commander." Jeanne was obviously a little embarrassed, and said to Qin Ge with a blushing face, "Although the stigmata will glow with changes in mood, I didn't expect that he would glow so powerfully, and And it attracted so many people.

If I had known, I would have controlled my mood and the light of the stigmata at that moment. "

Qin Ge waved his hand, "It's none of your business. What I just said was just a complaint. Don't pay attention to it.

And I'm actually very happy to have such a big reaction from you. I always thought, Joan of Arc, that you were a more unconventional person than Richelieu, but I didn't expect that your mood would fluctuate so much? "

Joan smiled sheepishly, "Commander, are you surprised? In fact, I can do all this because my name carries too many things, so I will not evade these missions.

In comparison, I actually feel that Lord Richelieu may be the real saint, whether it is temperament or consciousness. "

Qin Ge shook his head, "How should I put it? I also know the story of Joan of Arc. The spirit she represents is consistent with what you embody. No matter whether the future is full of thorns, full of fire, or full of dangers, you They will all move forward.

So you don’t need to care too much about others, just be yourself according to your own ideas. Richelieu is more suitable to be everyone's backing, while you are the one holding the flag and leading the charge. "

Joan of Arc smiled, "Maybe, but I am very happy to receive the commander's wishes today."

Having said this, Joan of Arc raised her left hand and looked at the shining oath ring on her ring finger.

"I will treat the commander as the most important person. Although I don't know what to do...but I will work hard to learn."

Qin Ge smiled and held Jeanne's hand, "Actually, I can teach you at this time, but what I prefer is for the two of us to walk side by side. This is our oath and our agreement."

"Yeah." Jeanne nodded heavily.

But at this moment Qin Ge's eyes flashed with surprise again, "Well, Jeanne is shining again."

"Ah?" Joan of Arc looked at her body, and sure enough, the light was revealed from the clothes she was wearing and was flashing.

Looking at the passers-by who were looking here in shock, Jeanne panicked and asked, "Commander, what should I do?"

Qin Ge covered his face and said, "Run, otherwise a group of people will come around later and pray to you as a goddess, and it will take a long time to explain."


Before Jeanne could agree, Qin Ge pulled her and started running...

When they returned to the hotel, it was not dark. In order to compensate for Joanne, Qin Ge did not go back to his room as soon as he came back. Instead, he went to her room with Joanne to drink tea and chat.

It wasn't until the sky was completely dark that Qin Ge left with Jeanne's reluctant eyes.

He had just walked out of Joan of Arc's room, but he met Emil who was about to go back to his room. The rooms of several people at Free Iris are all connected, so this coincidence is not surprising.

"Ha, I found the commander." Emil smiled lively at Qin Ge, "How was your date with Miss Joan of Arc today? It must be very romantic, right?"

"Romantic?" Qin Ge couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Well, it's not romantic, but it's a bit surprising later on."

"Ah? What happened? Did he get recognized again like yesterday?" Emil asked doubtfully.

"You also know that Joan of Arc has a holy mark on her body, and it will glow when her mood swings are relatively large.

So when I gave her a ring today, her whole body was filled with light, making people around her think she was a goddess descended from the gods. Then they all ran over to worship her. It took a long time to explain before they escaped from there... "Qin Ge touched his nose and said.

"Hahahaha..." Emil laughed after hearing this, "Suddenly I discovered that the commander's dates are always full of surprises, so I finally became interested in the commander's dates."

"Why wait until later? Why not tomorrow?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Tomorrow? Commander, are you sure you're not joking?" Emil asked in surprise.

"Of course not. Does it mean that Emil is not ready yet? If that is the case, then leave it until later." Qin Ge said.

"No, no, I'm ready at any time. It's just that the commander suddenly said this to me, which made me feel a little surprised. But it's really a surprise. Regarding tomorrow's date, I will definitely be well prepared." Emil was happy said.

Qin Ge nodded, and after confirming some things with Emil, he waved to leave.

But after taking a few steps forward, he turned back.

"Well, you don't have any stigmata, right?"

"No la!"


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