My ship girl, my world

Chapter 770 Become stronger with you

The day after his date with Bumblebee, Qin Ge took Helena to the streets of Baiying.

For today's date, St. Louis took Helena out yesterday to pick out some clothes for her, and he also helped Helena get dressed up this morning.

So when Qin Ge saw Helena for the first time, he felt a sense of surprise.

But it is a pity that people will become more beautiful if they dress up, but their personality cannot be changed.

When walking with Qin Ge on the streets of Baiying, Helena always walked one step behind Qin Ge, as if the two were not dating, but Qin Ge was doing things and Helena was following him.

This left Qin Ge helpless, so he walked along the street to the river, found a place with few people, and sat down with Helena.

"Helena, are you unhappy about today's date?" Qin Ge asked.

Helena waved her hands anxiously, "No, I'm very happy. Why did the commander say that?"

"Because I always see you walking behind me instead of beside me, even if you are holding hands. Why is this?" Qin Ge asked.

Helena was a little shy, "I feel like right now, I am not confident enough to stand by the Commander's side. Because the Commander has been surrounded by strong sisters for a long time, and I am not strong yet, so I I want to become even better until one day I can confidently stand by the commander’s side.”

Qin Ge couldn't help scratching his head, and then knocked on Helena's head, "Standing next to me has nothing to do with being strong, okay? Why do you think about these things all day long? There are people in the port area. An Icarus is enough. Don’t think about fighting those aircraft carriers and battleships with the body of a cruiser all day long. Your advantage does not lie in your firepower, but in the intelligence you can explore.”

"However, even with the use of SG, my exploration ability is still not as good as that of some sisters." Helena's affectionate expression was rather dim.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Then who was the one who constantly reported the precise location of the enemy to the rear battleships in the previous battles? You don't think this information is not important, do you?

This allows us to destroy the enemy's main fleet several times faster. You are already very powerful, and sometimes I am even a little unsure about standing next to you, so I can only work harder to enrich myself so that I can be worthy of your commander. "

"Commander, don't say that." Helena blushed.

"Why can't you say that? You've obviously said that to me, why can't I say that to you?" Qin Ge smiled, "I still remember when I summoned you, your lost eyes left me with Made a deep impression.

For such a long time, I have been constantly trying to help you regain your confidence. In fact, it is also an improvement for me. In fact, it's not just me giving you courage, but more often than not, you are giving me courage.

Without you, I'm afraid I would have shrunk to the point where I don't know which corner I am now. How could I have fought against these siren fleets?

There is a process of mutual improvement and progress between us. There is no such thing as who is better than another, so standing next to me is like standing side by side like this. "Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Commander, you always comfort me and encourage me so much." The corners of Helena's eyes sparkled. Although it was a cold winter here in New York Harbor, she felt the warmth of spring.

"Oh, you are my ship girl. If I am not good to you, who should I be good to?" Qin Ge smiled and said, "So you are not allowed to say those stupid things in the future. You must know that you are excellent and don't let the past always bother you. With you, let us think about future progress together and win together, just like every time in the past."

"Yeah." Helena nodded heavily.

"How has it become now?" Qin Ge smiled.

"I feel very happy. I never expected to be so happy one day, but now I am really happy." Helena smiled.

"You have a nice smile, but next time you smile, don't have tears in your eyes. If others see it, they will think I'm bullying you." Qin Ge joked.

"Well, I won't cry casually anymore." Helena said.

"Yes, Helena is cuter like this." Qin Ge said with a smile, "When you have nothing to do, learn from your sister St. Louis. Look at how happy she is during the day."

"Haha, Commander is very similar to Sister Louis. She sometimes says the same thing." Helena said.

"Because everyone is worried about you, and everyone wants to make you happier." Qin Ge smiled, "So stand by my side and let us complete this date happily, okay? "

"Yeah, I will."

Helena nodded solemnly and promised, and the result was that the following date was full of laughter and joy, and they also left more beautiful memories with each other.

When the sun set, Qin Ge took Helena out of the restaurant. At Helena's suggestion, the two came to the river again and sat on the bench again.

"Commander, thank you, I'm so happy today." Helena said to Qin Ge.

"As long as you are happy, you will be so happy every day from now on." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, Commander, I'll do my best." Helena nodded, then looked at the setting sun in the sky, "It feels like time flies by so fast, and we'll be going back before we know it."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Yes, time is always like this, passing by in a hurry, so in order to retain the lost time, people invented things that can take photos.

Having said that, I took a lot of photos today. Please ask Helena to find Gridley when she goes back and ask her to develop a few more photos and leave a copy for me. "

"Yeah." Helena nodded.

"Ahem, the most important moment comes next." Qin Ge said with a smile, put his hand into his pocket and took out the specially prepared oath ring.

Although she had expected such a moment, Helena's heartbeat slowed down a beat when Qin Ge took out the ring.

"There is no need to say too many words between us. We fight together and grow together. The past time has carried a lot of things. I hope this ring can give you strength, no matter what difficulties you encounter or where you are. You can feel that I am always supporting you and encouraging you by your side." Qin Ge said to Helena.

"Well, is this the promise the Commander made to me... I'm so happy!" Helena's eyes were filled with tears and she smiled very sweetly. "I will always be by the Commander's side, no matter when!"


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