My ship girl, my world

Chapter 779 The Debate over Purpose

"However, I think the most important part of this issue lies with the commander." Richelieu looked at Qin Ge and said, "Although those people like Yan Yan said that the commander is special to them, I think they still have something to say. hide.

Because there are so many so-called parallel worlds. Since it is possible for our world to travel like Commander, why can't we guarantee that other worlds will also appear?

I don't think we can rule out the possibility that the Commander isn't the special one, and I feel like the embers are a little too enthusiastic. "

"Are you enthusiastic?" Qin Ge touched his chin, "That makes sense, but what could be their purpose? I can't believe they must be asking for something from us, but with our current abilities, there shouldn't be anything we can give them. Right?"

"Perhaps this is what they think is special about the commander?" King George V said, "The commander can achieve their goals. With such temptation, can they help us with all their strength?"

"It's very possible, maybe this is the correct answer to everything." Soviet Rosia nodded.

"What is their goal? Defeat the sirens?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "But I feel that they are essentially the same as the sirens, they all serve a goal.

Siren conducts experiments in various worlds in order to collect data. But instead of collecting these low-end data, wouldn't the data from fighting Ember and the others be more gratifying? In other words, they essentially know the basics, and the data collected in this way is of no use to their goals. "

"It's unclear at the moment. They have been hiding something, and they always shirk the commander's problem by saying that our strength is not in place." Bismarck said.

"Well, it's true that we know so much now that it won't help. It's better to increase your strength first." Qin Ge smiled, "Then let's talk about the problem of transforming ships.

It is still possible for us to get those steel and materials, but I believe that even Akashi will not be able to get the steel that everyone needs at the moment. And we don’t know much about converting ships at the moment, and they haven’t said anything about the risks involved.

Therefore, I decided to count a group of people first and let them transform first. After making sure there was not much risk, I then carried out a comprehensive transformation. So do you have any candidates? "

Hearing Qin Ge's question, several people present looked at each other, but in the end it was Bismarck who broke the situation.

"I elect myself." Bismarck said, "As the leader of the Iron Blood, and as the commander's ship's wife, I have the obligation and responsibility to take certain risks for the Iron Blood and the port area.

So if a group of people were to be selected for ship conversion, I hope I would be one of those people. "

"Oh, is Bismarck so active? In fact, I also want to recommend my own. This is considered selfish. After all, I also want to see how powerful the ship is." King George V said.

"I don't think everyone needs to compete for this spot. The first batch of spots will be filled by a few of us. First, we are all leaders of each camp. We must lead by example and stand bravely at the front.

Second, we are also the management of the fleet. If we can convert ships, we must increase the priority.

Thirdly, as the commander’s wedding ship, we cannot let the commander be embarrassed by this, so do you have any other questions? "Amagi smiled.


Everyone shook their heads and looked at Qin Ge.

This move made Qin Ge stop touching his nose and said, "To be honest, I actually want you to be the first batch of people to be transformed. Please forgive my selfishness.

Because you are the people who have been with me the longest, and you are almost all my wedding guests, so I hope you can take on this responsibility, both publicly and privately. No matter what happens, we will face it together.

But there is nothing to worry about. According to what Helena said today, they are relatively confident in doing this. If they are not very sure, they will basically not mention this matter to us. Their intention to cooperate now is very obvious. , so I am very optimistic about this conversion. "

"Haha, Commander used to be the first to do everything. Now it's our turn, so Commander doesn't have to say sorry to us or anything." Veneto said with a smile.

"Oh, that's it for now. Next, I will be responsible for communicating directly with Akashi." Qin Ge said with a smile, "There is one more thing I want to ask your opinion on."

"Commander, please speak," King George V said.

Qin Ge nodded, "I plan to spend a day tomorrow to summon all the ship girls that can be summoned as much as possible to expand the number of people in our port area and directly enhance the combat strength of our port area.

However, I am worried about the current infrastructure of our port area. If so many ship girls suddenly increase, I wonder if the place to live will be enough? And can the entertainment facilities, etc. be matched? "

"The commander can rest assured. The commander has told us about this before, so during the time we came back, we have built as many dormitories as possible.

The reason why the commander didn't see it was because those dormitories were in another area, but they were not far from the dormitory where we live now, probably only a few hundred meters away, and it only took a few steps to get there.

As for the entertainment facilities, the supporting facilities are not perfect yet, but these can be improved one after another in the future. Our Manju manufacturing has now entered the production stage. Coupled with the number of cores obtained from this battle, we will soon be able to have a large number of logistic support manju, so we don’t have to worry about future construction issues. " Zhenhai said.

"That's great. Thank you very much for your efforts on the fleet. I used to only think about how to increase the current strength, and I didn't think much about the accommodation of the port area. I didn't think about these supporting facilities until I came back. Thanks to your actions." Qin Ge said.

"This is what we should do, to do some auxiliary things for the commander and solve problems. This is the meaning of our existence as counselors." Tiancheng said with a smile.

"Okay, then everything will return to normal. The heads of your various scientific research projects can then ask more about Ember and strive to improve our scientific research strength to a higher level.

Especially in the area of ​​scientific research drawings, we should make more attempts to try to create our own scientific research ship girl in the port area, and this will be left to you, Bismarck. " Qin Ge said.

"No problem, I will make arrangements next." Bismarck said.

"Okay, let's basically finish everything before the Chinese New Year." Qin Ge said with a smile.


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