My ship girl, my world

Chapter 784 My name

"I am Rome, the orthodox heir to the will of Romulus. Commander, guardian of the sea, leader of the port area, the person everyone hopes for - which one should I use to call you?"

In front of Qin Ge, Roma, who was wearing a luxurious dress, smiled and said, as the third ship of the Veneto class, the timing of her appearance really shocked Qin Ge.

After all, it is really possible that a Yamato ship will arrive at this time, because Musashi's ship just appeared. But when he saw the golden light coming out, although Qin Ge was a little disappointed, he couldn't help but feel excited inside.

Although it is not Yamato, Rome is not bad. After all, there is no weak Veneto class.

"Just use Commander. The following titles are a bit too exaggerated. If you call him, I feel I will be ashamed." Qin Ge touched his nose and said.

"Haha, Commander is too humble, so let me introduce myself again. I am the battleship Rome. At that time, I did not get the opportunity to show my power to the world, so in a sense, you who gave me a new opportunity are you. If you are kind to me, you are kind to Rome, and Rome will remember it." Rome said with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head, "Since you have joined the Hong Kong District, don't say such unreasonable words. No one is gracious to anyone. We are all companions here, fighting side by side, and living each day well is what we should do." of.

In addition, my name is Qin Ge, welcome to join Hong Kong and Rome. Please give me more advice in the future! "

Qin Ge said, stretching out his right hand and shaking it with Roma.

"He is such an interesting person, so I'm looking forward to the future." Roma said with a smile.

"Veneto and the others should be outside the construction room. Say hello to them when you go out, and ask them to introduce you to the current situation in the port area. Since I have something to do, I can only excuse myself for now. " Qin Ge said.

"Well, then Commander, keep up the hard work," Roman said with a smile, and then left the construction room.

"I saw the commander trembled just now. Did he think he had summoned something great?" New Jersey behind Qin Ge laughed.

"Well, since it's this time, you have to have something to look forward to." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, come on."


After regrouping and putting the Mental Cube and supplies back in, Brother Qin directly pressed the start button. Under the roar of the machine, a moment appeared on the screen of the builder.


"This time?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "It should be the time of the Bismarck class, but I already have the Bismarck and Tirpitz. Is there still the so-called Bismarck III ship?"

"Probably not, because I think the power contained in the builder is very strong." New Jersey said.

Listening to New Jersey's slightly serious words, Qin Ge realized that there was most likely a maritime legend inside. So I put in the quick build tool and pressed the start button.

Sure enough, when the time on the builder screen cleared, a colorful light rose into the sky. Like Musashi and Kronshtadt before, it was a symbol of maritime legend.

"Ahem, it's the third ship." The flying dragon in the distance couldn't help coughing. She was already a little numb looking at the colorful light beams reflected in the sky.

"I have to say that His Highness's luck is really amazing." Fuso said with a smile.

"Well, it's true. It used to be difficult to go to other worlds and encounter a sea legend. But in today's numbered world, I actually witnessed the birth of three sea legends. It's really incredible. ." Counterattack also said in shock.

"But don't forget, the current summons is far from over. There may be surprises in the future." Helena smiled.

"Honestly Helena, have you ever tampered with the mind cube that Commander Qin Ge is currently using?" Feilong tilted his head and asked.

"No, because there is no need at all. According to what the gentleman said, the fate of the destined people is written by a will that transcends the law, and no one can change it." Helena said.

"Beyond the law? It's really incredible."

"Oh, we can just watch quietly here."


In the building room, when the colorful light dissipated, what appeared in front of Qin Ge was a beauty with short black hair and wearing black clothes with red edges. From her decoration, it can be seen at a glance that she belongs to the iron-blooded camp.

"I am Ulrich von Hutten, the hope and regret of Iron Blood. As for whether you are happy about my arrival or indifferent, you can think whatever you want. Of course, so am I."

Looking at Hu Teng who was a little cold in front of him, Brother Qin did not feel angry. Instead, he touched his chin with interest and said, "Interesting, is this a possibility?"

"Huh? What's going on with your expression?" Hu Teng asked.

"Oh, you should be an H39 battleship, right?" Qin Ge asked.

"Yes, H39 battleship, Ulrich von Hutten... As long as you call me that, Commander, then I am Ulrich von Hutten. The so-called name is not just such a simple thing. ?" Hu Teng said.

"Well, that's not what I meant, but I wanted to say that we already have an H39 battleship in our port area." Qin Ge said, "Her name is Frederick the Great."

"Frederick the Great?" Hu Teng was startled.

Qin Ge nodded, "Wait a moment, I'll inform her."

Soon, the figures of Frederick the Great and Bismarck appeared beside Qin Ge.

"Interesting, is it a variant of H39?" Hu Teng looked at Frederick the Great and chuckled, "It seems that I know a little bit about why the commander was so surprised just now."

"Every existence has its own possibility, including you and me, right?" Frederick the Great smiled, "Hu Teng, welcome to join our fleet, I think you should be interested, let's talk together?"

Hu Teng looked at the two people opposite him, and then nodded. He turned to Qin Ge and said, "Commander, I will excuse you for now. Maybe we can talk in detail later if we have time."

"Of course there is no problem. I just have something to be busy with right now, so you should first follow Bismarck and Frederick the Great to learn about the situation in the port area. I believe there will be a lot of topics between you." Qin Ge said with a smile.


Several people nodded to Qin Ge and New Jersey, and left the construction room together.

"Iron Blood's strength has strengthened again." New Jersey said softly as he watched the people leave.

"Isn't it good? In any case, Iron Blood is also the strength of the port area. I am also very happy to see their strength strengthened." Qin Ge said.

"That being said, I always feel that Iron Blood is a bit mysterious, and commanders should be more careful," New Jersey said.

"Of course I understand what you are saying, but sometimes, I believe that no matter what plan they implement, it will be a good thing for me, because they are my ship girls, and I believe in them." Qin Ge said.

"Well, I hope I'm overthinking it."

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