My ship girl, my world

Chapter 787 Guards Knight

Facing the ship girl in front of him, the first word that Qin Ge thought of was chic.

Different from the domineering and awe-inspiring appearance of King George V, what she reveals is an eclectic and unrestrained self-confidence.

Her dark blond hair was neatly tied behind her back, and she stood tall with her chest raised, making her look very energetic at first glance.

When she opened her eyes and saw Qin Ge in front of her, her eyes lit up, and then she solemnly introduced herself.

"I am the Royal Knight Vanguard, the last battleship completed in the war. I will be your sword, bringing glory and martial arts to the port area... But I have a merciless request. If you can, please don't dislike my equipment. As old as it is.”


Qin Ge suddenly realized that he naturally knew this type of battleship. As the last type of battleship of the Royal Navy, the Vanguard can be said to have witnessed the decline of the once-unfailing Empire.

Although the Vanguard is the fastest and largest battleship built by the Royal Navy, it has many criticisms.

As a wartime rush-built battleship, Avantgarde's main gun, hull, and engine are all based on existing inventory or designs. The main gun is the old 381mm/42 Mark I. The turret is from Brave and Glory, which has been converted into an aircraft carrier. The body is stock spare parts; the engine is originally ordered for the Lion-class battleship; the hull design is also based on the Lion-class battleship.

But even such a patchwork cannot change her reputation as the most powerful royal battleship, and due to equipment upgrades, her fire control radar is considered the most advanced fire control radar among battleships.

Although he thought a lot, it was only for a moment. Qin Ge faced the avant-garde and smiled and said, "Hello, avant-garde. My name is Qin Ge, and I am the commander of this fleet. I welcome you to join my fleet.

Although weapons and equipment are also crucial, what can influence the battlefield is keen observation and determination to move forward. I believe that as the most powerful royal battleship, you will definitely have these two things, so believe in yourself, and I look forward to your activity in the future. "

Qin Ge's words made Qianwei feel relieved, and also deeply moved her. The light flashed in her hand, and a slender knight's sword appeared in her hand. She held the sword vertically in front of her chest, and Qianwei walked received a knighthood.

"The Royal Knights, the vanguard of the Guards Knights, are officially here to report! I swear that from now on I will hand over my sword to you and fulfill my loyalty to you! May Her Majesty the Queen and the commander who leads the fleet have endless glory!"

Qin Ge nodded seriously. He still kept a clear line between joking and seriousness. Being avant-garde at this time is obviously equivalent to the highest courtesy of knight's allegiance, and he must take it seriously. This is respect for the avant-garde and respect for yourself.

He held a sword in his arm gracefully, then the vanguard put away his sword, smiled at Qin Ge and said, "As a knight of the guard, I will be responsible for the safety of the commander and do a good job of assisting him."

Qin Ge smiled and waved his hand, "The current port area may be regarded as the safest place in the world, so there is no need to be so formal, just be more casual in the port area. Moreover, the port area is now a secretary ship system, and there are rotations every week. , you can rest assured of my safety at any time."

"The secretary ship has the responsibilities of the secretary ship, but as a knight of the guard, I have my own job. Commander, please rest assured that I am very good at this job, so you don't have to worry about it." Qianwei said.

Seeing such an interested avant-garde, Qin Ge couldn't refuse, so he could only express that he would follow her fancy.

After a brief chat, Qin Ge said to the avant-garde, "I still have summoning work to do, so I am going to notify King George V to come over and ask her to introduce you to the environment of our port area for me. And where you need to live next. When I finish my work, we will have time to talk in detail."

"It doesn't matter, Commander, I can stay behind you. As a knight, I can fulfill my duties." Vanguard said.

"Let's talk about this later. You just came to the port area on your first day today. If you stand behind me now, it would seem that I am a bit too mean." Qin Ge was helpless, "So I'd better get to know the port area first. The situation, then arrange your own residence, and then take a rest.”

"That's what the commander said, so I'll trouble you, commander." The vanguard nodded and agreed.

This made Qin Ge breathe a sigh of relief. Although she was used to being followed, it was better not to do this in the port area. He is not a king or a landowner, and he worries about others attacking him every day.

He took out his cell phone and quickly contacted King George V. Not long after, her figure appeared in the construction room.

"Huh? Avantgarde? It turns out that the commander summoned you. I just said that the breath just now feels very familiar." King George V smiled and said, "Welcome to join the fleet."

"Long time no see, Commander!" the vanguard said to King George V.

Qin Ge, who was standing aside, nodded. It is true that King George V of England has the title of leader of the Royal Knights. Therefore, as a member of the Royal Knights, Vanguard still has enough respect for the leader of the regiment, King George V.

"George V, I am relatively busy for the time being, so I would like to ask you first to introduce the current situation of our port area to Qianwei, and arrange her residence for her by the way." Qin Ge said.

"No problem, leave it to me, Commander." King George V readily agreed, and then left the construction room with the vanguard.

"Huh..." Qin Ge couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw Qianwei and King George V leaving.

"Haha, it seems that the commander has some trouble with the vanguard?" New Jersey behind him said with a smile.

"Well, how should I put it? For these very enthusiastic people, I suddenly had no way to deal with them, so I just felt a little headache." Qin Ge said.

"Oh? So am I one of them?" New Jersey asked with a smile.

"Ahem, what are you talking about? We have been together for so long, so we still know you very well." Qin Ge said.

"Haha, if what the commander said is true, then there is no need for me to be so proactive." New Jersey smiled, "So which one do you prefer, the active me or the passive me, commander? Or let me guess. ?”

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Although I really want to say that I like it, we still have business to do now, and the time is almost up. Now we have to summon the ship girl quickly, and then let's go to dinner together.

Although I had some snacks at noon, I suddenly felt a little hungry now. "

"Okay then, I will cheer for the commander from the side. By the way, do you still need the kiss of luck?" New Jersey smiled.

"Well, if I can, I won't refuse." Qin Ge said. After all, after kissing him from New Jersey today, he summoned so many sea legends in succession. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

"Hehe, so Commander likes this, right?"

"Um, hurry up, let's go back to eat after this is done."


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