My ship girl, my world

Chapter 808 The reason for everything

"Huh? Are you sure you are right? You are not trying to survive in this world, but you are trying to survive in the vast sea of ​​stars?"

Qin Ge was very surprised now. The information told to him by Song Qingge in front of him was a bit beyond reality.

"That's right, in fact, what is happening in the numbered world you are in right now is all appearances, all acting. Whether it is Sirens, Embers, or Arbiters, all of them are here. Acting." When Song Qingge said this, he couldn't stop laughing.

"Actually, the crisis in the original world has been resolved. I am now transferring the ship girls from various worlds to the Gaia planet in another universe.

But you also know that there are camps among the ship girls. As long as all the ship girls belong to independent camps, there will be countless disputes and countless troubles, so they plan to select a commander for all the ship girls. official.

After having a commander, all camps will be united under a fleet with a commander as the core. Working together to strive for the future of the fleet will avoid disputes and conflicts.

Originally they wanted me to take this position, but it was too much trouble to lead all the ship girls to live in the sea of ​​stars, so I refused, so they found you, who has a similar identity to me.

And this is also an opportunity for the Guardians' plan. They want to test whether you can lead other camps in that world to defeat the conspiracy of the sirens they play, and then win the final victory. And when you win, you will pass. After passing the test, he will become the commander of all ship girls. "

Listening to Song Qingge's words, Qin Ge felt a little overwhelmed, "Wait a minute, your sentence contains too much information, let me digest it.

You said that you are now transferring the ship girls from all the worlds to a planet in another universe? Is this a human ability? Are you afraid that you are lying to me? "

Song Qingge rolled his eyes, stretched out his right hand, and a ray of light appeared on his hand. When Qin Ge saw this light, his brain seemed to be filled with all kinds of information.

He shook his head, closed his eyes to digest, and then raised his head in surprise, "The controller of Yuan?"

"Yes, this is my current identity." Song Qingge smiled, "So do you believe I can do those things?"

Qin Ge nodded, "So, both of us are characters in a story?"

"Ha, that's true. How about getting discouraged?" Song Qingge said with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, or I am very grateful to him. Without him, there would be no life for me. I would not be able to meet so many people and things, nor experience such an interesting journey, nor would I be able to meet them. Together."

"Haha, your mentality is quite good, not bad." Song Qingge smiled.

"Maybe now I can understand the things you said, as well as all the strange things that happened to me." Qin Ge said with a smile, "Is it the Guardian plan? Maybe it is like their style."

"So, I told them that you are the same person as me, but they have to give you a test like this. They can just train you well.

But thinking about it, this is actually quite good. At least you can experience the most exciting part of the commander's life. Song Qingge said with some envy.

"Well, actually it's not bad for you to travel through various worlds and meet different people and things." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, so we have different experiences, but we have a common identity." Song Qingge said with a smile, "We can just take this opportunity to hone ourselves, because that universe is not peaceful, except for some In addition to ancient civilizations, other civilizations are also in a state of preparation to actively explore outside, just like the current ship girls.

As the controller of Yuan, I cannot change the direction of those civilizations, so the future of the ship girl will depend on you. As a soldier, I believe you will have that awareness when the time comes. "

Qin Ge nodded, "Being kind to your enemies is cruelty to yourself. When you want to reason with others, put your cannon in front of them."

"Ha, that's the truth." Song Qingge laughed, "It's enough to know these now. Later you will return to the world you are in. Then you will behave more normally, do whatever you need to do, and develop your own The strength of the fleet just needs to pass their test."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I understand. As long as you tell me all this, I will know what to do next. Otherwise, as the Riddler said, I guess I will need them to give me some advice when I finally pass the test." Let me explain."

Song Qingge was about to speak, but suddenly paused, turned to look at Shinano, and saw that her previously closed eyes were beginning to open.

"Well, it seems that my meeting with you is about to end here. He won't let us chat anymore, but there will always be a time when we meet in the future. By then, we must have a good drink." Song Qingge said with a smile. .

Qin Ge nodded and said with a smile, "Definitely, drinking with the gods is something you can only dream of."

"Ha, don't tease me." Song Qingge smiled, "In this case, it's time to say goodbye. I hope you can pass the test as soon as possible. See you later."

"See you."

As soon as Qin Ge said these words, he saw Shinano opening his eyes opposite him. Then the scene in front of him changed. When he regained his vision, he found himself lying in Shinano's arms.

Shinano had just opened his eyes at this time, and the two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

"Commander, have you seen another concubine?"

"Well, I saw her, and I also learned some things through her. By the way, didn't you see something just now?" Qin Ge asked.

"No, I have been using all my strength to build a bridge between dreams, so I cannot sense what is happening in the dreams on the other side." Shinano replied.

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded. He didn't care what happened after Shinano saw it, as long as she didn't tell anyone. But at this time Shinano said that he didn't see it, and that was the best result.

"It seems that the commander has understood his future destiny, right?" Shinano asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, but this is the fate I chose, and it may be pretty good."

"Then I'll be relieved." Shinano smiled.

"Would you like to go out and walk around together next?" Qin Ge asked, but he did not get up from Shinano's arms. After all, the soft body was too comfortable.

"I have used up a lot of strength just now and am a little sleepy. I may not be able to accompany you." Shinano said.

"Okay, then let me hold you in my arms and sleep for a while. When you get some rest, we can go outside." Qin Ge said.

"This is best."

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