My ship girl, my world

Chapter 828 Open Class

“It always feels like it’s back to the way it was before.”

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Qin Ge looked at himself in the mirror and said to Belfast.

"Haha, but the master is now more mature than before, and more confident. After going through so many ups and downs, how can he be the same as before?" Belfast said with a smile.

"Indeed." Qin Ge nodded, "But I didn't expect that one day I would be able to stand on the podium. What the Dean Prince of Wales said was relatively simple. You just need to talk casually. If only it were that simple. ”

"I believe that Master will be able to successfully complete this class. After all, you have come here so many times before, and when you were in the port area, didn't you give them many classes at the Ship Girl Academy?" Bell Fast smiled.

"I hope so." Qin Ge smiled.

After leaving the guest house, Qin Ge and Belfast walked all the way towards the lecture hall, but when they passed by Mikasa's house, they saw her waiting outside the door early in the morning.

"Senior Mikasa, good morning." Qin Ge greeted with a smile, "Why are you standing here all the time? Are you saying you are waiting for someone?"

"That's right, you're the one waiting for me." Mikasa smiled, "The dean told me yesterday, how about it? I haven't given a lecture in more than two years. Have you figured out what to lecture on?"

Qin Ge spread his hands and said, "I really don't know how to talk about the time of a class. The dean really gave me a difficult problem."

"Haha, if it were someone else, I would still believe it, but I would never believe it if it were you." Mikasa smiled, "Can such a simple thing be so difficult for you?"

Qin Ge smiled helplessly, "Yeah."

"In fact, you don't have to deliberately think about what you want to talk about. You may be able to understand what they want to know and solve their confusion. This kind of lecture is more meaningful than any kind of knowledge." Mikasa smiled upon seeing this.

"Senior Mikasa, this is a reminder to me." Qin Ge said with a flash of inspiration in his heart, "We just experienced such a tragic siren tide last year. Most of the commanders were killed. They must be a little confused about the future, or I Can you start from this point?"

"That's the best. It helps them build confidence and strengthen their ideals. This is indeed the most useful thing for them now." Mikasa smiled.

"Haha, let's go together then. It's almost time. I believe the dean is also anxious as he waits." Qin Ge said with a smile.


Chatting with Mikasa, Qin Ge got a more detailed understanding of the current situation of the college and the situation of this class of students, and he probably had a good idea.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the door of the lecture hall, and the Prince of Wales stood there.

"The dean has been waiting for a long time." Qin Ge said politely.

"It hasn't been long. This open class hasn't started yet?" The Prince of Wales said with a smile, "So, have you thought about what to talk about? There are many people coming to listen to the class this time, including those around Shenhua City. commanders."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I didn't have a clue at first, but senior Mikasa just reminded me, and now I'm somewhat sure."

"Oh? In that case, I have to look forward to it from now on." said the Prince of Wales.

After a brief chat, the bell for the preparatory class began to ring, and several people followed the Prince of Wales into the classroom.

Looking around, there were quite a lot of people here today. In addition to the trainee commanders who were sitting upright, there were also many very senior commanders. Qin Ge also saw a lot of familiar people inside, as well as many who had heard of them before. The commander of his class.

The Prince of Wales walked directly to the podium and said to the audience, "Good morning to all trainee commanders and commanders from Shenhua City, and welcome to this open class of the Commander Academy.

For this open class, we have invited Commander Qin Ge, the commander of the Xinghai Fleet and the honorary instructor of our Commander Academy, to explain to everyone. Thank you for sharing what you urgently want to know. Please give everyone a warm welcome. "

Loud applause began. Qin Ge came to the podium under the gaze of everyone, and the Prince of Wales handed the podium to him with a gentle smile. Qin Ge stood on the podium and waited until the continuous applause ended before he started to speak.

"Hello everyone, I am Qin Ge. I am very happy to receive the invitation from Dean Prince of Wales to give this public class to everyone." Qin Ge said with a smile.

“It has been more than two years and almost three years since I last stood on this podium to give a lecture. A lot of things have happened during this period, and both I and everyone have grown a lot.

This time I am not going to talk about tactics or academic knowledge. I want to communicate more with you and answer your questions. "

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out, there was a burst of noisy discussion below, and then someone stood up with his hands raised. It was a commander with a higher military rank. He said to Qin Ge, "Teacher Qin Ge, I have listened to your lectures in the college before, and I learned a lot. During the last Siren Tide, thanks to your tactical knowledge, I successfully survived. Come down.

And after that, I also heard the news that you led the fleet to help Donghuang. Thank you very much for your efforts. The question I want to ask today is that in the face of the powerful Sirens before, our defensive offensive seems a bit vulnerable. Under such circumstances, is it necessary for us to continue to explore the sea? "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I remember you. Although I don't know your name, I still remember your appearance. My answer to your question is that it is necessary to continue exploring the sea.

From ancient times to the present, humans have experienced many setbacks, whether it is climate problems or the current sirens. But the reason why human beings can reach what they are now is because of unremitting persistence and hard work.

I think that when the sirens first attacked, that was the time when mankind was most in crisis. If it weren't for the ship girl, I'm afraid mankind would have to say goodbye to the ocean forever.

But even in such a critical moment, there are some people who continue to work hard to resist, and they are the first generation commanders. Therefore, this spirit has been gradually passed down, and continues until now to our generation.

Our commanders are responsible for the fate of the entire human race. We cannot shrink back because of several setbacks and huge difficulties. Since we have chosen such a path, we must continue on unswervingly.

Treat difficulties and hardships as our stepping stones, constantly improve our abilities and strengths, combine past experiences and lessons, and become more courageous, fight for our mission, and fight to protect our homeland.

If we commanders really want to have a destination, then I believe that our destination will definitely be the sea as a battlefield. "

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