My ship girl, my world

Chapter 836 New research and development topic?

To be honest, along the way, it was a bit difficult for Qin Ge to adapt to the situation in the mainland. There is a great sense of separation from coastal cities, and we even know very little about what is happening along the coast.

Most people only know about the war that broke out along the coast, but they know very little about what kind of war it was and who the enemy was. Everyone seems to be living a pre-set life. Although it looks prosperous, it lacks a trace of vitality.

Except for a very small number of people, it is difficult for Qin Ge to have empathy. So most of the time Qin Ge and the ship girls are in the wild. He prefers to look at these scenery than the set programs.

Only then did he understand the fundamental reason why commanders were only recruited in coastal cities and not in the interior. Maybe Yixian and others also tried it before, but it didn't have any effect, so they left it alone.

Taking the train from Tibet back to Haiqing, Qin Ge and others said goodbye to the special train they had always taken. Because from here they will take a plane to the city closest to the coast. There will be a special car sent by the Maritime Safety Administration to pick them up. The last part of the journey will be spent in a car.

As soon as we arrived at the airport, we saw a different scene from the station. In comparison, there are not so many people and noisy sounds, and there is more harmony and tranquility.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Qin Ge and the others took the exclusive channel. The plane waiting for them was not an ordinary passenger plane, but a military plane specially transferred from the war zone. It was just disguised as a passenger plane, but the crew members were all well-trained soldiers.

After briefly saying hello and bidding farewell to his entourage, Qin Ge boarded the plane with the ship girls with astonishment in their eyes.

"What a big plane. It's much bigger than the company's carrier-based planes." As soon as he got on the plane, New Jersey excitedly said next to Qin Ge. His eyes kept looking back and forth, wanting to take a good look at what was inside the plane. structure.

"It is indeed very large, and there is so much free space. If all of them carry aerial bombs, it will definitely be more powerful than the attack power of our aircraft carriers now." Bismarck touched his chin and said seriously.

Just at this time, a female flight attendant in military uniform walked over. After hearing Bismarck's words, her eyes twitched. Qin Ge, who turned around, saw clearly.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile and didn't explain anything. Instead, he said to Bismarck, "The target is too big. For the Siren's air defense force, this is equivalent to an aerial explosive depot. This is why the Air Force and Civil Aviation do not One of the reasons for wanting to have an airport in a coastal area.

Maybe we don't think the Siren's air defense power is very strong, but for ordinary large aircraft, they have no ability to fight back.

Compared with the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier, it cannot shrink, cannot deform, and cannot be freely controlled by one's own mind. If it is just pure force, it can be used in battles without air defense, but most of them cannot. "

“It is true that as the commander said, this large transport aircraft is relatively bulky and unsuitable for our combat conditions, but I think it still has room for development.

For example, if a mixed carrier-based fighter jet takes off together, the carrier-based fighter jet will provide escort for it, and after being converted into a ship-based outfit through a Rubik's Cube, it can also look like a ship-based outfit. At that time, what we will get is a brand new bomber.

And once bombers like this carrying large-yield bombs appear, it is inevitable for the strength of our aircraft carriers to increase. While improving their strength, it can also allow them to adapt to large-scale, long-range battles, so there is no need to go to the battlefield all the time like now.

Just like what the commander once said about the fighter jets of your era, carrying out strikes at extreme distances beyond visual range, maybe we can also consider this direction. "Bismarck explained.

Qin Ge blinked and pondered. What Bismarck said could not be said to be wrong. On the contrary, it was very reasonable. If it is really possible to convert such a huge carrier aircraft into a bomber and adapt it to the aircraft carrier, then it will definitely not be a small improvement in its attack power on the sea. Perhaps it can change the way aircraft carriers fight in the future.

"Although what Bismarck said can be realized, all carrier-based aircraft must be used on the ship's carrier. For such a huge aircraft, our flight deck is far from enough to take off. As huge as this The aircraft must be replaced with ship equipment and a corresponding flight deck is made before such a carrier-based aircraft can be allowed to take off.

Just like the Hornet's B25, although it was the aircraft she once carried, because the aircraft is too large, the number of takeoffs and the conditions for takeoff are very limited, so this kind of scientific research is not just about turning the aircraft into an aircraft carrier. Carrier-based aircraft are so simple, the most important thing is to make deck equipment suitable for the take-off and landing of such aircraft.

As a result, the amount of work is very huge, and it cannot be completed in a short time. It requires a long period of scientific research to make corresponding changes. "Chicheng said from the side. Apparently she also heard what Qin Ge and Bismarck discussed.

Qin Ge nodded after listening, "Indeed, there are very good aircraft, and they must be equipped with corresponding platforms. Only in this way can harmony be achieved and the aircraft carrier girl can freely control the aircraft.

However, this point proposed by Bismarck is very good and can also be used as our next scientific research and experiment plan. After all, we can't always pick up people's advice. We still have a long time to come, and we may encounter enemies more powerful than the Sirens. At that time, even the Sirens and Embers will not be able to help us. The only ones who can help us are us. Own.

Therefore, self-reliance and self-research and development are things that must be implemented. The energy of the Rubik's Cube comes from higher dimensions, it can carry our imagination, and we are responsible for studying it, constantly developing it, and transforming its power into our own. "

"Commander is becoming more and more leader-like now. While being down-to-earth, he also has a very long-term vision. It seems that I am not following the wrong person." Musashi said with a smile.

"Of course, the commander is the most powerful person I admit." New Jersey smiled happily.

"What the commander said is that the new carrier-based aircraft and the platforms required for them should be the next research topic. After we complete our research on the scientific research ship girls, we will start to select a group of people to conduct research." Bismarck nodded.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Let's talk about this later. We are traveling now. Rather than leaving something memorable during the trip, it is more important."

"I'm looking forward to it, especially the moment of flying in the air! Thinking about it makes people tremble a little." Veneto said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not just you, look at those destroyers, they can't control themselves." Ruihe said with a smile.

"Ahem, Ruihe, go and tell them to get on the plane and it's easy to lose weight when taking off. I don't want them to roll into a ball in the cabin." Qin Ge said speechlessly.

"Oh, okay, Commander."

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