My ship girl, my world

Chapter 853 Recording Institution

"Arbiter!?" Qin Ge was stunned, and then immediately shook his head, "It seems that he is not an arbiter, just an image."

"She is indeed not an arbiter. This is the recording institution used in this place to record and play files." Feilong turned his head and said, "But the image used, Commander Qin Ge, must remember that she is the Dream Weaver. First of all, An Antix."

Qin Ge was stunned. He didn't expect that such a big secret was hidden here. But if there were no flying dragons, I might think of them as sirens or arbiters, right?

"Deny it, this machine is only set up as a recording mechanism for recording and playing files." Phantom said emotionlessly, as if to refute what Feilong said before about the Dream Knower and the first Antiques.

"It is indeed very mechanized. Logically speaking, my world has already developed AI. Wouldn't a world as developed as the original world not set up an AI system in the archives?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

Counterattack then walked up and smiled at Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, what do you think we are?"

Qin Ge suddenly realized, "So, sometimes the more advanced the AI, the better. On the contrary, in some confidential places, the initial program settings must be followed."

"That's right." Counterattack nodded, "The higher the AI ​​level, the stronger its self-awareness will become, and the underlying logic that binds it will become weaker and weaker.

This obviously does not meet the needs of confidential facilities, and what you see now is a very simple AI. It does not need to evolve or learn, it only needs to perform the set purpose. "

"But why can't anyone except a few of us move, as if the pause button has been pressed?" Qin Ge said unexpectedly.

"Because it is currently in safe mode." The person who answered Qin Ge's question was not Feilong and others, but the shadow of the recording agency in the sky.

Qin Ge nodded, "So will she answer some of my questions?"

"As long as there are records in the files, she can answer them. It has been so long here, and some files have become fragments, so there are very few things that can be answered." Feilong shook his head and said.

Qin Ge nodded, looked at the shadow in front of him and asked, "Is there any connection between the planning ship and Antiques?"

"Yes. The planning ship borrowed Antix's manufacturing methods, but the directions of the two are not consistent."

"Is that true?" Qin Ge pondered for a moment, "Is this where the Battle of Changdao happened?"

"Deny it, this is not Long Island."

Qin Ge frowned, "Then who participated in the battle recorded in the combat command room?"

"There is no relevant record in this machine."

"Huh?" Qin Ge raised his head in surprise, "So who is our enemy? Is it the Siren?"

"There is no relevant record in this machine."

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "Then what is the outcome of this battle?"

"There is no relevant record in this machine."

"It's really..." Qin Ge was speechless, "Then who is the arbiter in this sea area?"

"There is no relevant record in this machine."

Qin Ge turned his head to look at Counterattack and Reputation, "Are you sure this recording institution is not broken? She can't even answer such a simple question?"

"Commander Qin Ge, this is a recording institution that records and plays files. It is not an encyclopedia of the original world, so she definitely cannot know everything. You have to ask something that can be recorded in the file to get the answer." Reputation smiled.

Qin Ge was speechless, so he tried to ask, "So where is the evacuation route from here? They won't let us go back the way we came, right?"

"There is no retreat here, fight until the light fades."

The cold voice of the recording agency sounded, and Qin Ge was a little confused, "Are you talking about this battle, or the one that happened before?"

"The battle happened here."

Qin Ge was speechless. The battle that happened here might be happening now or it might have happened before, so this answer was very vague.

"It seems that I can't find any useful information." Qin Ge turned around and said.

"This is originally a place to search for file information. Commander Qin Ge is not from that era, so knowing that the files here are limited, it is good to be able to ask these questions. The most important thing is to let Commander Qin Ge know this image That’s all.” Feilong said.

"I understand, so where is the arbiter here now? Is it the sea area we just passed through?" Qin Ge asked.

"Almost, but I didn't smell any traces of gunpowder smoke, but I could feel a storm coming." Counterattack said with a smile.

"But what does this recording agency mean by fighting until the light disappears?" Qin Ge asked.

"It should be a way to end the self-protection facility, right? During the time the light lasts, enemies will continue to attack. The battle will continue until the light dissipates, and these devices will stop again." Feilong said.

Qin Ge nodded, "I'm afraid this is the only explanation now. So you can tell me now, what happened in the Battle of Changdao? What is our enemy like?"

"Commander Qin Ge, it's not that we don't want to tell you, it's just that although the strength of your fleet has improved, it still can't meet that requirement. Even if you know it, it will only increase your troubles. So when your fleet reaches it later, you can understand When everything happens, we will tell you at that time.”

The words of reputation made Qin Ge frown a little. The persistence of this group of people was stronger than he imagined. However, this line of work was not without its rewards. Basically, many files had been stored in the ship's space of his own ship's wife. If you win, you will take it out and share it with Northern United.

As a few people talked, the shadows gradually dispersed, and everything around them returned to normal again. Seeing Qin Ge's different standing position from before, the Tiancheng Alliance came up and asked, "My lord, what happened?"

"The safe mode has been triggered here, so there are some small episodes. Let's talk about it later. Now that we have recovered almost all the files here, it is time to leave here." Qin Ge said.

"Well. The harvest this time is indeed very great. Compared with our previous gains, it is simply too much. Thank you very much for the help of Commander Qin Ge and your fleet." Soviet Bellaros said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. Since we have signed a cooperation, we are now allies." Qin Ge said, "But it may be more difficult to leave. There is still a big war waiting for us."

"The warriors of the Northern Alliance are never afraid of fighting." Soviet Belarus said firmly.

"Then let's retreat together."


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