My ship girl, my world

Chapter 858 Return to Hong Kong

After several days of sailing, the command ship of Qin Ge and others finally approached Guam. And as soon as he entered the sea defense line, he was already noticed by his own ship girl.

Soon, the news quickly spread throughout the port area, and almost everyone came to the dock, waiting for the return of Qin Ge's fleet. Even more destroyers and light cruisers jumped off the water, speeded up, and rowed in the direction of Qin Ge's fleet.

This may be a good excuse to escort the commander's command ship so that it can reach the port safely.

But no matter what, when he saw the command ship moving forward surrounded by a group of ship girls from the command ship, Qin Ge still felt warm in his heart. For him, he was originally a lonely person in this world, but now that there are so many people who care about him, the happiness and satisfaction in his heart are incomparable.

Soon, the command ship stopped at the dock in the inner port area. When Qin Ge stepped off the command ship, he was warmly welcomed. Of course, this enthusiasm is enthusiasm in the literal sense. Whether it is your own wedding ship or the ship's wife you have been with for a long time, the way of welcome is a warm hug.

As a result, the return to the port area was delayed for about an hour, but judging from the joyful expressions of everyone, this hour was quite worth it.

On the way back to the dormitory, Qin Ge was still surrounded by the shipgirls, and they gradually dispersed when they got close to the dormitory. After all, after sailing for such a long time, his commander also needed to rest.

Arriving at the dormitory, Belfast and Hermione were waiting for Qin Ge to come back. The room has been tidied up and brand new, and air conditioning, ice and water are all ready.

"Master, welcome back."

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I just asked why I didn't see you at the port just now. It turns out that you are here to clean up my room."

"Yes, Master." Hermione said softly, "There are already a lot of people there to greet the Master, and the Master also needs to come back to rest, so it is better for us to tidy up the room for the Master."

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Ge stretched, "It's still more comfortable here."

Charybdis walked over with a smile at this time, came behind Qin Ge, put her hands on his shoulders, and started massaging him slowly, "Master, you must be very tired from this journey, please let me help Give me a massage, it will relieve your fatigue."

Qin Ge felt Charybdis's gentle and powerful massage and couldn't help but smile, "Actually, I wasn't too tired during this journey. Befa was always by my side, so I didn't have to do anything. And for the boat ride I'm very used to things like that, but compared to this, it's better to be on the ground."

"It is my honor as a maid to be able to serve the master personally and to be recognized by the master." Belfast said humbly. Her posture was well grasped in front of these maids, and she had the power of an example. He didn't look as frivolous as when he was with Qin Ge in private.

Qin Ge blinked at Belfast tacitly, and said to the maids next to him, "Has anything happened in the port area recently?"

"Is it something? Sheffield is relatively well-informed about this information. Let her introduce it to the master." Hermione smiled.

Qin Ge looked at Sheffield and saw that she looked indifferent and said to Qin Ge, "Master, something happened in the port area during the many days you were gone.

First of all, in terms of scientific research in the port area, the transformation plan chaired by Miss White Eagle Helena has begun. Most of the ship girls who can be transformed have already accepted the transformation, but there are still some that cannot be carried out temporarily due to some reasons. .

The information brought back from Donghuang has been handed over to Miss Helena. She is currently studying the transformation of several other ship girls that require special transformation materials, and has not encountered any special problems so far.

In addition, the first batch of steel from Donghuang and Chongying has been delivered to the port area a few days ago. All the steel has been put into storage. I believe you will be able to see the specific number when you review the documents tomorrow.

In addition, the camps along the Atlantic coast have successively contacted the business ladies in the port area through special methods, and are preparing to establish communication and cooperation bases.

In addition, I don't have any information about the experimental site. Frederick the Great sealed it so tightly that I couldn't even penetrate it, and there seemed to be a mirror sea there.

Everything else is trivial and doesn't require much attention. "

Listening to Sheffield's report, Qin Ge nodded, "Well, these situations are all within my expectations. Helena's research is going well, which means that our port area will add three new legendary-level ship girls at sea in the future. .

Moreover, the availability of steel in Chongying and Donghuang also means that our port area can have a batch of conversion ships, which can increase the strength of our fleet faster. As for the experimental site, there is indeed a mirror sea area there. In fact, Bismarck also told me about the relevant situation in it, but he also concealed some things.

I understand her approach. Sometimes I am relatively soft-hearted and need the long-term vision and strategy of her and Frederick the Great. So I allow them to hide something from me, of course, on the premise that they do not pose a threat to our fleet. "

"Iron-Blooded... How should I put it? They do like to study some more powerful things. As one of their own, you can rest assured, but as an enemy, you have to be vigilant at all times." Hermione said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "That's the reason. Among the major camps, if they are the ones who are most like soldiers and implement military concepts the most, it is them. In comparison, although other camps also have military systems, they are not as strict about obedience and discipline. In terms of execution ability, you are still inferior to Iron Blood."

"Haha, Master, we can still do it as a royal family, right?" Charybdis smiled.

Qin Ge grinned, "At least I haven't seen a maid team like this in other armies."


Several maids laughed together. Indeed, this kind of organization is unique among the royal family.

"Well, this is actually quite good. Each camp has its own characteristics, so that the port area will be full of vitality. If everyone is as disciplined and warlike as the iron-blooded people, the port area will not be so Peace." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Really, will the master not go out next?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah." Qin Ge relaxed more and fell down on the back of the sofa. He closed his eyes slightly and said, "Then we'll just wait for Siren and the others to play their cards..."

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