My ship girl, my world

Chapter 863 Competition Team

"What a pity, why don't four people form a team this time, so we can team up with Z23." Javelin looked at the number in his hand and said to Ayanami and Lafite.

"Perhaps it's because the three of them are more competitive," Ayanami said.

"The unicorn isn't here either..." Lafite said a little listlessly.

"The unicorn was taken away by Sister Guanghui. She is my adopted sister." Javelin said, "So we have to work hard this time. There are many strong teams. I am also prepared to win the championship when the time comes. So let's There’s the Ring of Oath.”

"Well, although the wish is pretty good, it's not something that can be solved with hard work, right?" Ayanami said.

"Even if you say that, you have to work hard!" When Javelin was about to give a speech, a cold voice came over.

"Group No. 53, Javelin, Lafite, and Ayanami, versus Group No. 54, Cleveland, Baltimore, Bremerton!"

"Ah, how could our opponent be them? We are going to be finished this time!" The javelin let out a mournful cry.

As we all know, in the port area there are elegant ladies like Xiang Guanghui, and there are energetic ones like Javelin, but Baltimore and the others belong to the most special category.

Although Kanban girls are all girls, they are very boyish and like sports. Bremerton is particularly good at tennis, while Baltimore and Cleveland are very good at basketball.

Obviously the opponent came prepared this time, otherwise they wouldn't have formed such a fierce team. You must know that Cleveland has always teamed up with his sister. It seems that this time he is determined to win the Pledge Ring.

"We have no choice but to go up like this. Although we may lose, we must not lose to them in terms of momentum." Javelin turned around and cheered to his companions.

"Well, come on..." Lafite said confusedly.

"Come on!" Although Ayanami tried to cheer herself up, she still looked lazy.

"Well...the future is slim!" Javelin lowered his arms and walked towards the arena.

And this scene is happening everywhere. Some people are happy, while others are naturally sad. There are only so many people in Minato City, and everyone usually knows each other relatively well, and everyone has a good idea of ​​what they like to do.

Therefore, many people know that they cannot win the championship this time, so they just invite a few close friends to participate and have fun together.

Of course, there are also some people who have other purposes, such as the Queen's Team, headed by War Exhaustion, Elizabeth and the Valiant trio. They are purely for fun.

Although the slogans were loud, no one had any expectations for them, not even themselves.

In addition, there is the majestic team composed of Rome, Empire, and Littorio. Littorio is just to show off, while Rome wants to let everyone in the port know the majesty of the Sardinian Empire, and the Empire is a He looked confused, obviously being roped in to make up the numbers.

But in addition to these teams, there are naturally teams that have the same ability to win the championship as Cleveland.

For example, the Hunting Team is composed of Minneapolis, Alabama, and Massachusetts, and the Bunny Team is composed of Washington, North Carolina, and South Dakota.

In fact, Qin Ge was very confused as to why the team formed by Washington was called the Bunny Girls. When North Carolina told him the specific reason. Even though Qin Ge had experienced many scenes, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, but he also made an agreement with North Carolina.

As for what the agreement is, only the two of them know it.

Of course, other camps also have very strong teams, such as the Royal Knights composed of the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, and Howe. The sword team composed of Kaohsiung, Maya and Chokai.

There are also the Prince's Team composed of Prince Eugen, Prince Heinrich and Prince Albert, which are all favorites to win the championship.

In short, there is a lot to watch in beach volleyball this time, which makes Qin Ge want to put aside his status as a referee and become a bystander. But the words had already been said, and changing one's mind temporarily would have bad consequences, so I could only hold my nose and accept it.

However, sitting in the middle of the tennis net, watching the two teams jumping and running from a high position, especially when they were wearing swimsuits, Qin Ge still let out a heartfelt admiration.

Summer is so nice!

The swimsuit is so awesome!

The ship girl is really great!

But after sighing, you still have to settle down and do the refereeing work, record the winning and losing moments of each team, and make the final decision for each game.

With so many games starting at the same time, the games go very quickly. It didn't take long for them to enter the fierce knockout round. When the time came to the afternoon, the top 32 had already appeared.

What surprised Qin Ge was that the team composed of Shimakaze, Suruga, and Kii was actually among them. What's more, the Cerberus team composed of Yukikaze, Yudachi and Shigure are also among them.

But overall, it was White Eagle and Royal, and Chongying took advantage of the number of people, so there were still quite a few teams left.

Since there are already thirty-two top teams, there is no longer a need to compete in ten arenas at the same time. Qin Ge immediately reduced the number of fields to four, allowing the top 32 teams to be redrawn and divided into four groups ABC D. The final champion was determined according to the Swiss round format.

When the results came out, everyone agreed with the results.

The championship was naturally won by the team composed of Cleveland, Bremerton, and Baltimore. As for the runner-up, it was more surprising. Unexpectedly, Prince Eugen and the others won the runner-up.

This made Admiral Hipper grit his teeth as his sister. After all, his team was eliminated by his sister, and Prince Eugen was already on the wedding ship. There is a high probability that the ring this time will fall on Hein. On the hands of Prince Rich and Prince Albert.

This is really resentful!

Surprisingly, the third place was won by the team composed of Dafeng, Yixian, and Sirius.

In fact, Qin Ge doesn't know why these three people team up together. Logically speaking, Yixian should team up with Ning Hai and Pinghai. After all, the three of them have the best relationship.

Even if it wasn't Pinghai Ninghai, she should be Donghuang's ship girl. He couldn't figure out why he teamed up with Dafeng even if he tried hard.

And he heard that this team was composed of Dafeng, which made him even more strange. When did Dafeng and Yixian become good friends? And what happened to Sirius?

Logically speaking, we should form a battle maid team with Sheffield and Dido?

But no matter what, they still won the final victory. Although they were only the third runner-up and could only get one oath ring, at least they still gained something.

Others were a little disappointed, but they soon came around because the volleyball game was followed by a more enjoyable barbecue party.

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