My ship girl, my world

Chapter 88 I’m still very poor

The rice harvest in October is a harvest season, and Qin Ge's strategic and tactical lessons have also spread among many large fleets.

After this Siren Tide, everyone knew about the Commander Academy in Shenhua City, and now there is a very good instructor who teaches strategic and tactical courses.

The reason why Shenhua City achieved this huge victory in the Siren Tide was precisely because of the defensive tactics he taught, which also attracted more commanders to come to listen to the class.

Every time Qin Ge gave a lecture, the lecture hall was crowded with people. Many times, even the ship girl was not allowed to enter, and the only people sitting inside were some commanders.

After several courses, Qin Ge's accumulated resources have reached a very terrifying figure. Even in the recent period, every time Ning Hai sent a note of supplies to Brother Qin, he had the urge to hand it directly to the college.

As time came to December, the first volume of the book written by Qin Ge was finally completed. The Prince of Wales, who got the original copy, read through the books as soon as possible and held a mentor meeting.

What this meeting needs to study is the rationality of the various tactics and conclusions put forward by Qin Ge in the book. Because when Qin Ge was writing a book, many battle cases and battle situations were told by them, so this meeting to judge the rationality was actually just a formality.

Because when he wrote, Qin Ge had already convinced them with his tactics and battle examples, otherwise Qin Ge would not have written these in his book.

After it was confirmed, the Prince of Wales took the textbook compiled by Qin Ge to the scientific research area next door for publication in the name of Azur Lane Commander Academy.

Immediately afterwards, one set of this book was sent to the front-line naval command, another set was sent to the Maritime Safety Administration, and more were left at the Commander's College.

At this time, Qin Ge also made the request he had made before to the Prince of Wales.

The Prince of Wales agreed after Qin Ge proposed it, but she had a request.

"Huh? What the dean means is to hire a bodyguard for me in the name of the school?" Qin Ge sat in the Prince of Wales' office and looked at the Prince of Wales in confusion.

"That's right. It's okay to let you go out to do the commission. After all, seeing the battlefield will help you broaden your horizons. But you must agree to the request I told you." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge .

"But isn't the academy's commission just offshore? Even if I run, I can't run very far. There's not much of a threat, right? What's more, if I go, I have to bring at least two ship girls with me. Now they basically practice The speed has reached more than 30 levels, almost 40 levels, and has completed the second breakthrough." Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales.

"But even so, there are still times when you are in danger, so for your safety, I will make this decision." The Prince of Wales said to Qin Ge.

"But don't the other students not have any bodyguards and act on their own? If that's the case, wouldn't I be doing something special?" Qin Ge said unnaturally.

"Don't you know what your existence means now? It's because during the last Siren Tide in your course, the casualty ratio of Shenhua City's large fleet dropped sharply by more than twice, especially now that you will The theoretical knowledge was collected and promoted.

This means that when the next Siren Tide comes, our entire Donghuang casualty ratio will drop by twice. So I don’t need to say more about your importance, right?

Besides, the bodyguards I sent out are not meant to help you complete your entrusted tasks, but to help you when your life is in danger. Just make sure you don't die. "

The words of the Prince of Wales were very pertinent and very direct. If Qin Ge really made a mistake or made a mistake because she agreed to him going out to do the commission, then I believe she will bear at least half of the responsibility.

Facing the words of the Prince of Wales, Qin Ge thought for a while and agreed. Indeed, he is no longer the wanderer who came to Shenhua City alone before. He now shoulders more tasks and missions.

"That's good. I heard from Mikasa that you want to build a lot of things recently?" the Prince of Wales asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, because the three ship girls I summoned before have begun to grow together, so I need to summon three more ship girls, and then let them start to cooperate with the next triangle."

"Well, I believe you are not short of supplies. Now you are just short of the Mental Cube, right?" the Prince of Wales asked.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "I also went to Akashi's grocery store to ask about it before, but unfortunately she doesn't have the Mind Cube for sale at the moment."

"Then I will make an order for you, and then you can go to Ninghai to purchase it. However, because it is a resource of the college, you must also pay for the corresponding supplies." The Prince of Wales said.

"Of course it's no problem. Now I have some savings." Qin Ge said with a slight smile.

"Have you got a little savings? I'm afraid it's more than that." The Prince of Wales said with a smile, "Just from the most recent course, your income is already more than 100,000 yuan, right? And counting the previous ones, you should probably have 1 million yuan now. Have you saved more than supplies? Don’t forget, I made the list of supplies for you."

"Well... that's about the number." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"You are really a special case. Other commanders worked hard to save supplies in the first year. If you have saved more than 30,000 or 40,000, you are considered to have saved well.

You're welcome. Before the semester is over, I already have more than 1 million in material savings. "The Prince of Wales said with a smile.

"But the money is not enough. I did the math and took Noshiro as an example. It will take about 20,000 supplies to assemble her fleet, and then it will be strengthened.

Adding accessories and supplies, if these enhancements are completed, the supply should be more than 100,000. Next, there are textbooks for ship girls to improve her own skills, which will cost about 70,000 yuan in materials.

In other words, to train all of my ship girls, I will need more than 200,000 supplies. Therefore, there is a saying in our world that it takes 10 years for the army, 50 years for the air force, and 100 years for the navy. These ships in the Navy are entirely built with money. "

As Qin Ge spoke, he spread his hands with emotion, saying that he was still a poor man. With just a slight flip, all your savings will be plowed into it.

"Come on, your training method is an elite training method. Most people can't afford this training method." The Prince of Wales said with a smile.

"Since training, we must train elites. If they are not elites, wouldn't these materials be wasted?" Qin Ge said to the Prince of Wales...

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