My ship girl, my world

Chapter 880 Force Field Shield Device

As the white boots full of technology began to glow, Qin Ge took a deep breath and walked down the steps of the swimming pool step by step.

When they were about to step into the water, Helena on the opposite side stretched out her hand and said with encouragement, "Commander, don't worry, I'm here."

Qin Ge nodded, put his hand on Helena's hand, used this force to balance himself as much as possible, and then stepped lightly on the water with his feet.

When the boots came into contact with the water, Qin Ge didn't even feel anything. I didn't feel any sinking, nor did I feel any sinking like walking on snow, it was just like walking on flat ground.

"Why do I feel like I'm stepping on flat ground?" Qin Ge looked at the water under his feet and said a little strangely. This was completely different from what he imagined.

"Of course, it's the same as stepping on flat ground. This design uses Rubik's Cube energy to form a repulsive position on the sole of the foot, so that the commander's weight and the repulsive force underneath reach a balanced state.

So whether you are stepping on the water or the ground, you can stand firmly. Helena of Ember approached and said.

"So that's what it looks like." Qin Ge nodded, "So now I'm like stepping on the water, but without any weight?"

"This is almost the principle. The commander is now in a state of balance with the water surface, so as long as you keep your body balanced, it will be exactly the same as standing on the ground." Helena explained, "Commander, give it a try, on the water surface Slide for a while, don’t go too fast, take your time and get used to the rhythm first.”

"Okay." Qin Ge took the control device, let go of Helena's hand, and pressed the yellow button on the control device.

He suddenly felt a push coming from behind him, causing his body to start moving forward along the water. And this forward speed is gradually accelerating, it does not mean that it reaches a speed of eight knots all of a sudden.

Moreover, this push was very gentle and did not make him lose his balance. As the water beneath his feet rippled gently, he slid forward as if paddling water.

This feeling is very strange, as if there are two pulleys on the feet, and you can move forward without having to move at all. And it's very simple to control the direction. Just lift your foot to turn and you can switch to a completely different direction.

So Qin Ge started gliding around the swimming pool. At the beginning, his speed was always on the first gear. Gradually, when he became familiar with it, he began to adjust to the second gear. However, there is no adjustment at high speed. After all, this is a swimming pool and the space is not large. If it is adjusted to the fourth gear, then at a high speed of 32 knots, there is a high probability that it will rush directly to the swimming pool.

Qin Ge didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of a few ship girls. Even though it was his first time, it was enough to be able to master the use of the water sliding device safely.

After gliding for a while and feeling that there was no problem, Qin Ge also pressed the red button and gradually stopped. I walked up to the swimming pool and found that there was only some water splashing on the surface of the boots. Apart from being a little wet, there was no water at all on the soles of my feet. This may be the repulsive stance Helena mentioned before.

"This set of equipment is really great, but I have a suggestion, can you adopt it?" Qin Ge looked at Helena and said.

"Commander, do you think there is anything wrong?" Helena asked quickly.

"It's like this. Now in the swimming pool, everything is normal, but the sea surface must have many different conditions than the swimming pool. For example, the wind and waves are relatively strong or there will be storms, etc. Wearing this water surface sliding device to move forward You can't hold an umbrella at times, and if you only wear a raincoat, your vision will be blurred, etc., so can you get a shield like the Glory?

What I mean is that it can block some wind, waves, and rain, so that even in extreme weather, I can communicate with you about command when encountering situations where the command ship cannot be used. "Qin Ge said to Helena.

"Haha, we have actually considered what the commander said, but that set of things is not on this sliding device." Ember Helena on the side said.

"Ah? It's not on this sliding device?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the name of that set of things is called a force field shield device. The main reason why it has to be made separately is because the magic cube energy on these boots is not enough to provide the shield defense energy we expected.

We all know the commander's character. It is really impossible for you to stay quietly in the port area. You will definitely fight side by side with us.

In the past, as long as we were far enough away from our main battlefield, we could maintain a safe state. However, I am afraid that we will face the Arbiter in future battles, so even maintaining a relatively far distance may cause some unforeseen things, so at this time The commander's personal safety is particularly important.

For this reason, when we were making the water surface sliding device, we launched another plan, which was the force field shield plan. Its main principle is to provide energy through the Rubik's Cube to generate a force field shield around the commander. Even in the event of an emergency, it can protect the commander from harm before the Rubik's Cube energy is exhausted. "Helena explained to Qin Ge.

"Ah? So why didn't you tell me before?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"The reason why I don't tell you is that I want to give you a surprise, Commander, right? Moreover, the position shield device is simple to say, but it is still difficult to implement. We can imitate the repulsion force of Strenkus in the repulsion force field. field, but the force field shield must be completely designed independently.

It is also because you just made such a request that we will tell you this. Moreover, the current research results of the force field shield device are very gratifying, and it will probably be ready in about a month or so. By then, even if the commander wants to join us in the battle, we will not do anything to stop him, because At least you have something to protect you. ” explained St. Louis.

"That's really great. With the force field shield device and the water gliding device, I'm afraid I can fight with you with just a few more weapons." Qin Ge said excitedly.

"Haha, commander, don't think about the weapon system. Even if we can make it, we won't do it for you. As a commander, you only need to command from behind us and fight side by side with us. As for For you to rush to the battlefield with weapons in hand, it is probably only possible when we are all killed and the world is about to be destroyed." Ember Helena looked at Qin Ge and said jokingly.

"Ahem... I'm just thinking about it. After all, big ships and cannons are romantic for men, and if they are controlled by themselves, they must be very exciting." Qin Ge said awkwardly.


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